Daniel Milton Ballard - Need Merge Assistance

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Сегодня в 5:09 после полудня

I'm a Ballard descendant and was working on a DNA match on Ancestry who has this Daniel Milton Ballard in his tree, so I came to Geni to search for him to see if / how we connect and found three profiles for this Daniel and muliptles for his wife and children as well. I don't usually attempt to merge duplciates that aren't in my direct line, but these 'appeared' easy. I got one of the three merged in, merged the wives and several children but I ended up with conflicting parents and no info in the profiles to help me sort whiich are correct.

So I Googled trying to find the correct parents for this Daniel Mtilon Ballard, because my DNA match doesnt' have any parents connected for him in their tree. Googling didn't help at all. The only link I found to him other than here on Geni was one Ancestry tree that lists his parents as Elijah Ballard and Sarah Tabitha Weldon:


So that doesn't match what's on Geni at all. I'm hoping the profile managers have more information, because it 'appears' that there are no actual documented parents for ths Daniel Milton Ballard, as far as anything I could find.

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

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