Help removing a mistaken parent

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Сегодня в 11:28 до полудня

This profile Pilar Cruz Zepeda has two mothers, with similar name but different persons.
I need to remove the wrong relationship, but not being a Pro user it does not allow me, and it is messing up my tree.

The incorrect one is "Paula Zepeda" (Paula Zepeda)

The CORRECT ONE is "Juana Paula Zepeda" (Juana Paula Zepeda)

Thanks in advance!

Сегодня в 11:37 до полудня

Ohh BTW, this implies removing Paula as wife of Juana Paula :)

Частный профиль
Сегодня в 11:45 до полудня

The way to do this is on a Windows computer (don't change the order of how you do this! because then you will fail in removing the partner relationship):
First remove the partner relationship between the two Paula's (on the Relationships tab when in edit mode).
Secondly go to tree view from Pilar's profile; click on the portrait of Pilar. On the left handside, click on the three dots/more; choose "move profile"; now drag the box in the top right on the correct mother (if she is not visible click on the "2" above Pilar and choose the correct mother).
This should do it. (I could have done this for you, but now you know how to do it yourself, also for the next time.)

(this may not work on a Tablet/mobile or Mac)
If you are not succesful, then drop a message here and I can do it for you.

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