NN 1 Kootsillas - Unverified

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The numbers in that box have not been verified and the family believes without names or birthdates, they are phantom people. The law requires states to report live births and deaths but until names and dates are associated with them in census documents, the number in there is unreliable because there is no evidence to validate the number.

It appears to be padded; lets not forget the reason for Census to be taken is to provide funds to jurisdictions based on populations. Until they are proven with any validation, they should be removed. There are no possible descendants from people whose names do not exist. This genealogist has conducted a 50 year census review and found no additional children of Thomas and Magdalen other than the 8 children listed in Family Search which reflect census data from 1900 to 1950. Be aware, that Mary is a nickname for Maria Kootsillas (Hill); her name in one Census with her children and spouse is spelt Marie. We must remember tht the 1910 census is unreliable for this coal miner family and this location because the older of the line did not appear to go to school. Even a handwriting analysis of the available documents like Intent to Naturalize and Draft applications look as if they were filled out by others, not by the immigrant or first American born applicants. Over the years their records got better but 1900 and 1910 showed more guesswork; in short the ages which should be ten years a part for each ten year Censuses are all over the road in the earliest Censuses of the 20th Century.

Until you have proof of that solitary 1910 box 13, Geni,remove them. The correct family is found on the Mormon's FamilySearch.org location where the Census's with names and ages are published. The 8 children can be traced in Illinois and Michigan.... the phantoms are nowhere to be found unless you know something that contradicts the full range of available person data so far revealed online through state and federal records.

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