Roger Carraway - Wife

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I haven't found any supportive documentation that Dorcas Isham was ever married to a Carraway husband by any name. Sources indicate she was married to Robert Foster and Bartholomew Hoskins:

Dorcas Mira Isham Foster Hoskins


Robert Foster
1585–1622 (m. 1604)

Bartholomew Hoskins
1599–1663 (m. 1628)

And from her profile notes:

On 3 Jul 1624, Mrs. Dorcas Foster (Isham) was married at St. Dunstan's Church, in Stepney, London, England to Bartholomew Hoskins of Jamestown, Virginia and London, England. Dorcas Foster was described as a widow with several small children. Bartholomew Hoskins, an ancient planter, was in Virginia by 1616. He undoubtedly made a number of trips from Virginia and England as he maintained a home in each location. On one of these trips back to England he married Mrs. Dorcas Foster.

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