Markus Pink - Markus Pink and his descendants

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First, the family name is "Pink" and not "Pick." In some records the writing is not entirely clear, but it is very clear in the Familiant record and in certain of the birth records. This note explains all the documentary evidence known at this point that bears directly on the history of Markus Pink and the first generation of his descendants.

(1) The Familiant record tells us that Markus Pink, the son of Jakob and Rosel, obtained permission to marry Rachel Herlinger in 1778, and that Markus died on 13 Oct 1823. There is no mention of any sons.

(2) The index of families at the back of registry volume HBMa 1749, compiled in 1787, lists the following persons in the Pink (formerly Löwy) household in house no. 10:

Markus Pink, formerly Markus Löwy
wife Rachel
son Isak
son Israel
daughter Sara
daughter Esther

All four of these children must have been born between 1778, the date of Markus's marriage permit, and 1787, the date when this record was compiled.

(3) The Radenín census record of 1793 lists the following persons in the household of Markus Pink:

Markus Pink
Weib Rachl
erster Ißaak, ledig
zweiter Ißrael, ledig
Tochter Sara
Tochter Sybilla

This record contains one new name, "Sybilla," and lacks one from the previous record, "Esther." The explanation of these details will appear under the next heading.

(4) HBMa 1749 contains records of the following children of Markus and Rachel Pink (named here just as they are named in the record):

(a) Birth of Estera, 9 May 1784
(b) Death of Ester, 3 May 1790
(c) Birth of Lasser Joachim, 31 Oct 1786
(d) Death of Joachim, 20 July 1806
(e) Birth of Samuel, 1 Mar 1790
(f) Death of Samuel, 31 Aug 1790
(g) Birth of Sibila, 28 Aug 1791
(h) Birth of Abraham, 16 Feb 1794

So Esther was born in 1784 (hence her absence from the list of 1787) and died in 1790 (hence her absence from the census of 1793); Sibila or Sybilla was born in 1791 (hence her absence in 1787 and her presence in 1793); and three male children, Joachim, Samuel, and Abraham, were born between 1786 and 1794, the first two of whom were dead by the end of 1806.

Neither of the two male children mentioned in the census, Israel and Isak, appears among the known birth and death records. However, it must be presumed that they died before 1823, when Markus Pink died without any male heirs and his Familiant license was transfered to Alexander Wurmfeld. The only children of Markus named in these records who are not known to have died childless are his daughters Sara (born before 1787) and Sibila (born in 1791).

(5) There are, however, indirect records (that is, records of birth of children and grandchildren) of a daughter of Markus variously called "Sophie," "Zelde," "Elisabeth," and "Zuzane," who married Markus Deutsch and who is known to have borne children from 1821 to 1832 (Sophie Deutsch). The variety of given names by which she is identified, together with the absence of all of those names from the records of Radenín, suggests that she is identical with Sara or Sibila. If so, she is more likely to be identical with Sibila, the younger of the two, given the known dates of birth of her children. But any such identification is purely conjectural at this time.

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