Dr. Asa Tyler - He can't be a doctor!

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вчера в 11:57 после полудня

I know the Tyler family from Job Tyler, lll down at least one generation is a mess! Duplicates & triplicates!

I want to get them annotated before I start to merge them.

However, Asa Tyler cannot be a doctor. From Bradford VR and Boxford VR, we know that Asa (1731) died before he was 12 because there is a second child named Asa - Asa Tyler - born in 1743. (Also, both the manager and curator are inactive on Asa 1731. I'm not sure what to do here.)

From "The Tyler genealogy; the descendants of Job Tyler, of Andover, Massachusetts, 1619-1700, page 138, (https://archive.org/details/cu31924092510894/page/n155/mode/2up) we know that Asa (1743) was not a doctor.

Finally found the Asa that was a doctor. According to the Tyler Genealogy..., page 283 (link - https://archive.org/details/cu31924092510894/page/n299/mode/2up) Asa Peabody Tyler was a doctor.

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