Sussie Rattling Foreman (Gourd) - Disconnecting this Sarah Gourd profile as wife of John Anthony Foreman, locking John’s relationships

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Sussie Rattling Foreman

It is thought that the wife of John Anthony Foreman was named Susie Teetarskeehee based on the statement from James Hicks that her father could have been named Teetarskeehee.

Further, Starr records that her husband, John Foreman, was also married to her niece, Elizabeth. Hicks' theorizes that both women were related to a man named "Teetarskeehee."

It is therefore possible, but still speculation, that Susie and this Sarah Teetarskeehee could be sisters, then Sarah’s daughter Elizabeth would be the niece who was second wife of John Anthony Foreman.

In any event, this profile has neither a discussion nor identified sourcing for its relationships, and try as I might, I find no source references for a man named John “Brown Bear” (Rattling)Gourd. Further, given the absence of sourcing I have no way to confirm whether Sarah’s purported son Thomas is the same person as Thomas the son of Susie, and with 212 attached descendant profiles a merge would be irresponsible of me.

Curator note to Erica: should we isolate this branch temporarily? The profile was added within the past 60 days so I presume we have an active user inadvertently creating duplicates based on who knows what?

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