I need your help cousins

Начал Matthew Ray Peck сегодня
Сегодня в 9:31 после полудня

David and R.P.
R.P.'s test is managed by: Richard Pratt
2nd – 3rd Cousin | Paternal side5% shared DNA: 325 cM across 20 segments
Hello cousin my name is Matthew Ray Peck My father is David Peck his mother was Bernice Maxwell She was adopted in Salt Lake City in 1912 I believe somebody in your family was my Grandmother's father Our DNA match is proving that. My dad was the only child His dad's brother had children but they don't match you Or any of your cousins .So the only way that we match are through my dad's mom's parents I was hoping you could help me out with this or had any information I believe I have found the mother as well
I believe they lived in the Lehi area of Utah could you please Reach out to your family and see if anybody has any idea about this thank you so much Sincerely your cousin

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