Alexander Herring, II - Conflicting Info in Locked FIelds

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This documentation on the Herring family


"John Alexander Herring, of Norfolkshire County, England, ran away from home
when a mere lad of 15, coming to New Jersey ahout 1670, where he married. Later he
moved to the Valley of Virginia, now Rockingham County, about 1736. One of his sons
was Alexander Herring. He qualified as lieutenant, July, 1756. He married Abigail
Harrison, a descendant of the James River Harrisons. This family are said to be
entitled to bear the same Arms, differing only in the crest, which is a boar's head
holding in its mouth four arrows. These Herrings were given their Arms, etc., for
saving the King's life while boar hunting. There were four brothers, and one of them
lost his life in the encounter (ref. Dr. Burke Chrisman). Alexander Herring had
issue: No. 1, John Herring; No. 2, Jesse Herring, killed in the Revolution; No. S,
Leonard Herring, who also fought In the Revolution, went West and had several
children; No. 4, William Herring, made lieutenant in 1778. and qualified as captain
October 24, 1780. He married Elizabeth Stephenson"

which indicates that Alexander I came from England as a boy, arrived in New Jersey, married and moved to Valley of Virginia, now Rockingham County, It goes on further down to state that Alexander II's son William moved to SC but as far as I can tell, it doesn't indicate that Alexander II or his father were ever in Delaware. Nor does it list the name of the wife of Alexander I / mother of Alexander II.

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