David, I wonder if perhaps there are two Floki's confused?
Floki-Hrafna went to Iceland in 868 with his wife and children (at least one being marriageable age) and this date is where the estimated DOB of 830 comes from.
Vilgerd's father Horda-Kåre Aslaksson, Herse i Hordaland current has a DOB of c870 and this gel's logically with the estimated c900 DOB of his alleged daughter Vilgerd Horda-Kåresdotter
As you say Vilgerd born 900AD cannot be the mother of Floki born 830AD.
Two points:
A) Horda-Kåre cannot be born 870, he is a powerful noble during early years of Harald Fairhair's regien (872-930) and 2 year olds are never described as powerful nobles! https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horda-K%C3%A5re says he was born in the 700s but that math doesn't work either!
So clearly both Horda's DOB and his children's are later than the should be.
B) There seems to be two very separate mentions of a person named Flóki Vilgerðarson in Landnamabok. Chapter 2 describes our famous adventurer, which is logical given he is almost the start of the history of Iceland, but the second mention is Chapter 65! This man is being described with a group of other random settlers and in my translation at least is named as "Flóki son of Vilgerðar Hörða-Káradóttir ..." https://www.snerpa.is/net/snorri/landnama.htm
I can't read the original text and haven't looked at Landnamabok in years but given two separate chapters and the obvious math issues I have disconnected Hrafna-Floki from Horda-Kare's descendants.
Chapter 2 only mentions one daughter Chapter 2
Flóki Vilgerðarson was a man's name; he was a great Viking; he went in search of Garðarshólm and sailed from there called Flókavarði; there Hörðaland and Rogaland meet. He first went to Shetland and lay there in Flókavogur; there his daughter Geirhildur got lost in Geirhildarvatn.
Who doesn't seem to be on Geni at all.
The current wife has a DOB c.880 and location Iceland, which would be fine for the later settler but makes no sense for Hrafna-Floki.
It is important to get a logic perpective on Floke¨s PArents age. Floke left Norway as documented in 868 and was ether 28 or 38 years old . With him was his wife gro and at least 5 chilldren. Their parenthood would last maybe abot 10-12 years before they left Norway.. I have done historic and genealogic research since 1974 and found lots of interesting details , wrong and speculated and some quite logic. I have as my wife Swedish father and Norwegian mother and also done a DNA-test in a US-lab. The lab wrote as I already knew, that I am 91,9% Scandinavian and 8.1% Finnish. The Finnish part depends on an ancestor ( JAcab )on my father side. He was born 1723 in Koski village 25 km west of Helsinki Finland. He was enrolled 1744 in the Swedish army that was located at the time nearby. He was placed in a killed soldiers hut in Tavelsjö village Västerbotten North Sweden. Jacob married a girl 1749 from the village , Catharina Hansdaughter.