Margaret Ann Knox (Dennis) - Number and birth dates of children

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Something is wrong here. It says in Margaret's obituary that she and Daniel, who were married in 1850, had nine children, but there are fourteen children attached to them on Geni, all born after 1850, which means that none of them could be from previous marriages. Margaret and Daniel were still married when she died, so no children were born in later marriages either. Ergo, there are five children too many listed on Geni.

Since some of the children have similar names, there might be instances of the same child having more than one profile. However, when I look at the 1860 and 1870 censuses and compare with some of the possibly "matching" children's gravestones (as well as birth years entered by other users), the birth years don't match. And believe it or not, I've even come across sources that seem to indicate that there was one more child: Celestia. You'd think that Celesia, Celestia and Selester were all the same girl, BUT Celesia's gravestone says that she was born in 1860, the census from June 16 1860 says that Selester was 10 years at the time, and the census from June 26 1870 lists Celestia as being 19. If a girl had turned 10 by June 16th, she would have turned 20 by June 26th ten years later. Ergo, three different birth years. And there are discrepancies for several of the other children as well.

Also, several children attached in here are not on the censuses when they should've been.

It's all strange and confusing, and I think I'll have to give up, however much I wanted to get it all sorted out. :/

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