Chief Chaquelataque Doublehead is your third cousin 7 times removed's wife's grandfather.
→ Geneive Melba Hicks (Emerson)
your mother → John Mac Emerson
her father → Elma Emerson (Swaim)
his mother → James William Swaim
her father → Sarah Marelda Swaim (Baucom)
his mother → Mary "Polly" Baucom (Wilson)
her mother → Mary Wilson (Allen)
her mother → Sarah Allen (McDowell)
her mother → Lieutenant James McDowell, of Derry Township
her father → John McDowell, I
his father → Sarah McCue (McDowell)
his sister → Francis McCune (McCue)
her son → James McCune
his son → John McCown
his son → Elizabeth Sarah McCown (Riley)
his wife → Ni-go-di-ge-yu Sti Yu Riley (Doublehead)
her mother → Chief Chaquelataque Doublehead
her father
McDowell is DNA confirmed for me with the ethnicity of Sarah Allen showing to have Native American ancestry per Admixture