Eunice Phelps, Eunice Owens, both, neither?
Benjamin Moore was born on December 5, 1693 and died on January 19,.1745 or 46 in Camp Briton. He married Eunice Owen of which no official record of the marriage has been found. It was stated in the Moore book that Rueben Moore, the grandson of Benjamin, left a record in his account book, dated March 3, 1784, in which he stated: "Noadiah Moore was b. in Simsbury, Conn., Nov 5, 1730. Noadiah was the son of Benjamin by Eunice Owen, his wife." The book states that the descendants of Noadiah had preserved this record in Champlain.
Benjamin's wife, Eunice Owen, was born in Windsor, Connecticut, on August 8, 1696, and she was the daughter of Obadiah and Christian (Whinchell) Owen who were married September 21, 1693.
Supporting evidence for this?
Simeon Moore was born January 6, 1732 to Benjamin and Eunice Owens Moore in Simsbury, Hartford, Connecticut. He was the youngest of nine children. His mother died shortly after he was born and his father remarried to Eunice Phelps. When Simeon was only 13, in 1745, his father died at the Battle of Louisburg on Cape Breton Island in Nova Scotia.