Hi! Here are the birth / death record for Marton Czukor - Father Farkas Czukor, mother Eszter Spitz. 1844 ( registered late in 1898) Birth Registration - https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:6NV1-696M
1898 - death registration- https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:6NV1-NZR9
notes state that the fathers name was noted incorrectly and it's not "abraham" but "farkas" - I've been trying to find related records on Arcanum and Hungaricana,possible death notice, news articles, to an avail. what is telling is the person making the late birth notification is Hartstein Ignacz, who is Emma Hartstein's father. I'll keep looking around, apologies for the confusion!
I moved some things around now to try to make sense of it all, assuming there is just one Marton Czukor and he is the son of Farkas, and had both wives. Some of the children needed to be moved to the earlier wife for it to make sense.
One issue is that a different birth place is given for Marton on the birth record for Mariska Czukor