Zelig Hirsch Kalmanovich - Photo

Started by Private User on today
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  • Private User
    Geni Pro

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Private User
Today at 1:38 PM

I can see that Photo https://www.geni.com/photo/view?album_type=photos_of_me&id=6000...
comes from Find-a-Grave for this person.
BUT - it comes from Yad Vashem for my first cousin twice removed who is a different person.
It says at FindaGrave it was added by Bernadette - and I see here https://www.findagrave.com/user/profile/47154874 it says she is not accepting messages, so I have no idea how to take care of it on FindaGrave.

This is it and him at Yad Vashem:
The link to additional files there currently is
And of the 3 there, the Page of Testimony is https://yvng.yadvashem.org/nameDetails.html?language=en&itemId=...
Clearly a different person - different place of birth, different place of death, different spouse.
Also, he and his relatives seem to have always been Chlamno... Or Klamno.. Or etc -- NOT Chalmano.. Or Kalmano..

Can we please remove this photo from this profile on Geni?

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