Technical Emmy Award recipients; and Camera, Sound and other TV Stage Crew & Producers

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Сегодня в 7:42 после полудня

I find that there are several pages and discussions on Geni regarding actors who were famous or won awards of some form or another for their craft. But I can not find any pages or discussions for those who worked behind the scenes, like the audio and video crew, or directors who won technical Emmy's for their craft.

My father, Rodney Donald McKay (Rodney Donald McKay), worked in Television for many years and even won a Technical Emmy from the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences 1976-76 for "Outstanding Achievement in Tape Sound Mixing" for The Tonight Show - starring Johnny Carson, Anniversary Special at NBC Studios.
My dad was also a member of the crew that filmed the promo video for Michael Jackson's "Can't Stop Till You Get Enough" from the "Off The Wall" album.

Before the days of MTV these videos were used in the industry as promo videos to promote the album to Radio Stations, and this eventually expanded to more elaborate videos once MTV became a phenomenon, making music videos another art form complementing the music, as well as tool for promoting record sales.

It would be nice to be able to have a place on Geni where people who worked behind the scenes in Television, or who created the music videos for artists... whether they won awards or not, can be recognized for their work and achievements. After all, we would not have all the music and movie stars if we did not have the crew of people behind the scenes who worked so hard to make the stars look and sound great.

Could the curators please create such a page or Portal?

Lorinne McKay

Сегодня в 7:53 после полудня

What should the page be called? Is there an copyright right free image? Is there a Wikipedia page to reference?

Сегодня в 8:20 после полудня

I do not know the answers to those questions, but I do have in my possession my dad's Technical Emmy award, a photo of which can be found on his page under Photos, if you click the link to it in my first message. There is also pictured there a photo of his Ten Year Award which he received for 10 years of service working at NBC.

Сегодня в 10:26 после полудня

I love the idea of this project, it’s just a matter of developing it in a succinct and easy to understand way.

Link to the Emmy Award database:

Link to “television crew”

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