Martha Anne Jones (Freeman) - Husbands and Sons

Started by Debbie Gambrell on today
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Today at 12:49 PM

I'm trying to get the connections for my Jones ancestors correct and this section is confusing.

This Martha is connected to husbands both named Thomas Jones. The don't appear to be the same man and in need of merging because this one:

Thomas J Jones

shows an estimated date of birth before 1958 and this Martha is shown as born 1958

And yet, this Thomas she's also supposedly married to:

Thomas Jones

shows an estimated date of birth between 1682 and 1742

So unless someone got the dates way wrong on Martha, the Thomas Jones born between 1682-1742 can't be her husband

In fact, on Ancestry, the Thomas Jones who is the father of this son Thomas:

Thomas Jones

shows Martha Bonner (1725–) as the correct wife and mother, which makes a whole lot more sense.

Still, I don't know if those connections are correct because they aren't sourced / documented either.

However, it seems clear that this son Thomas:

Thomas J Jones

whose date of birth is estimated before 1958 would be the correct son for this Martha Freeman her husband who was born before 1958.

Working with the dates to rule out connections, I'm disconnecting the husband and son Thomas connected to this Martha who were born March 1747 from this family. They may be somehow related but they're not even from the same century.

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