Martin Luther Elias Knight - Wrong parents

Started by William H Doughty YR8160890 on today
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Today at 1:20 AM

Nancy L Carter parents were NOT Matin Luther Elias Knight.

Erica Howton how can I change BOTH of her parents? Her DC definitely shows Frank Knight and Nancy Kilgore as her parents. Now, as I know it, Frank is the son of Martin Luther Elias Knight.... and Didame...

Today at 2:23 AM

Add profile for Frank Knight as her brother and then Nancy Kilgore as Frank’s wife. Then you should be able to move her down as their child through the relationship tab, drop down menu .

Today at 4:31 AM


Today at 4:43 AM

Got the profile made... can you help by merging the two Martin Luther Elias Knights? I no longer have PRo

Today at 11:50 AM

William H Doughty YR8160890 - looks all correct to me. Good show.

Today at 11:51 AM

Erica Howton.. thank you....

Today at 11:52 AM

Erica HowtonAppreciate your help..

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