Michael Smith - Roots in England

Started by Michael Smith on today
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I have been trying to solve a family mystery about the origins in England of my 9th great grandfather, Nehemiah Smith.We know he arrived in Plymouth from England in 1637 or 1638. He had a brother John, who had land confiscated during the English Civil War who came over in the late 1640s. They had an eldest brother (name unknown) whose son, Edward, came to live with John in 1651. He arrived "quite well dressed". Lots of people have his parents listed in their family trees, but none are documented. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I would like add that we know much about Nehemiah's life as he was one of the original founders of Norwich, Connecticut. I have been searching for a few years, but even the Great Migration Project list his origin as "unknown." We have had a search done in England and been told that as a non-conformist (with the most common last name) there may be no records to find. But with his many children their descendants (all can be found in the published book by H Allen Smith, "A Geneological History of The Descendants of the Rev Nehemiah Smith of New London County Conn. 1638-1888) I am hopeful that someone has a story passed down.

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