Brother given up for adoption

Начала Anita Bush сегодня

Last year (2023) at the age of 57 I found out that my mother had given up a son for adoption 5 years before I was born. My older half-sister found out about the adoption just before my mother died back in 1987. My mother gave my sister all the info she had on the child, which wasn't much. As I said, I just found out about all of this last year. Why my sister never brought it up in the last 37 years is a mystery to me, but she's my big sis and I love her. So, this is the info I have:
Child's Name: Frank Lewis Whitehead
Child's D.O.B.: August 19, 1960
Child Born at: Harbor General Hospital in Torrance, California
Mother's Name: Jean F. (Smith) Whitehead
Father's Name: James Meyers

Since I found out about all of this, I think about my adopted brother a lot. Did he get good parents? Did he grow up taken care of and happy? Do we look alike? There are so many variables in this situation! Maybe he wants to know about our family.... maybe he doesn't..... Maybe he doesn't know he was adopted... maybe he has already passed away...maybe I will never find him... maybe I will never meet him... maybe I will someday.
People, I dont even know how to even start looking for him. Any tips would be deeply appreciated. Thank you
Anita Bush

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