Thomas Robertson, Baillie of Edinburgh - Greyfriars epitaph

Started by Julia Victoria Bauer on Tuesday, April 2, 2024
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The epitaph translation reads; Sacred to eternal memory. Here is interred Thomas Robertson, bailie of Edinburgh, and most just in that office. A man very dear to God, who, by his virtue, greatly illustrated the most famous name of Robison; being notable for his piety towards God, loyalty towards his prince, love to his country, and civility towards all persons. He was inferior to none in prudence, integrity, and dexterity in management of business; he was the hope and life of the poor, the support of tradesmen, the adorner, if not the builder, of the city, the delight of the citizens, and the desire of the whole nation. To him, as the best of husbands and most loving of parents, his most mournful wife and his children, his heirs, erected this monument. He died the 21st day of September, the year of our Lord 1686, of his age the 63<rd> year. Virtue survives the grave.
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