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Упомянутые профили:

Leo Ouellette
This is my uncle Leo
Recently I am told that Dan (Dan Marchand) did a merge into this profile which brought 3 profiles of children of Leo into the tree. These are private and are duplicate of existing profiles. If these were done by Dan can you delete these profiles or at least make them public so I may merge these with the proper profiles.

Dan Marchand has been brought up many times a few times with Mike Stangel. As Dan has for a while deleted his last name and removed any possibility to send him a message thru his profile or anytime he is a manager of a profile. He has also deleted his private email that I had and I also have sent emails to his wife at least 4 times over the last few months and did not get any response from her or Dan. This morning I had to merge a couple of profiles that he merged and did not clean up. I believe all he does is import profiles from other sites and created new profiles. I've seen many times when cleaning up that both profiles were created at the same time. This has been going on for years.

I hope that Management of Geni.com can do something to get Dan to either do all the work or keep him off my family tree.

Raymond Parent

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