This is a long shot but, I am looking for my two aunts Anna and Maria or "Masha":
Anna Kuusiniemi, born around 1962, is the daughter of Reijo and Kiira Kuusiniemi. Her grandparents are Yrjo and Maija Kuusiniemi. Anna has a sister named Maria, or "Masha," who was 33 in 1992 and lives in Oulu, Finland. She was married to a man named Roman, who was a geography teacher and a graduate of the pedagogical institute in Petrozavodsk. They had a son named Dima, who was 3 years old in 1992. Anna is a graduate of the English Department. She lived in an apartment in Petrozavodsk, Besovetskaya Street. I do not know Romans's last name but Anna should be 62 this year.