Will of Jarrett Brickey died Oct 1790, Bedford Co., Viginia

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Will Written: Oct 7 1790
Will Recorded: Oct 25th 1790
Executors Appointed: April 25 1791

Last Will and Testament signed dated October 7, 1790, recorded at Bedford County, Va. It names his children. Admitted for probate and recorded on Oct 25, 1790.
Inventory of the estate July 25, 1791.

In the name of God Amen. I JARRET Brickey of Bedford county being sick
and weak of body but in perfect senses and memory of mind do make ordain
constitute and appoint this my last will and testamentin manner and form
as following (viz) first I give my soul to Almighty God trusting in the
master of Jesus Christe for life and justification, secondly I give my
body to the earth from whence it was taken to be buried in a decent
manner without pomp or vanity according to the descretion of my executors
whom I shall hereafter denominate and appoint and as to my worldly
estatewith which it has please God to bless me with I give and dispose of
as followeth:
Item, I lend and bequeath to my loving wife, ELIZABETH
during life the land and plantation whereon I now live with all my
household furniture and stock or everything and after her death to be
equally divided amongst her fore children (viz) PATEY, CHRISTOPHER, NANCY
and MILLY.
Item, I give to my son JOHN five shillings. Item, I give to
my son PETER the tract of land and plantation whereon he now lives to him
and his heirs forever
.Item, I give to my daughter MOLLY SLINKER five shillings.
Item, I give to my dater WINNEY THOMPSON five shillings.
Item, I give to my dater TEMPERANCE THOMPSON five hundred weight of
tobacco to be paid out of the last pressant in a bond I have on William
Thompson for six thousand weight of tobacco.
Item, I give to my son JARRAT one thousand weight of tobacco out of last payment of the above mentioned bond and the remainder of the above mentioned bond for tobacco to be applyed to the payment of my just debts and if there be any left to
be applyed to the benefit of my loving wife and children
after the death of my loving wife my will and desire is the the will that I have in
possession at this time, be given to my son Christopher when he come of
the age of twenty one years
and lastly I do niminate and appoint my loving friends Thomas Pate and Daniel James and Matthew Pate whole and sole executors of this my last will and testament.
In wittness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal.
This seventh day of October in the year of our Lord 1790.
Signed and acknowledged in the presence of
George Rusher, Anney Rusher, Frederick Slinker (all made their marks)

Jarret Brickey SIGNATURE and SEAL


At a court held for Bedford county the 27th day of October 1790.
This last Will and Testament of Jarret Brickey dec (?) was (?) by the oath of George Rusher, Anna Rusher, and Frederick Slinker witnesses whose names are there unto subscribed and ordered to be recorded--

And at a court held for said county the 25th day of April 1791 on a motion of Thomas Pate and Matthew Pate two of the executors therein named who made oath thereto. Certification is grandted them for obtaining probate in due form giving security, whereupon they together with Tommy Wright and John Board (?) their securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of four hundred pounds conditions for the said executors-----and faithful administration of said decedants estate performance of his will. Liberty being reserved the other executor named in said will to join in the probate when he shall think fit.
Ja Steptoe (Stephen?)
(This is a type written doc. and some parts must have been unreadable.....)

There is a Deed in Deed Book 15 1816-1819 p. 490(Bedford County, Va.)
Dated Dec 28 1818
"Samuel James, Atty for William Rusher and Elizabeth his wife-late
Elizabeth Brickey, widow of Jarret Brickey, George Bruner & Patty his wife, late Patty Brickey, Christopher Brickey, Nancy Brickey, John Barber and Milly his wife, late Milly Brickey, heirs and devises of Jarret Brickey deceased all of Breckinridge County, Ky. to Jonathan Jones of Bedford County, Va. f50-159 ac on Stanton River granted by commonwealth to John Phillip Weaver by patent dated 18 Jul. 1784
and by ___conveyance to Jarret Brickey by deed-boundaries Sinking Spring, James Campbells old line...Simmons line..."

i added this will in the information (about me section) for you. thanks so much for the information. ( you have any pictures of headstones you want to add and are having trouble let me know. ^U^

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