Thanks Noah.
To anyone with an interest in this tree:
The reason I requested the removal of parentage links to John Alden is due to the multiplicity of theories and utter lack of evidence to support any of the theories.
From the About Me box on John Alden's profile here:
"PLEASE NOTE: Efforts to locate his birthplace and parentage have so far been inconclusive. Although he joined the Mayflower at Southampton, co. Hampshire, England, no records have been found of John in Southampton, and he was not necessarily a native of that place. HIS PARENTS ARE UNKNOWN.
FOR A DETAILED BIOGRAPHY, PLEASE VISIT http://www.alden.org/our_family/aldenbiography.htm "
For the purposes of keeping my sanity... and keeping a clean tree... I am systematically removing all parentage links to John Alden as the profiles get merged.
This is also done to keep people from complaining about us supporting one theory over another.
The opinion of the legitimate sources of Alden genealogy... is that these theories are without merit (a polite way of calling bullshit).
Jason P Herbert