
Started by Brian Corey Falls on Sunday, December 19, 2010
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12/19/2010 at 12:28 AM

John was disowned for abandoning his education (for religious spiritual gain) and lost his inheritance but his older Brother Daniel on his deathbed at 22 left John 60 pounds to come to the new world, he then died at 24. John boarded Capt. Thomas Lake's ship and arrived in Boston where he met lady Deborah Moody and Thomas Spicer, who did not agree with the way Boston was being run. (The new boss was the same as the old boss) They all moved to Spicer lands in Newport Rhode Island with the Arnold Family. Eventually, (because of giving a safe haven for Quakers that were being prosecuted in Boston) Lady Deborah Moody petitioned the Dutch Government for lands in Gravesend. Lady Deborah Moody was the first female Governor in History. Our family was later on, the first to abolish slavery, founders of the New Amsterdam reform church (anabaptists) and after 1776 in Canada we were the first for women's rights to define what rape is. John Lake was a respected elder in the community of Gravesend.

12/19/2010 at 12:41 AM

They say John Lake was not related because he was poor. Well, I bet anything that after boarding Capt. Thomas' ship, he still had the 60 pounds in his pocket after arriving. I also have letters of Lady Deborah from Gravesend sending condolences to Margaret Reade on the death of her husband John. How would lady Deborah Moody and Margaret Reade be so close if not because of John of Gravesend and if he was an imposter, I think he would have been found out in a community of originally around forty people. All this misinfo you will come across is because of our status of High Royalty and the evil players of the current Royals and their ancestors. They will continue to deny what the Queen herself calls the Lost Lake Line. Queen Elizabeth the first is quoted as saying if the real King showed up, she would step down. Queen Elizabeth II does not share the same sentiment.

12/19/2010 at 8:49 AM

We may be cousins of some sort since Hannah Lake is my ancestor. Here's a genealogy of the Lake family out on the Internet, although I imagine you know more.

I saw you joined the John Gallup Project. Is John Lake Hannah Lake's father? Can you make sure that the family tree above Hannah is correct?

12/19/2010 at 8:53 AM

Hannah Gallup (Hannah Lake, daughter of John Lake and Margaret Reade) is my 7th great grandmother.

Private User
12/19/2010 at 10:41 AM

Corey, if you have those documents digitized, it would be great to add them to the profiles.

9/29/2011 at 12:47 PM

My John Lake is Hannah's brother that is correct but I differ on the descent of Ann Wardell, there seems to be some confusion between 2 different John Lakes and Richard Lakes, because if we are descent of Wardell then we are entitled to the current Baronacy not the Thomas Lake branch as John was older than Thomas.
Jeff, I was planning to upload everything but since the new changes with Geni I have abandoned this project and have not been here since then. I have lost interest and only came here now because I was talking about Lady Deborah Moody and noticed I had her down (on Google search) as Governor and she was a Land Patentee not Governor.

9/29/2011 at 12:49 PM

Shame on Geni.

Private User
10/1/2011 at 9:06 PM

I'm sorry to see you go, Corey. You add a lot of knowledge and experience. I hope maybe you'll consider returning at some point.

10/1/2011 at 9:37 PM

It will take a miracle to be able to get all my info back, most of my links on the web have mysteriously disappeared one way or another as well. I started out great putting the collage together with actual books written throughout time and all proofs needed and then some, records from court dockets throughout the ages of my family etc, but my History exposes the other side of known historical doctrine. The truth is coming out now via social media. I need to find a way to strengthen the Canadian Charter of rights and freedoms and to try and spread it to a global scale. Right now it is treated like and even plays the role of, a piddly little old man sitting in an office all alone and weak. God is the highest power, we answer to God and a leader that does not is not our leader. This is political as well, I have been involved since 1996 and they play a sneaky game to submit the opposition. The case for right to sleep anytime on Crown land under the Charter is a right, which is being wrongfully used as a bi-law under a stipulation in the charter is currently be waged for a couple of yrs now and we are close to a decision at the highest court. We used to have tent cities in my home town when it 1st started up in 1867 and all those people got homes and land and their descendants are still part of that town today, so it does work, people do not want to live in a tent forever. But now the only place to go when hitting rock bottom is jail. Good will prevail, so I may be back stronger than ever. Beware the freemasons, they are infiltrators, they are everywhere, yes, including the religious institutes, pharma, school boards, corporate, political, Hollywood, many famous people (if not all), Royalty, Leaders, even in here as well as burkes or, new movements/candidates, everywhere, they infiltrate even if you try something new, they will try.

10/1/2011 at 9:43 PM

The spirit of NY/New Amsterdam will prevail. For it is the Holy Spirit.

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2/15/2014 at 8:26 PM

If you happen by here again, I hope you see this, Corey. I have the Lake line in my tree, too. In reference to John and Richard, you must draw out a few more tree branches to see that there are 2 Richards (relevant) to 20 Johns (relevancy). Richard Lake c.1539 and Anne Wardell were parents to John Lake Sr c. 1565, who married Elizabeth Sandell. Richard Lake c.1539 had a brother named John, too. John Lake Sr 1565, had a son named Richard, too. It is interesting to note that most of the Johns and Richards survived to begin their own numbered line. John I, II, III, IV and so on. More importantly, I want to say that the people you talk about are very dangerous. It was better to let people believe my 9th gr grandfather was a hooligan or malcontent than to correct the public. His removal from England was done to save his life and continue the family lineage. Today, maybe not as dangerous, but carefully concealing the truth. Another Elizabeth Lake was born about 1794 in South Carolina. Several hundred years later, and the family found it necessary to hide her and her brother. She married Robert Coker and walked away from her family (as she was told to do), history repeating itself.

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