Abraham Wiener - Zbaszyn.jpg

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uploaded by Judith Nathan Elam on 8/9/2013


    Judith Nathan Elam August 9, 2013 at 1:34 PM

    List of Jews expelled to Zbąszyń.
    1. No. 4107 2. Name and surname (maiden name in the case of married women) - Wiener Abracham 3. Parents’ names Abraham & Mariem geb Wiener 4. Date, place and country of birth -Toporów 1905 5. Denomination - Mojżeszowe (religion of Moses) 6. Marital status (bachelor, married, widower, divorced, unmarried woman, married, widow, divorced) - żonaty (married) 7. Full current address - Senatorska 31!!! 8. Military status (military rank or category) - NIE (no) 9. Occupation
    I. a) trader, retail – wholesale, travelling merchant b) merchant trade II. industrialist – branch III. craftsman – type of craft a) independent b) not independent IV. Free professions (doctor of medicine, lawyer, scientist etc.) V. White-collar VI. No profession - podróżujący (traveling)
    10. Command of Polish, oral and written - NIE (no) 11. Place of issue and the authority issuing the passport, date of issue, No. of regional Consulate, Passport series and no. 12. Passport valid until: 16.11.38 13. Place of stay abroad prior to expulsion (full address) Muenchen Ickstattstr 11 14. The last place of stay or residence in Poland, including the district a) date of leaving Poland, b) date of expulsion from Germany - Lwów, był tam w 1938 (Lwów, he was there in 1938) 15. Name, date and registration no. of the authority that established the nationality (on the basis of the passport) - ???? 16. The value of movable and immovable property abroad - 4000 ??? 17. The value of movable and immovable property in Poland - NIE (no) 18. What is your present source of support (Committee’s aid, own funds, financial support from relatives) - komitet (committee) 19. Have you got relatives in Poland that can support you, name and surname and address of such relatives - babcia (grandmother) 20. Where, if you are released from Zbąszyń, do you intend to go, give full address - Lwów 21. Have you got family in Germany, wife, husband, children or sibling with whom you had co-ownership? - żona ???i ojciec (wife and husbend) 22. Names, surnames, age and addresses of people listed on p. 20 - Chana Roza Lwów 23. What do you intend to do, what are your plans for the near future to support yourself - Ameryka

c. 1939

Zbąszyń, Nowy Tomyśl County, Greater Poland Voivodeship, Poland


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