Шеибан Борджигин

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Шеибан Борджигин

английский (по умолчанию): 5) Shayban Borjigin dynasty
Псевдоним: "Siban / Sheiban Chingizid"
Дата рождения:
Место рождения: Mongolia
Смерть: ±1266
Ближайшие родственники:

Сын Jochi, Khan of the Ulus of Jochi и Сорьгхан / Соркаду из роды Конкират
Муж multiple wives and concubines Chingiz
Отец Баинала Борджигина; Бахадура Борджигина; Кадака Борджигина; Балакана Борджигина; Черика Борджигина и ещё 7
Брат Тангкута / Тангада Борджигина; Бувала / Баула / Тевала Хана Борджигина; Джилаукуна Борджигина; Удура Борджигина; daughter Чингиз и ещё 1
Неполнородный брат Туки-Тимура Джучи; Khan of Golden Horde Batu Khan; Bo'al ( Teval ? ); Орды-Эджена Жошы Ұлы; Беркечара Борджигина и ещё 9

Менеджер: Douglas John Nimmo
Последнее обновление:

About 5) Shayban Borjigin dynasty


Fifth son of Jochi. Shayban had 12 sons of multiple wives and concubines. His descendants are known as the Uzbek (ref. P. 219 The last great Muslim empires - Central Asia - the last centuries of Independance by Bertold Spuler. )

Shiban (Sheiban) or Shayban was one of the Left Wing princes. He was Jöchi's fifth son and a grandson of Genghis Khan. Because he had not reached his majority when his father died in 1227, he did not receive any lands at that time.

Shiban participated the Mongol invasion of Europe and made decisive attack on the army of Béla IV at the Battle of Mohi in 1241.

Abulghazi says that after this campaign, Batu gave Shiban, lands east of the Ural Mountains on the lower parts of the Syr Darya, Chu, and Sari Suers as winter quarters and the lands of the Ural River flowing off the east side of the Urals, north and east of the Volga, as summer quarters. Shiban was also given 15,000 families as a gift from his brother Orda, as well as the four Uruks of the Kuchis, the Naimans, the Karluks, and the Buiruks, while he assigned him as a camping ground all the country lying between that of his brother Orda Ichin and his own.Thus Shiban's lands were somewhat between Batu's and Orda's, and in the northern part of the White Horde's territory.

Although, it is unknown how long he lived, his descendants continued to rule long after the breakup of the Ulus of Jochi (Golden Horde). It is merely said that he left twelve sons, namely, Bainal or Yasal, Behadur, Kadak, Balagha, Cherik or Jerik, Mergen or Surkhan, Kurtugha or Kultuka, Ayachi or Abaji, Sailghan or Sasiltan, Beyanjar or Bayakachar, Majar, and Kunchi or Kuwinji.[2][3] Shiban's descendants are known as the Shaybanids; his male line continues down to the present time.

One of Shiban's sons, Balagha Bey (Prince Balagha) assisted Hulagu Khan in taking Baghdad in 1258.[4] However, he died in unknown circumstances.

According to William of Rubruck, he killed his cousin Güyük Khan in a violent brawl.


Khans of the Grey Horde (Shaibanid Empire) AD 1500 - 1534

The Shaibanids were Özbegs (Uzbeks), a Turkic tribal people whose Mongol leaders were descended from Shiban, son of Jochi Khan of the Golden Horde. By the fifteenth century, they lived in the region of Turkestan, which covered eastern Scythia, Transoxiana, and Greater Khorasan. Today the heartland of this region is formed by Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.

In 1450, the Shaibanid (or Shaybanid) Uzbegs came to prominence when Mohammed Shaibani, grandson of their then-current leader, aided the Timurid prince, Abu Sa'id, to capture Samarkand and the Timurid crown. Following the further fracturing of Timurid territories in 1469, the Shaibanids became more and more of a threat. Just half a century after aiding the Timurids, Mohammed Shaibani overthrew the last of them, taking Samarkand in 1501 and Farghana in 1505. Another branch of the clan captured Transoxianan Khwarazm in 1511. The latter region included a small Timurid principality, and its heir, Babur, was forced to move to Kabul and then India, where he founded the Moghul empire.

Shiban (Sheiban)(Xiban) or Shayban was one of the Left Wing princes. Founder of the Shaibanids- He was Jöchi's fifth son and a grandson of Genghis Khan. Because he had not reached his majority when his father died in 1227, he did not receive any lands at that time.

Shiban is too young when his father dies to gain any territories himself, despite being one of Jochi's sub-commanders of the subsidiary White Horde. Instead, his descendants, the Shaibanids (the Grey Horde), carve out their own territory in the fifteenth century in Turkestan when they conquer Transoxiana and Khorasan. Batu's other brother, Orda, commands the White Horde.