Alexandrine Viktoria Buol-Schauenstein, Gr

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Alexandrine Viktoria Buol-Schauenstein, Gr

Birthplace: Mannheim, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Death: February 01, 1901 (63)
Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Karl Ferdinand Graf von Buol-Schauenstein and Caroline Prinzessin zu Isenburg und Büdingen in Birstein
Wife of Count Kálmán Hunyady de Kéthely
Mother of Károly Hunyady de Kéthely, Gr and Gräfin Júlia Hunyady de Kéthely
Sister of Josephine Caroline Alexandrine Marie Gräfin von Buol-Schauenstein

Managed by: Dr. Bakay Mária (C)
Last Updated:

About Alexandrine Viktoria Buol-Schauenstein, Gr

Heirat 1862

Porträt Wiener Salonblatt 1881

Palastdame der Kaiserin

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Alexandrine Viktoria Buol-Schauenstein, Gr's Timeline

February 21, 1837
Mannheim, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
December 17, 1864
Verona, Provincia di Verona, Veneto, Italy
December 22, 1867
Enzersdorf an der Fischa, Bruck an der Leitha District, Lower Austria, Austria
February 1, 1901
Age 63
Vienna, Vienna, Austria