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Amy Cook (Frazee)

Дата рождения:
Место рождения: New Jersey, United States (США)
Смерть: 20 августа 1882 (79)
Haddonfield, Camden County, New Jersey, United States (США)
Место погребения: Colestown, Camden County, New Jersey, United States of America
Ближайшие родственники:

Дочь Stephen Frazee и Amy Gifford
Жена Joseph Cook
Мать James Cook; Mary Ann Ward; Sarah Ann "Sally" Cook; Esther Osmond; Caroline Cook и ещё 8
Сестра Stephen Frazee и John Frazee, I
Неполнородная сестра Annaniah Gifford; Joshua Gifford, II; Mary Gifford; Sarah Wilbert и Amos A. Gifford

Менеджер: John Harrold Redding
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Ближайшие родственники

About Amy Cook

This is a list of the descendants of grand daughter of the original Stephen. Cook. to Toms River, Amywas much opposed to the liquor traffic. His father kept a “jug tavern” just south of the ManasquanRiver. Number 111 1, She married about 1820, AmyFrazee, a greata Joseph on the stage route from Red Bank Tradition says that They moved to South Jersey where Amykept a stall in the Philadelphia Produce Market for manyyears. It seems that Amyand Joseph stuck nearer to home than the rest of the Frazees. There are many descendants of this information was furnished by who is a great grand daughter of Amy to her. 111 1 AmyFrazee m. 11 18 1820 Joseph Cook of Squan Bridge, New Jersey now Allenwood. NewJersey 1 James 1821 1 12 1891 2 Mary Ann 11 10 1823 4 12 1909 a Sally Ann 1826 9 16 1904 3 Esther l 27 1827 l 28 1898 b Caroline X Died in infancy 4 Caroline 5 1830 1 1908 5 Joseph 1832 6 Amy 2 23 1834 1921 c John 1836 1893 7 George Washington 2 22 1838 3 17 1938 8 Susanna 9 5 1843 l 19 1912 d Emily 4 21 1845 4 20 1889 9 Priscilla 1847

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Хронология Amy Cook

18 декабря 1802
New Jersey, United States (США)
10 ноября 1823
27 мая 1826
New Jersey, United States (США)
27 января 1827
16 мая 1830
23 февраля 1834