Antipas I, Governor of Idumaea

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Antipas, Governor of Idumaea

Hebrew: אנטיפס/אנטיפטרוס, Governor of Idumaea
Also Known As: "אנטיפטרוס"
Birthplace: Kingdom of Edom, now Kingdon of Jordan
Immediate Family:

Son of Herodes
Father of Antipater II 'the Idumaean', Procurator of Judaea; Phallion, of Idumaea and Josephus of Judea (uncle of Herod the Great)

Occupation: Governor of Idumaea, Stratège d'Idumée
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Antipas I, Governor of Idumaea

He was not the son of Jason Maccabee or grandson of Elazar Maccabeus. Sir Anthony Richard Wagner, Pedigree and Progress: Essays in the Genealogical Interpretation of History (1975) lists Antipater I's father as Herodes b c148 BCE.

"Antipas, a convert to Judaism, who was governor of Idumæa under the reigns of Alexander Jannæus and his queen dowager Alexandra, and rendered himself serviceable to the Jewish rulers, through his connections with his former congeners, of Arabia Petræa." (Source: Antipater in Jewish Encyclopedia)


Wagner, Sir Anthony Richard; ‘Pedigree and Progress: Essays in the Genealogical Interpretation of History’ estimates birth date as c148BC and does not call him Antipas Hasmonai, but Antipater


Interesting conversation on possibility that he was a Hasmonean here:


See Discussion of his birthdate