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Christopher Foster

Дата рождения:
Место рождения: Surry County, Virginia
Смерть: Southampton County, Virginia
Ближайшие родственники:

Сын Christopher Foster of Virginia и Mary Foster
Муж Elizabeth Foster
Отец Elizabeth Watts; John Foster, Sr.; Christopher Foster, III; Faith Foster; Grace Foster и ещё 1
Неполнородный брат Edward Bailey, of Virginia

Менеджер: Jacqualine Diane Smith
Последнее обновление:

About Christopher Foster

Mary Jordan-[3811] .

May have been named Mary. Married a Bayley (Arthur?) and had issue Edward Bayley. Married (2) Christopher Foster with issue Christopher Foster b. 1649. Valentine Papers, Vol IV, p. 2273. Compare with Octavia Jordan Perry's "These Jordan's Were Here" p. 52


Our line’s Christopher Foster’s will is dated 27 Mar 1710/11. He married Elizabeth Barker, born 1657 at Chippokes Creek, Surry Co., VA. Elizabeth was the daughter of John Barker, Jr. and according to many, Grace Busby.

  • Their oldest son, John, was born 1698. John married Mary Fort.
  • John's brother, Christopher married her sister, Alice Fort. Their father was Elias Fort III.

The Library of Virginia holds Virginia Colonial Land Patents 1623- 1774. Land grants were made to Christopher on 10 September 1755 in Southampton Co., VA. That deed contains the name of John Fort. A second deed is dated 15 Dec. 1749, at Isle of Wight, VA, and a third deed is dated 5 Sept. 1749 at Isle of Wight, VA. Christopher born 1649 is listed on 1711 tax records at Surry Co., VA where he died immediately following.

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Хронология Christopher Foster

Surry County, Virginia
20 сентября 1693
Goochland, VA
Isle of Wight County, Virginia, United States (США)
Isle of Wight County, Virginia
Surry, VA, United States (США)
Surry, VA, United States (США)
Southampton County, Virginia