David to whom, as son of Sir David Fleming of Biggar (and Isabel Strathechin) , his cousin James Fleming of Bord granted all right he had as heir of his father to the lands of Bord and Menzean on 26 January 1425-26, and a bond that when he should recover the lands of Bord, Mynzean, and Monycabock he should infeft the said David in £10 worth of land there, dated 30 January 1425-26.
He had issue:
(1) Malcolm of Boghall, who had a charter of the lands of Boghall and Haddockston, in Renfrewshire, on 15 June 1452 to him and Elizabeth of Houstoun, his wife.
He had issue:
(a) John, who had a precept of sasine from Chancery, as son and heir of his father, on which he was infeft 28 May 1490. He died before 22 September 1497, when his estate was in ward of the King. He married Marion Crawford; they had charters under the Great Seal of the lands of Easter Glen and others on 19 October 1490, and 11 April 1493. He was probably the father of James and William next mentioned, and of John, who married Margaret Hamilton, and was charged with rape on Margaret Stewart, daughter to Matthew, Earl of Lennox, 13 February 1508.
James Fleming of Boghall, probably his son, who was elected by Lord Fleming and the parishioners of Biggar to be clerk of that parish, then vacant through the death of George Fleming, on 6 March 1509. He was succeeded by William Fleming of Boghall, probably his brother, who had sasine in these lands in January 1515-16. He was a pledge to the Tweedies of Drumelzier in 1524 for Malcolm, Lord Fleming. He married Elizabeth Brisbane; they had a charter of the lands of Nether Glen on his resignation on 4 August
1542, and had issue:
a. John, his heir.
b. Thomas, a witness on 15 January 1557-58.
c. Patrick.
d. Mariota, who had a charter in her pure virginity from William Veitch of Dawick 6 June 1556.
Mariota, natural daughter, who married at the Church of Calder, 1536, Robert Stirling of Ballenkeir. They had a dispensation 11 June 1536.
John Fleming of Boghall, son and heir of William Fleming of Boghall, served heir to his father 16 September 1559; disponed the lands of Boghall, Milntoun, and Arretshole to John, Lord Fleming, and the heirs-male of his body; whom failing, William Fleming, Provost of Biggar, his (Boghall's) sister's son; whom failing, Patrick, his brother; whom failing, Malcolm, his brother's son; whom failing, William, his brother's son; whom failing, Malcolm, junior, his brother's son, on 28 Feb- ruary 1581, which was confirmed under the Great Seal 14 April 1582.
Source "The Scots Peerage" Vol 8, page 530.
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Biggar, Lanarkshire, Scotland
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