Elizabeth Clarke Hull was descended from some of the choicest of the sifted grain,
which so freely sowed in the desolate wilderness, ripened into the rich harvest of New England.
She was born in Lyme, Connecticut, Sept. 24, 1732. Her father, William CLarke, was born June 7,
1682 and married Hannah Peck of New Haven.
Her grandfather William Clarke was born in 1639. His first wife Sarah Wolcott of
Plymouth Mass., whom he married in 1659, and who was killed by the Indians March 12, 1676; he
married second, in 1678, Hannah Griswold, daughter of Lt. Francis Griswold, a nephew of Matthew
who was the ancestor of the Governors Matthew and Roger Griswold. Hannah Griswold Clarke died in
1687 at the age of 29 and was interred on Burying Hill Plymouth. The great grandfather of Eliza
was Thomas Clarke by accpeted traditionthe mate of the Mayflower and in whose honor Clarke's
Island recieved it's name. Hannah Peck Clarke, mothe of Eliza was a driect descendant of William
Peck of New Haven, who came from ENgland probably in the ship Hector and was the companion of Gov.
Eaton, Gov. Hopkins and Rev. John Davenport and the earl of Marlborough's son.
Hannah Peck's line of descendants is as follows; William Peck of New Haven;his son Joseph
who married Sarah Parker; their son Joseph Jr, who married Susannah---;their daughter Hannah who
married William CLarke. In 1735 William Clarke, father of Eliza removed from Lyme to Derby, where
he became identified with the town as a merchant and valuable citizen. The tombstone of his wife
Hannah, bears this remarkable record:
Mrs. Hannah Clark
died Sept. 1801 aged 91.
Her lineal descendants at the time of her death was
333, viz. 10 children 62 grandchildren 242
great grandchildren, 19 great great grandchildren
During her long life her company was delight of her
numerous friends and acquaintances. Having faithfully
performed the duties of life and beign deeply impressed
with the reality and importance of religion she died as
she had lived satisfied and happy.
Eliza was the eldest of 10 children. At age 17 she married her neighbor, Captain Joseph
Hull, who during an active and honorable career was closely identified with the best interests
of his native tow, and was its representive many years in the General Assembly of Connecticut.
Joseph Hull III was the son of Joseph Hull II and Sarah Hull; a grandson of Cpt. Joseph Hull and
Mary Nichols (daughter of Issac Nichols of Fairview); a great grandson of Dr. Juhn Hull; and great
great grandson of Richard Hull the emigrant who came from Derbyshire England who was made a
freeman at Dorchester Mass, in April 1634 and removed to New Haven, Conn, in 1639.
Dr. John Hull had recieved a grant of land in Derby in 1668 and had removed his family
thither from Stratford in 1675. In 1687 he settled in Wallignfor, leaving his large property in
Derby to his sons John and Joseph. The family of Captain Joseph Hull III and of Eliza consisted of
6 sons and 2 daughters, whose names and birth dates are thus recorded on the Derby town books.
1. Joseph, Oct. 27, 1750 at 1/2 an hour after 3 o'clock in the morning
2. William June 27, 1753 at 1/2 an hour past 5 o'clock in the morning
3. Samuel, Aug. 5 1755 at 7 o'clock in the afternoon
4. Elizabeth, Jan 20 1759 at 3 oclock in the morning
5. Issac, Dec. 28, 1700 at 6 o'clock in the morning
6. David, March 27 1765
7. Sarah, Jan 6 1769
8. Levi, Apr. 29 1771
When the threatening clouds of Revolution burst Capt. Joseph Hull, at the first call for
troops, went to New York doing noble service, but on his return home was seized with sudden illness
that ended his useful life in Sept 1775. His youngest son Levi a boy of 4 at the time, followe him
3 weeks later. The broken family circle was soon still more widely severed by the departure of the
three older sons for active service in the war. Joseph the eldest was 25 when the war opened, and
was in the service during the entire war of the revolution. He entered the army as a lt. of
artillery, leaving his family of 3 little sons, second of whom Issac born ninth of March 1773,
was destined to become the famous Commander of the Constition. Joseph's wife Sarah Bennett was a
daughter of Deacon Daniel Bennett who, a few years later, entertained at breakfast Lafayette and
his officers on their journey from RI to join Washington in the Highlands. In the defense of Fort
Washington Lt. Joseph Hull fought with distinguished bravery, but was taken prisoner and confined
two years, suffering great hardships. In 1778 he was exchanged and returned, zeal unquenched to
his country's service. Many stories related of his skill and daring when he was in command of
flotilla of boats on the Sound. On one occasion a British armed shooner was lying in the Sound,
being engaged in transporting provisions from the country to New York where the British Army was
then stationed. Lt Hull proposed to some of his companies of the town of Derby to go and capture
the schooner. On the evening appointed 20 men placing themselves under his command, embarked in a
large boat, similar to those used in carrying wood to the city of New York.
The men lay concealed in the bottom of the boat and dusk of the evening favoring the
deception, the boat had the appearance of being loaded with wood, As they appraoched the British
vessel the sentinel on deck hailed them. LT. Hull was steering and answered the call, continuing his
course till quite near the vessel without exciting suspicion, when, by a sudden movement, he drew
close along side of her. His men being well trained sprang to her deck with great celerity. The
commander of the schooner was sleeping below and aroused by the firing of the sentinel, he made an
attempt to gain the deck but was instantly shot dead. The Americans immediately fastened down the
hatches to possession of the vessel, and conducted her in triumph up to Derby. That he possed rare
prescence of mind and fearlessness is evident from the following anecdote; Once when on his way to
New Haven, as he came to the top of the hill in West Haven, he saw some British soldiers advancing
towards him. It was too late to retreat he at once resorted to a ruse. Turning in his saddle he
motioned as if for his company to hasten forward then himself riding forward he demanded a surrender.
The Redcoats believing the enemy close at hand in large numbers and that resistance would be
unaveiling, delivered up their swords. Williams second son of Eliza had graduated from Yale in 1773
a classmate and friend Nathan Hale. In deference to the fond wish of his father and mother that he
should become a clergymen, he began the study of theology, but a year's trial having proved that he
had a more decided taste for the law, he entered the celebrated Law School in Litchfield, COnn. and
was admitted to the bar in 1775.
He was chosen captain of the first company organized in Derby, which he hastily drilled and
in command of which he accompanied the Connecticut regiment that monarched to Cambridge to meet
Washington. His career throughout the Revolution was one of steady progress in uslefulness and honor.
He crossed the Delaware with Washington and helped to win the victories of Trenton and Princeton,
after which he was rewarded by promotion to the rank of Major. At Saratoga he was engaged in both
in both battles and recieved thanks from Congress for his bravery. He passed the winter of 77-78 at
Valley Forge in the midst of the extreme wretchedness of the army where under circumstances of
intense suffering, he was ordered on one occasion to pursue a foraging party of the British. In one
of his letters he thus describes the log huts which were their only shelter during that winter of
misery. "The hut we occupied consisted of one room. This was dining room, parlor, kithcen and hall.
On side were shelves for our books on another stood a row of Derby cheeses sent from Connecticut by
my mother- a luxury of which the camp could rarely boast and with which visitors were often regaled."
Unfortunately the early correspondance of Cpt. William Hull was accidentally destroyed by fire. At
this time two of Eliza's sons were with the destitute army, and one, a prisoner in the hands of the
enemy. When Tyron was raiding and burning the Connecticut towns on the SOund, with the intention of
drawing Washngton from his strong position in the Highlands of the Hudson, the stormng of Stony
Point was orderd by Washington- as a counter check to Tyron, and was succefully carried to completion
by Mad Anthony Wayne. For bravery in this attack called " one of the most brilliant of the
Revolution" Major Hull was promoted to rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
Under the direction of Baron Stueben, Colonel Hull became one of the most able masters of the
army in military drill, having recieved the appointment of deputy inspector; Baron Stueben himself
being Inspector General of the army. So valuable did Colonel Hull become in this department that the
more distinguished postion of aide to Washington was declined by him in deference to the request of
Baron Stueben, who deemed the services of Col. Hull as Deputy Inspector too important to be lost to
the army. Loyally declining the high honor for himself, COlonel Hull recommended his life long friend
and townsman David Humphreys who recieved the appointment. In 1781 COlonel Hull applied for leave of
absence for the first time in six years and went directly to Boston where he was married to Sarah
Fuller the beautiful daugheter of Judge Fuller of Newton. His bride returned to him to the army.
Col. Hull was present at the battles of Long Island, White Plains, Trenton, Princton, Ticonderoga,
Stillwater, Saratoga, Monmouth, and Stony Point. He himself commanded an expedition against Morrisania
for the success of which he recieved the thanks of Washington and Congress. When the army was disbanded
at the close of the Revolution, COl. Hull was appointed by Washington Lt. Col. of one regiment of
infantry retained and was stationed at West Point during the winter of 83-84. The order of the Cincinnati
was founded at this time, Col. Hull being one of the originators and a delegates to the first convention
held in Philadelphia in May 1784. One of the closing scenes of Revolution was the withdrawal of the British
army from the posts long occupied by them in NYC. As they withdrew Washington advanced and took posesion
of the posts escorted by Col. Hull with his light infantry the perfect discipline of his troops calling
forth words of commendation from the Commander in Cheif. The third son of Eliza, Samuel served in the
revolution with rank of Lt. The fourth son Issac was too young to enlist in the war of The Revolution, but
proved his loyalty in 1812, when he was compelled to leave his home in Canada and returned to the States
because of his openly avowed devotion to his country. For heroism patriosm, and loyalty of the sons and
grandsons and later descendants of Eliza her native town would honor her, and her name has therefore been
given to the Chapter in Ansonia, which in Revolutionary days was a part of the old town of Derby.
Among her gandsons are the honored names of COmmodore Issac Hull, COmmander of the frigate
Constition, who when a boy of ten was taken into the family of Col. Hull and brought up as his own son.
Captain Abraham Fuller Hull, the only son of WIlliam Hull felt at the head of his company at the battle of
Lundy's Lane. Levi Hull, another grandson of ELiza was aide to Gen. William Henry Harrison. In the next
generation of Descendants are Dr. James Freeman Clarke, the eminent divine and his brother Samuel Clarke
also of literary accomplishments. Commodore Joseph Hull, Dr Francis McLellan a surgeon in the Civil War
and Issac McLellan poet and author a faithful observer of the habits of wild fowl and fishes of USA who
died in1899 at Greenport Long Island in his 93rd year.
Personal reminiscenes of Eliza represent her as commanding in height but of slender build in manner very
attractive and of a refined nature; in disposition generous and social. Beloved by her friends she in
turn held them in high esteem. Very energetic and spirited she is said to have been by the few who remember
her in her old age. The varied experiences of an eventful life she bore courage and cheerfulness during
almost a century of existence. After the enlistment of her elder sons in the army of the revolution, she
married October 14, 1776 Sergeant Jeseph Tomlinson of Derby and lived for many years on Great Hill.
After the death of Tomlinson she was married on Feb 13 1793 to Cpt Joseph Osboure of Oxford, a prominent
man, much respected in the community. He lived only four years after this marriage and his widow subsequently
became the wife of CPt James Masters of Schaghticoke New York who drove over the hills for her with a coach
and six horses making a great sensation along the route. She resided near Albany until the death of her fourth
husband, when she returned to the home of her son David in Fairfield, a distinguished Physician, with whom
she remained with until she was ninety. At her request she was then taken by her sons, William and David
to the home of her favorite grandson Alfred Hull on Great Hill in Derby, where the closing years of her life
were passed amid familiar scenes.
After the complete vindication of hr son WIlliam of the accusations braought against him after the
War of 1812 his first act was to pay a visit to his mother and his native town, where he was recieved with
gratifying honor. His mother did not survive this visit and on Feb. 11, 1826 when she was 94 she died
and was laid to rest by the side of her 1st husband Joseph Hull.
relict of Joseph, Esq., age 94
[Elizabeth's maiden name was Clark - her first husband was Joseph Hull, her second Joseph Osborn and her third was James Masters.]* Reference: Find A Grave Memorial - SmartCopy: Aug 2 2024, 18:41:07 UTC
1732 |
September 24, 1732
Derby, New Haven County, Connecticut Colony
1750 |
October 27, 1750
Derby, New Haven County, Connecticut, United States
1753 |
June 24, 1753
Derby, New Haven County, Connecticut, United States
1755 |
August 5, 1755
Derby, New Haven, Connecticut, USA
1826 |
February 11, 1826
Age 93
Derby, New Haven County, Connecticut, United States
???? |