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Elizabeth Foster (Wilcoxen)

Дата рождения:
Место рождения: Torch, Athens County, Ohio, United States (США)
Смерть: 28 августа 1920 (79)
Pike County, Illinois, United States (США)
Место погребения: Rockport, Pike County, Illinois, United States
Ближайшие родственники:

Дочь Benjamin Wilcoxen и Emily Wilcoxen
Жена William M. Foster
Мать Charles Henry Foster; Arminta "Minta". Smith-Armstrong (Foster); Franklin F. Foster; Etta Williams; Kenneda F. Foster и ещё 2

Менеджер: John Leonard Burke
Последнее обновление:

About Elizabeth Foster

Her parents were Benjamin Wilcoxon and Emily Hickman.

I wrote to Washington county, Ohio and received a copy of the marriage license for William Foster & Elizabeth WILLCOXSON. It states that they were married March 25, 1865 by Justice of the Peace Michael Watson. It doesn't state the names of their parents, though.

William Foster's death certificate says that he was born in Ohio. He died at age 56 on Dec. 24, 1889, was a farmer, born in Ohio, died in Atlas Twp, Pike County, Illinois of pulmonary tuberculosis. His place of burial isn't listed, nor are his parent's names.

He was a civil war veteran and when he died, Elizabeth applied for his pension and received it.

She stated on her original pension papers that her maiden name was Elizabeth WILCOX and she married William M. Foster on March 16, 1865 in Athens county, Ohio, and he enlisted on March 22, 1865. The wedding date differs from the marriage license to the pension application, but not by much. She lived in Athens county, Ohio when she was wed, and it is next to Washington county, Ohio. She further states that she had 3 children under the age of 16 when her husband died; Kennedy L, William Bazil, and Robert L and listed the month and day they were born but not the year.

She originally filed in January of 1890, but that application was abandoned. I think there were discrepancies in the date of death, date of marriage and year of birth of her kids. When she applied again on July 10, 1890 she again stated she was married on March 16, 1865 but someone penciled in "25" right above the 16. Again, she said she was married in Athens county, Ohio. A transcript of their marriage was obtained from a judge in Washington county, Ohio. She listed her children as Kennedy L. born April 7, 1876, Wm Bazzell born May 11, 1881, and Robt. L. born Feby 9, 1887. (Next to the 1887 someone penciled in "86")

The paperwork had to filled out by a notary public and witnessed by 2 people that could write their names. She filed for the pension in Missouri, stating her address as Louisiana, Pike Co, Missouri then that was crossed out and Atlas, Pike Co, Illinois was written in. (The counties are side by side).

The pension approval paperwork also shows that William M. Foster enlisted as a private in Co. D 75th Reg't Ohio, December 16, 1861 and was honorably discharged December 23, 1864. He then re-enlisted March 22, 1865 in Co. H 6th Reg't US Vet Vols and was honorably discharged March 21, 1866. Neither was married before and their marriage date is shown as March 25, 1865. His date of death is listed as Dec. 23, 1889 (off by one day).

The paperwork that had to be obtained was incredible. On March 25, 1890, the physician who declared William Foster deceased had to sign a form that had to be notarized and Elizabeth had to fill out another form stating that she had not been married before and as far as she knew, William hadn't either, she had to have the ladies who had been present at the birth of her children fill out and sign a notarized affadavit, she had to fill out another form stating that the notary public had incorrectly filled out the birthdate of her son, Robert's birth, then she had to have a secondary proof of birth for Robert since there was a discrepancy, so another lady had to claim that that was the correct date of Robert's birth and that she was present at the birth and recorded it.

On March 28, 1890, she had to have her deceased husband's regular doctor fill out an affidavit stating that he had treated her husband for 10 years for in 1880 for "erysipulas" and in 1884 and 1885 for "hemorrhage of the lungs resulting from tuberculosis".

She had to have a "Neighbor's Affidavit" filled out on April 2, 1890, by a neighbor stating that he knew her & her husband. This form was filled out by James H. Sapp and states: "came acquainted with Foster some 15 years he had at time the hemreg of lungs he told me it came from riding horseback while in the army the jolt of his catreg box hurt his brest he grew worse until died had not dun a days work for 3 or 4 years ocupation farmer he had no bad habits"

Under another "Act of Congress" she had to have a another "Neighbor's Affidavit in a Widow's Claim" form filled out stating that she still hadn't remarried, still supported the same 3 children and had no other form of support. Michael Sweetman and George Hoskins were the neighbors that signed the form on July 27, 1891 in Ross Twp, Pike Co, Illinois.

On October 20, 1893, she had to have an old neighbor in Torch, Athens county, Ohio (George K. Thorp) fill out a form stating that they used to be neighbors and were well acquainted and that he knew of no other marriages for either of them.

On Oct. 31, 1893, a childhood neighbor (L.T. Collins, Keno, Meigs county, Ohio) in Ohio had to fill out a form stating that he "was acquainted with William Foster and Elizabeth WILLCOXON both before and after their marriage, and being born and mostly lived in the same neighborhood, I am very sure that neither of them was ever married before."

November 6, 1893, she had to have a general affidavit before a notary public stating "I own one pony and one cow and also some household goods, twenty dollars being a fair cash value for them." This form had to have 2 witnesses as well (Daniel & Chancy Burge).

Then Daniel & Chancy Burge had to fill out a form stating the same thing and have it witnessed by 2 more people & notarized. The clerk of the county had to search their records to see if she had any property and sign a form stating that she did not.

She reapplied for a pension increase due to the "Act of September 8, 1916" stating that she was 75 years of age, having been born in 1841 at Washington, Ohio. Her pension before the increase was $8.00 a month plus $2.00 for each child under 16. After the increase it went to $20.00 a month. Her last pension check was dated Oct. 4, 1920 and was returned by the Postmaster with the information that the pensioner died August 28, 1920.

Her death certificate was filled out by B.F. Foster, Roseville, Illinois, and states her father's name as Benj. WILCOXEN, birthplace is unknown and her mother's name and birthplace are unknown. Elizabeth's birthplace was Torch, Ohio.

Her son, Frank's, marriage license names his father as Wm M. Foster and his mother as E. COXTON and his death certificate (filled out by his daughter) names them as William M. Foster and Elizabeth Wilcox.

Her son, Kennedy's death certificate lists his parents as William Foster and Elizabeth WILLCOXEN.

Her daughter, Labertha Arminta Foster Armstrong's obituary names her parents as William and Elizabeth WILCOXEN Foster and states that she was born in Indiana.

Her son, Charles Henry Foster's obituary says that he was born in "Little Hawken" Ohio. (It should be "Little Hocking" and it is near Torch in Athens county or Belpre in Washington county, Ohio.)

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Хронология Elizabeth Foster

2 июля 1841
Torch, Athens County, Ohio, United States (США)
8 февраля 1867
Hocking, Athens County, Ohio, United States (США)
31 августа 1869
Indiana, United States (США)
28 августа 1920
Возраст 79
Pike County, Illinois, United States (США)
Возраст 78
Ball's Bluff Cemetery, Rockport, Pike County, Illinois, United States (США)