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Emma Brock (Loewenberg)

Birthplace: Strasburg | Brodnica, Woiwodschaft Kujawien-Pommern, Germany now Poland
Death: September 1942 (68)
KZ Treblinka, Poland (Holocaust)
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Isidor Loewenberg and Marie Loewenberg
Wife of Georg Berthold Brock
Mother of Gerhard Brock
Sister of Julius Loewenberg; Selma Lachmann and Hedwig Cohn

Managed by: Andréane Maria Baudet
Last Updated:

About Emma Brock

Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:

Brock, Emma

geborene Löwenberg geboren am 05. Februar 1874 in Strasburg i. Westpreußen (poln. Brodnica) / - / Westpreußen wohnhaft in Berlin (Charlottenburg)

Deportation: ab Berlin 13. August 1942, Theresienstadt, Ghetto 26. September 1942, Treblinka, Vernichtungslager

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Emma Brock's Timeline

February 5, 1874
Strasburg | Brodnica, Woiwodschaft Kujawien-Pommern, Germany now Poland
March 27, 1897
Stettin | Szczecin, Germany now Poland
September 1942
Age 68
KZ Treblinka, Poland