Enoch Eldredge Gurr, Free Settler "Strathfieldsaye" 1839

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Enoch Eldredge Gurr

Дата рождения:
Место рождения: Northiam, East Sussex, England, United Kingdom (Соединённое Королевство)
Смерть: 12 марта 1887 (73)
Benjamin, Utah, Utah Territory, United States
Место погребения: Benjamin, Utah, Utah Territory, United States
Ближайшие родственники:

Сын James Gurr и Sarah Gurr
Муж Ruth (Buckman) Gurr, Free Settler "Strathfieldsaye" 1839; Mary Sarah (Higgins) Gurr, Free Settler "Strathfieldsaye" 1839, died enroute и Emma Gamble
Отец James Enoch Gurr; Susannah Wall; Sarah Wall; Peter Gurr; Reuben L. Gurr и ещё 2
Брат William Eldridge Gurr; Sarah Gurr; Ann Packam; Edward Absolam Eldredge Gurr; Thomas Gurr и ещё 3

Менеджер: Gwyneth Potter McNeil
Последнее обновление:

About Enoch Eldredge Gurr, Free Settler "Strathfieldsaye" 1839

Early in the century of the 1800's in a little town of Northam, Sussex, England lived a humble family, James Gurr and his wife, Sarah Eldredge. They had ten children: John, William, Sarah, Enoch Eldredge, Ann, Edward, Thomas, Harriett, Diary and James. The Gurr's were an average family worshipping God and to seek out a living from the land. They were farm tenants of Northam, this area of Sussex is known for its beautiful rolling farmlands. Why Enoch, his wife Sarah, his friend, John Buckman and part of the Buckman family left England is not certain but in studying the history, economy and conditions of England after Enoch's birth and his departure, one could easily assume the reasons to be better living conditions, the opportunities available and being the young adventurous man he was all his life.

England had been in war for twenty years, she was now the foremost power in the world. But despite the position of England, the situation in the homes were unsatisfactory, bringing a peacetime system at home after a long period of war always creates problems. The changes of economic, physical and social alterations changed the harmony into distress and discontent.

The continental system of foreign trade had rapidly expanded, England had prospered, then suddenly her exports were cut sharply. One problem was the American market closing as she became more self sustaining. England's ills in the world of commerce and industry were matched by the depression in agriculture. Agriculture was the main source of income at Northam, all wage earners as Enoch's parents were, were forced to face the beginning of real distress as the cost of living continued to spiral. Imports and stopping of most exports of grain and other agriculture produce helped to depress the price level and to ruin farmers. The parliament of landowners depended on the tenant farmers to pay their rent, but with no work or income this created problems for the tenant. Then a "poor law" was enforced, supported through local increase in taxes for the wage earner. These and other reasons contributed to the gathering momentum of depression and discontent among the wage earner of England.

Expansion of the British Empire was one of the foremost on the list of priorities. By 1828 the whole territory now known as the Commonwealth of Australia was owned and under the British Empire. Australia, known as the second British Empire, offered new land, open spaces. Soon the tide of free settlers increased with the discovery of the great grasslands where farming could be successful and sheep could be raised on a scale never before known. Between the years of 1830 and 1840, about 100,000 persons left the United Kingdom or England annually. The whole subject of emigration and colonization were made to sound romantic and exciting ¬they published letters, flyers and books on "systematic colonization." New settlers in Australia did not have to buy land at once, but could "work for hire" earning money so they too could soon become landowners. Each colony would be self governing, socially it should be a replica of England. All these advertisements infused a new spirit into emigration. England believing in the future of free men and the growing of mighty states "beyond the seas."

Recorded in one of Enoch's histories written by his great granddaughter, "Enoch as many young people were saving all the money they could in order to have enough to pay for transportation to Australia. His best friend, John Buckman, his wife, his parents and their family were all going. Enoch and Sarah, with their three-year-old son William and a baby daughter, left England's shores in 1838 for the new country with their spirits high and hopes for a glorious future. Leaving behind their fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, and friends not knowing how soon, if ever, to see them again. A new Australia beckoned and they wished to put their hands to the plow with the other free men in a new land.

The hazards of the long hard voyage from Europe to Australia were great; those who survived were not likely ever to return to their homeland. To the natural hazards of wind and weather could be added the inadequacies of the old sail ship.

Some, as the Buckman family, traveled first class or on the "upper deck." Others as Enoch, Sarah and children traveled on the "tween deck," with less space for living quarters. But, the Buckman's and the Gurr's were close friends; they spent many happy hours together during the ocean voyage. The bonds of friendship grew closer. Bass Strait, which separates the island of Tasmania from the Australian continent, was the normal passageway for ships leaving Europe bound for the eastern coast of Australia, docking at the Sydney Harbor. Taking from four to five months on the ocean, the people used sailing ships. These ships were used at this time sailing from England to Australia, usually carrying from 250 to 300 people counting passenger and crew. No matter how clean or careful they were, sanitation would be a problem. One day the tragic news spread that the disease, smallpox, had broken out among some of the passengers. Smallpox was one of the most contagious, dreaded and fatal diseases at this time. The germ is transmitted from coughing, sneezing, or even talking with one another. (Also through bedding, clothing and eating utensils.)

Enoch's wife and baby daughter contacted smallpox and, as many others soon died. What a sad and heartbreaking task for them to see their loved ones lowered over the side of the ship to be buried at sea.

Ruth Buckman, sister of John Buckman, had studied practical nursing for eight years, worked night and day with the sick and especially for the Gurr family. Her brother, John's wife, died also at this time.

Days, weeks and months passed, finally they landed at Sydney, New South Wales, Australia and started the new life they had left England for. It was a good life in the Australian colonies as the first pioneers came, and the new unpopulated areas were a healthy place to be. The failure of England to provide a system of "land owners' rights" left many uncultivated but beautiful farm lands outside of the city boundaries. (Taken from History of Australia, Cline Turnbull.)

Enoch and his friends, the Buckman’s now in this new country of Australia, depended on each other more, pioneering and working together. Soon after they were settled, Enoch and Ruth Buckman fell in love and were married. She took to her heart Enoch's son William. Some children of their own blessed their home: James, Susannah, Peter, Sarah and their fifth and last child, Reuben.

Ruth had a fairly good education, She taught her children to read and told them many stories. She read and taught them many Mother Goose rhymes, numerous verses and maxims (a short rule of conduct such as "a stitch in time, saves nine," etc.) also fables.

Ruth was a good mother and Enoch, a very devout Christian, raised his family that way. In the evenings after supper, they would all meet together in the living room and sing hymns and read a few verses or perhaps a story from the Bible and discuss the sermon they had heard the previous Sunday in church. They lived, most of the time, either at Sydney or nearby. One lovely Christmas day they all went to the beach near Sydney to spend the day. The air was laden with the perfume of the lovely Oleander trees. The children always remembered the beauty of that day. (Remember, it is summer in Australia at Christmas time.) They remembered other excursions at Easter time, and the trees that did not shed their leaves but did shed their bark. These were the Eucalyptus trees.

On Sundays after church, the Minister often came to their home and had dinner with them, as Ruth was an excellent cook. One day there was more company than usual, and (as was generally the custom on Sunday) they had chicken for dinner. Of course the girls and perhaps some of the boys must wait until their elders were served. The girls had noticed the last of the chicken had been placed on the table and was fast disappearing. There was just one piece left in the dish as it was passed again to the minister (who had already had several helpings), "Oh, my favorite piece," he said, as he put it on his plate. How disappointed the girls were. But when their turn came to eat, they did get a nice helping of the lovely steamed pudding of which there happened to be plenty.

Enoch was a lover of beauty, as he saw it in nature. He would often sit on the porch in Sydney, where they have so much rain and so many electric storms, and he would exclaim, "Oh, Mother! Just see how beautiful it is." Susannah and Sarah often watched their mother iron the minister's big robes and other items. Often when a neighbor was ill, her kindly ministrations eased the suffering. They also remembered seeing in a garden some beautiful red "love" apples, which were not to be eaten as they were considered poison. (Today, we know these as tomatoes.)

As the family read the Bible in the evenings, Enoch often pondered on the scriptures and often remarked about the passage that is found in Revelations, chapter fourteen and verse six. "And I saw another Angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people." He would say, "I wonder when the gospel will be restored as it was in the days of the Savior." One day two strangers appeared at their home. They told a wonderful story of a prophet in America to whom an Angel had come bringing the everlasting Gospel. They were invited in and after being given a good meal; they sat up all night long discussing the wonderful truths of the Gospel. Many such evenings were spent and in a few weeks, on the 23rd of December 1853, they were baptized as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. They were baptized by John Eldredge and confirmed by Elder Graham.

Other elders had come from Zion and they were always welcomed at the Gurr home. A few of their friends joined the church also, and when they were ready to leave for America, all the Saints and Elders had a dinner at their home. Among the Elders coming to their home were Andrew Jackson Stewart of Benjamin, Utah; William Madison Wall of Provo, Utah; and Elder Fleming. It was now about 1856. William the oldest boy was now 22 years of age and he had married Sarah E. Barker, and they also came to America.

Because of the news of Johnston's Army coming to Utah and the Indian troubles, Brigham Young called all the Elders home. He made arrangements for passage on an old sailing vessel for the Elders and a group of the Saints from all over Australia and the surrounding islands.

Enoch Gurr and his family set sail on the "Lucas" with the Elders and saints going to America. (A daily journal of this voyage is attached to Enoch's history.) He secured a job as cook on the vessel and Ruth did a lot of good on the ship by alleviating the suffering of the sick.

They set sail, but a few miles out, the sea became calm. No wind was there to stir the sails. The saints on board met and prayed for the calm to cease and for wind so they could continue on their journey. Soon the wind began to blow and they sailed on peacefully. At another time, a terrible storm overtook them. It was so bad that even the Captain told them he could not save the ship. William Wall, one of the Elders and President of the group, again gathered the saints on board the ship and sought help from their Father in Heaven. Their prayers were answered, the storm ceased, the vessel was not damaged, and they sailed on their journey in peace. During the storm, Ruth went among the frightened people trying to comfort those who were afraid and helped to booster their faith and courage. They were on the ocean for over three months, and everyone was put on rations. The main food was coarse brown sea biscuits. Enoch's stomach troubled him and he could not digest the coarse bread, so the Captain gave him some of his white bread.

They finally landed in San Pedro, California. Most of the members went ashore with their luggage and stayed in rooms reserved for them. They were there for a week waiting for wagons and teams that would convey them to San Bernardino. Enoch and Ruth had a beautiful farm here and were thrilled with their new home and country but not for long! President Brigham Young felt the saints should all be together and in Utah, to give "Zion" the strength to one another. So, once again Enoch and Ruth prepared their families for another move. When they were all ready to start, there was one family that could not procure a team and wagon, so Ruth said, "I will leave my big cedar chest, (which was filled with clothing, linen, and yard goods) and they can ride with us by all of us taking turns walking." Ruth and Susan walked all the way, Sarah, being younger, walked about half the time. They came in the Ezra Curtis Company and suffered many hardships crossing the desert in Nevada. Sarah tells of nearly dying of thirst and then a little rain fell and they were able to drink the water that collected in the animal tracks. She also tells of eating soup made from rawhide.

When they arrived at Parowan, William and his wife decided to remain there. They stayed there and made their home and raised a nice family and had many grandchildren. Enoch and Ruth and their children all came on to Provo and arrived there in 1857. He remained there for some time and helped build the road through Provo Canyon. When they arrived in Provo they met most of the women and children from Salt Lake City living in Provo on account of Johnston’s Army coming to Utah.

Here again Ruth did much good among the sick and helped women with newborn babies, even acting as midwife and never charging unless it was someone with more money than the average. She always divided what she had with anyone in worse circumstances than she.

After getting settled in Provo, Enoch and his wife went with Enoch's son William and his wife to Salt Lake and were sealed in the Endowment House.

After the road was finished up Provo Canyon, they moved up to Charleston and had one of the best farms there, but their youngest boy Reuben became very ill and the doctor told them he would die if they did not leave and go to a lower altitude for it was too high for him there. So they moved down to what is now known as Benjamin, Utah County, Utah. They built a log house located on the land north of the road which went west to Mill's old home and north of Morison’s old home, where the school house now stands. They were one of the first families in Benjamin and planted some of the first trees and built a willow fence which grew up to be a row of black willow trees. Here again his experience in freighting came in handy as he hauled produce from Salt Lake City to Douglas store in Payson and hauled produce back to Salt Lake City.

Enoch was called to serve and attend the "School of the Prophets for Utah." Their concern was the coming of the railroad and its effect on the different communities. The church leaders anticipated new challenges and opportunities for growth, profit, and a flood of non Mormons who would attempt to destroy the Mormon way of life. Brigham Young wanted the saints to be prepared to face political and economic changes. This was one of the main reasons why the organization of the School of the Prophets in Utah in 1867. This school was a confidential forum of leading High Priests in different communities of Utah. They would discuss religious doctrines, economic policies and political problems, serving their communities. They directed the new cooperative Mormon establishments. This was only partially successful; the cooperative program only lasted about ten years. Finally, in 1882 Pres. John Taylor declared an end to exclusive church support of local cooperatives.

His daughters and sons were now married. William M. Wall, husband of Susannah and Sarah, died in Provo in September 1869, leaving Susannah a widow with three children and Sarah a widow with two children and expecting another one in a few months. They were then living at Wallsburg, and Susannah had rheumatism so bad she thought perhaps a change of climate would be good for her. So in the year 1870, Enoch moved his daughters and their children down to his home in Benjamin. He was doing all right freighting, and he made lots of molasses and farmed his ten acres. Enoch and Ruth, after raising their families, took these two families and helped their daughters raise their families. Enoch was now 59 years old. The grandchildren in the home all idolized him and he loved them very much.

In the year of 1872, he was in Spanish Fork, and Bishop Thurber said, "I am going to Grass Valley. Why don't you go with me? It is a grand place to raise cattle." He had been wanting to try his hand at cattle raising, and he decided to go. Peter and all the boys went with him, and when they got as far as Gunnison, the news had reached them that the Indians were hostile in Grass Valley and that it wasn't safe to go there, so they stayed in Gunnison for a while. Soon they heard the trouble with the Indians had all been settled in Sevier County, and that a settlement was being started called Prattsville on the Sevier River.

Enoch and Ruth received their patriarchal blessings while living here at this time. They felt blessed as a people and as a family, so soon they were all trying to live the law of the United Order. Enoch put in one span of horses, cattle and most all he had. The older boys went back to Gunnison and hired a thrashing machine. They worked through the wheat harvest season turning in all the money they made to the Order. Ruth took care of the smaller children while her daughters and the older grandchildren wore "gleaning aprons," gleaning wheat and other seeds. No matter where they were, Ruth would always help with the sick and as a midwife. Enoch obtained a salt spring, made salt and sold it. All worked hard and tried to do their share for the success of the ORDER. The Order did not turn out to be very successful so it was discontinued.

The leaders of the church taught that the ideal society could never be created in this world until the members overcame every act of selfishness and prepared themselves for the millennial reign of Christ. Each person entered the United Order by being rebaptized and pledging to obey all the rules. Over 150 United Orders were established. Most of them did not last much over a year? Human problems would arise causing the Order to be dissolved.

In 1868 Enoch, Ruth, their daughters and children moved to Richfield. Here they joined the United Order again. The daughters and children worked hard to do their share for credit in the order. They worked in the fields in the summer gleaning, etc., and went to school two or three months in the winter. The gleaners worked bare¬footed on the wheat stubble, which often made their feet sore and bleeding, and at night they would wash them good and put on some kind of grease such as mutton tallow or whatever was available. Things didn't work any better this time, and the Order broke up again and they were left without anything. The people were just not ready for this great law.

Leaving Richfield, Enoch and his son Peter rented a farm in Chicken Creek from John Whitbeck, Jr. They obtained 20 head of cows and rented 20 more head from Elmer Taylor, which made 40 cows and Peter bought about six head, and they rented farm land of Taylor nearly up to Levan. The children helped with the milking and other chores, also herding the cows into the hills. They were there two years, and as there was no school near enough for the children to attend, he decided not to remain there any longer. Andrew Jackson Stewart, who lived in Benjamin wished him to take over his ranch, so in the year 1881, Enoch and his son Peter and his two widowed daughters and their families went back to Benjamin on what was called the lower ranch and stayed there two years. While he was there Peter died. Enoch now wasn't able to take care of the place alone, so his son James moved the whole family back to Sevier County and got a farm in Siguard on the Sevier River. He cleaned out his old Salt Spring and made salt again, and with the help of his children, and the women, they were able to make a living.

Enoch's health was failing fast now; his grandchildren were now getting married so his responsibilities were not too great. During all these years, Ruth was by his side helping him to support and teach his family and the families of grandchildren that lived with them.

Enoch and Ruth returned to Benjamin to live with his grand-daughter Ruth and her husband William Stewart. Enoch only lived about six weeks after coming back to Benjamin. He died 12 March 1887. He was buried in the Benjamin Cemetery and about two years later his beloved Ruth died and was buried by his side.

His daughters wrote, "He was the best father a family ever had." He hardly ever spoke a cross word to anyone. In the evenings he loved to have "everyone" in his home gather around and sing songs and on Sunday's they sang hymns. They all idolized him, especially the grandchildren he helped to raise.

Bishop Jack Stewart said of him, "Enoch Eldridge Gurr was one of the finest men who ever lived, and he lived his religion to the letter. " Enoch was a good tithe payer, for instance, paying tithing on his crops, on his pigs when they were born, and again on the meat when it was butchered.

Enoch was called and ordained a High Priest by President John Young, September 3, 1861. He was called by President John Murdock of Heber City to preside over the High Priests in Wallsburg, Wasatch County, in September 1861. He was called by President Fairbanks of Payson, Utah County, to join the School of the Prophets in 1870. Always serving and honoring his priesthood, he was promised to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection with his companion..

This history was compiled by Melba Edwards Carter for her mother, Addie May Gurr Edwards, taken from records, and his history written by his granddaughter Ruth Stewart Manwell, dedicated in love and gratitude to Enoch and Ruth for leaving Australia and coming to Utah.


5 Jan. 1884

Dear Brother and Sister;
Just a few lines to you hoping they find you quite well as it leaves me very poorly but I am a little better than what I was. I hope you had a good Christmas and I wish you a happy New year. When you write again send word how the weather is there, it has been rough enough here. They say there is War in North America, send me word whether there is because I am so put out about it. I had a very good Christmas. I had a plum Pudding given to me and two pounds of beef, already boiled. You wanted to know all our ages. I was seventy-seven the nineteenth of last month. You was seventy the fourth of last month. They dated poor John eighty-one but I never thought he was as old as the .(her husband) Harriett stays about the same she is fifty-four next July and Jim is fifty-two, he is the youngest and Mary is fifty-six, I don’t know Toms age, I have wrote to him but he hasn’t sent back. I have sent your brother Wills card to you and I hope you will receive it all right, and the other was a Grandson that was picked up dead along the road. Everything is very dear here, you don’t get much for your wheat here. That Grandson left four children. Send word whether there is any Railroads there, and about how hot it is there. Good Night, God Bless you all.

From your affectionate Sister

Mrs. Hilder

Swales Green

Nr. Staple Cross

Ewhurst Sussex.

The other card was George Golbey, husband of Mary Golbey, who died very suddenly at Whatlington, 21 September 1882, age 34 years

William Gurr departed this life 19 Mar. 1882 age 72 years, Interred in Nothefleet Churchyard


Dear Brother and Sister;
Just a few lines to you hoping they find you quite well as it leaves me very poorly but I am a little better than what I was. I hope you had a good Christmas and I wish you a happy New year. When you write again send word how the weather is there, it has been rough enough here. They say there is War in North America, send me word whether there is because I am so put out about it. I had a very good Christmas. I had a plum Pudding given to me and two pounds of beef, already boiled. You wanted to know all our ages. I was seventy-seven the nineteenth of last month. You was seventy the fourth of last month. They dated poor John eighty-one but I never thought he was as old as the .(her husband) Harriett stays about the same she is fifty-four next July and Jim is fifty-two, he is the youngest and Mary is fifty-six, I don’t know Toms age, I have wrote to him but he hasn’t sent back. I have sent your brother Wills card to you and I hope you will receive it all right, and the other was a Grandson that was picked up dead along the road. Everything is very dear here, you don’t get much for your wheat here. That Grandson left four children. Send word whether there is any Railroads there, and about how hot it is there. Good Night, God Bless you all.

From your affectionate Sister

Mrs. Hilder

Swales Green

Nr. Staple Cross

Ewhurst Sussex.


The L.D.S. Church chartered this ship "Lucas" to carry all the saints from Australia to America and to Utah if they desired. The company left Sydney, Australia on the ship "Lucas," June 27, 1857, with Captain J.C. Daggett in command.

Absolm P. Dowdle inspected supplies and provisions and reported all things ready for sea on 26 of June 1857. Lucas Journal

Saturday, June 27. The pilot came on board at eight o'clock and gave orders to weigh anchor. Ship under way at 9 o'clock. Soon after the ship was under way, Brother Stewart Clark and Chaffin Potter had come on board. They accompanied us to the mouth of the Harbor about seven miles from Sydney. They took an affectionate farewell, bestowing their blessings upon the company. Captain, Officers and Crew soon left Sydney in the distance, having a fair wind from the West, driving us at the rate of seven knots per hour, toward the East. The sea being rough, sea sickness commenced that night, and was very unpleasant.

June 28, Sunday: Weather fine, wind from the West, sea still rough, most of the company sea sick. In the afternoon the wind changed ten points to the north. It blew a gale for some time with heavy rain.

June 29, Monday: This morning Pres. Wall called a prayer meeting of all those able to attend. Wind fair. Ship making seven knots per hour. Morning being pleasant most of the Saints came on deck. Sickness abating

June 30, Tuesday: This morning the wind has fallen all leaving almost a calm. Company still improving of sea sickness. At nine o'clock company assembled for prayers. Elder Dowdle made prayer also made a few remarks on being united and obeying the orders of the church. President Wall followed with a few remarks on the same subject. He then nominated Elder George Hunter and William Hawkins as Teachers of the Company. After services the wind freshened and carried us at the rate of ten knots per hour. In the afternoon had a gale from the Northwest. It continued to blow hard all afternoon.

July 1, Wednesday: This morning the gale continues to blow. The sea is very rough and most of the Company are very sea sick. About four o’clock in the afternoon there was a sharp squall of wind that carried off the foresail and the Main topsail, also the fore top mast. Before the sails gave way the ship laid over on her beam. The furation of the Soya was but short. The ship soon righted from her perilous condition, letting most of the canvas fail on deck, to the joy of all on board the ship. Squalls of intervals during the night.

July 2, Thursday: This morning a steady gale, very rough. Most of the saints very sick. Attend prayer this morning. Singing and prayer, President Wall and Dowdle addressed the Company for a short time. Peace reigned all day. Met in the evening for prayer. Prayer by Elder George Hunter. Singing.

July 3, Friday: This morning sea very rough, wind moderate, sea sickness abating. Met for prayers at eight o'clock: Prayer by Elder Robb. Singing. Pres. Wall and Dowdle gave instructions to the Saints on cleanliness, order and government of families. Sister Rawlins very sick. As ministered to by Pres. Wall and Dowdle. A good spirit prevails, prayers in the evening.

July 4, Saturday: This morning the wind was very light, almost a calm. Weather fine, mending sails and getting the ship in sailing trim. At nine a.m. prayer. Elder Dowdle made prayer, singing, good feelings throughout the day. In the afternoon Pres. Wall and Dowdle administered to Sister Rillstone, She received immediate strength. Prayers at eight in the evening by Pres. Wall, singing.

July 5, Sunday: This morning fine wind rather ahead sending the ship some two or three points toward the Southward. Meeting at eleven o'clock. Hymn on page 109, prayer by Pres. Wall. Singing on page 293. Elder Dowdle then addressed the Company on the first principles of the Gospel. Hymn on page 257. Benediction by Elder Dowdle. In the evening Pres. Wall preached an excellent discourse showing the advantages to be derived for the spreading of the Gospel. Elder Dowdle also spoke upon the principle of obedience and safe care of the provisions and water. After meeting wind began to rise.

July 6, Monday: This morning very wet and uncomfortable. Strong breeze all night. Sea very rough, making but little headway. Little sails set. Prayer by George Hunter, singing. In the evening had prayer. Elder Gurr made prayer, singing. Elder Dowdle exhorted the Saints to faithfulness and diligence.

July 7, Tuesday: This morning weather fine. Ship steering northeast half North, nearly fair. Met for prayers at 9 a.m. Singing, come little feelings prevailed again. Prayer by Elder George Burton, after prayer Elder Wall made remarks on the subject of punctuality. Requesting the Saints to be on hand at the time appointed for prayers.

July 8, Wednesday: This morning at daylight we came in sight of those islands called the Three Kings. About thirty miles to the North of New Zealand. They lay about thirty miles distant from us on our Starboard bow. We had made excellent headway, considering all things. Much better than we had anticipated. Wind fair, ship heading northeast half south in order to round the North Cape of New Zealand. All well on board this morning. Assembled for prayer, singing. Prayer by Elder George Roberts, after which we spent some time in singing. A good spirit seemed to prevail throughout. About twelve o'clock the wind began to fall off. In the evening almost a dead calm. In the evening prayer by Elder Wall, singing wind still favorable.

July 9, Thursday: This morning a light wind, almost a calm. Prayer after which President Wall and Dowdle made arrangements about the provisions. After dinner Elder Dowdle and Elder Hunter weighed out a portion of the provisions to the passengers such, as they desired to be weighed out to them. Weather dull. Prayer and singing in evening.

July 10, Friday: This morning wind ahead, making no headway. Some feelings with one of the brethren. He acknowledged his error and asked forgiveness which was granted and good feelings prevailed. Attended prayers this morning. Elder Dowdle offered up the prayer. Singing, also exhorted the Saints to be humble and to be more united. President Wall also gave instructions. Singing. Wind unfavorable throughout the day. Prayer before going to bed.

July 11, Saturday: This morning quite calm. Sea rolling heavily. A mist all around. Assembled for prayers. Elder Wall led prayers. Elder Dowdle made a few remarks. For a short time good feelings prevailed throughout. Prayer this evening with singing.

July 12, Sunday: Weather thick and misty, quite a calm sea, still rolling heavily. Assembled for meeting between decks at eleven o'clock. Elder Hunter led prayer. Elder Roberts spoke to the Saints and preached an excellent discourse. In the afternoon a wind sprung up but was very variable shifting all around the compass, at last settling in the West. It began to blow quite a gale towards night. Prayers at eight Singing. Elder Dowdle led prayer. After most of the company had retired to bed they were alarmed by a heavy sea, which struck the ship shaking her from end to end and half filling her upper deck with water. She sustained no damage. Pres. Wall and Dowdle went and pacified the frightened ones soon all was right. The gale lasted through the night. (Latitude 32 50)

July 13, Monday: This day a fair wind, but quite a gale. Sea running very high, but little sail set. Assembled for prayer. President Wall and Dowdle gave some good instructions to the saints. In the afternoon more sail was set and we started off at a good pace. In the evening had prayer meeting, testimony bearing and had quite a good time. Good feelings prevailed through the Company.

July 14, Tuesday: This morning going along first rate. Weather fine. After breakfast and all was cleaned up, assembled for prayer. Elder Dowdle led prayer, singing. This day all sails set, a good steady breeze, but toward night wind calmed down. Prayer this evening.

July 15, Wednesday: This morning wind fair but light. Weather fine. Elder Wall confined to his bed on account of his health. Assembled for prayer. Elder Hunter offered the prayer. Singing. About 2 p.m. a breeze sprung up from the South. A fine black fish seen astern vessel. Most of the company on deck pursuing such avocation as each one liked. Had prayers by Elder Dowdle.

July 16, Thursday: This morning a steady breeze, weather fine. Prayers and singing. Elder Robb and Gingell spoke. Also Pres. Wall. Provisions weighed out after dinner. Elder Roberts make out a scale showing the amount of provisions. Had prayer and singing in the evening.

July 17, Friday: This morning a dead calm. The weather fine. Assembled for prayers offered by Elder Harris this morning. A fine black fish seen playing around the vessel at prayer time. Elder Wall exhorted the Saints on the necessity of keeping themselves pure. Especially the female part of the company, as the Lord intended them to have the privilege of bringing forth bodies for the noble spirits. During prayer a fine breeze sprung up. Weather fine. Company in good spirits, most of the sisters occupied with sewing. Latitude 32 North. In the afternoon wind shifted two points ahead. In the evening had prayer given by Pres. Wall before . going to bed. Variable winds.

July 18, Saturday: This morning wind variable, weather dull with sleet and rain. Had prayer and singing, a good feeling prevailed. Had evening prayer.

July 19, Sunday: This morning weather fine. Wind from the Northeast. Meeting at 11 o'clock, hymn on 272 page. Elder Dowdle made prayer and also preached an excellent discourse. President Wall followed with a few remarks cautioning the brethren against taking the name of the Lord in vain. Concluded by singing hymn on page 112. Day passed away pleasantly. In the evening had a testimony meeting, enjoyed ourselves very much. Variable winds at night.

July 20, Monday: This morning wind ahead. Weather fair. Had prayer. All the company enjoys good health. Had prayer and singing in the evening. Elder Burton led prayer and singing, continued as long as the people felt disposed. There is a want of unity among us and not the best of feelings among us. We have made but little progress on our journey considering the distance we have to go.

July 21, Tuesday: This morning wind still in the same quarter. Glass shows weather set fair, moon changes tonight. Expect a change in the wind. Prayer this morning Elder Dowdle made prayer. Singing. Singing and a prayer in the evening.

July 22, Wednesday: This morning wind still blowing from the Eastward ahead. Prayer and singing this morning and in the evening.

July 23, Thursday: Wind still ahead, blowing very strong making all things miserable. Prayer this morning with singing. Continued to blow hard all day. This evening the subject of baptism was discussed. Elder Roberts did not attend on account of sickness.

July 24, Friday: Blowing strong all night, still ahead. Prayer this morning led by Elder Hunter. Pres. Wall spoke on the celebration of the 24 of July, but as the weather was boisterous each was to do the best he could. Elder Dowdle spoke upon this eventful day. Weather fine. Prayer in the evening.

July 25, Saturday: Wind shifted in the night toward the North blowing quite a gale making it very rough and uncomfortable. Assembled for prayer between decks this morning, also in the evening attended with singing. Gale all day.

July 26, Sunday: Fair wind this morning, hardly any sail set. Sea very rough. Assembled between decks to hold meeting at 11 o'clock. Elder Dowdle addressed the company. Latitude 32 12 more sail set. Weather fine. Also had a testimony meeting in the evening. Some of the brothers bore their testimony. Elder Dowdle was impressed by the spirit to tell the saints to arise from their sleeping and humble themselves and serve the Lord more faithfully. A fine breeze before going to bed, all sails set.

July 27, Monday: This morning wind fair going along first rate. At nine thirty a.m. had prayer, singing. Barometer low and it gives signs that bad weather is near at hand. In the evening had prayer with singing. Before midnight a squall overtook us and was likely to damage the ship, as all sails were set. But she only sustained the tearing of two of her sails.

July 28, Tuesday: Wind fair right aft. Heavy sea running but little sail set on account of strong wind blowing. Attended prayer this morning. Elder Wall made prayer and also gave some good instructions to the young women. Weather squally. Prayer in the evening by Elder Dowdle, also singing. A good feeling prevails throughout.

July 29, Wednesday: Blowing very hard this morning, averaging 8 to 12 knots per hour. Weather fine. Elder Gurr made prayers, singing. Also prayer before going to bed. Pres. Wall offered up the prayer also gave some good instructions followed by Elder Dowdle. Longitude 160 12.

July 30, Thursday: Wind fair this morning. Elder Hunter offered prayer. Hymns sung. Longitude 163 2; had a prayer meeting this evening. Elder Wall offered up prayer afterwards. The privilege was given the brothers and sisters that like to bear their testimony to the truths of the work. We had a good time.

July 31, Friday: Wind fair but light. Mercury high. Weather cloudy. Assembled at 9:30 a.m. for prayer. Elder Dowdle made prayer. Singing. Good feeling prevailed. Latitude 29 South. Had prayer this evening Elder Roberts led prayer.

August 1, Saturday: Wind variable. This morning had prayer by Elder Dowdle. Singing. A slight disturbance with two of the brethren but all was soon right by their forgiveness. Elder Dowdle also gave good instructions. A good spirit among us.

August 2, Sunday: This morning weather cloudy. Assembled between decks to hold meeting at 11 o'clock. Opened by singing and prayer. Elder Dowdle spoke on the subject of baptism. Also on his testimony to the truth of Joseph Smith being a prophet and exhorted the saints to faithfulness. Dismissed by Elder Roberts. Presidency named and blessed a child. Child belonging to Robert Hamblin. This afternoon spent by the Saints according to each ones feelings. In the evening had testimony meeting. Singing. Elder Dowdle prayed, followed with singing. The privilege was then given for any of the brethren or sisters to speak who felt like it. Benediction by Elder Wall.

August 3, Monday: About as usual.

August 4, Tuesday: This morning fair wind and weather. Going about 5 knots. Prayers. Hymn "The Time Is Far Spent." Pres. Wall made prayer. Sky in the evening began to look tropical. In the evening had prayer and singing. After difficulty arose before going to bed. Pres. Wall soon restored peace between the two brethren. Latitude 26.55 Long. 157 26. Elder Roberts voted in to teach the school.

August 5, Wednesday: This morning a calm, weather fair. Elder Dowdle made prayer and spoke for some length on the nature of covenants. Elder Roberts spoke on having an assistant to help him with the school in the afternoon. School commenced between decks.

August 6, Thursday: This morning high winds. Pace about 3 knots per hour. Weather fine. This morning Elder Hawkins offered to assist Elder Roberts in teaching the school. In the evening had prayer by Elder Wall. One of the brethren asked forgiveness of the brethren for which was granted unanimously. Several of the brethren bore their testimonies to the truth of the work.

August 7, Friday: Variable winds, weather fine. Going about 2 knots per hour. Prayers this morning also prayers in the evening. Elder Dowdle made prayer. Singing. School at 2 p.m. Provisions weighed out. Elder Wall wished me to remember a dream he had on Thursday evening. August 6. He dreamed one of his wives entered his cabin where he was sleeping and asks him many questions. How he got on since he left home and was told they were all well. After this he told her she must be tired after coming so far to seem him. He told her there was a spare bed beneath him where she could rest, but she declined and left the cabin and departed.

August 8,Saturday: This morning a calm until 9 o'clock when a light wind struck up from southeast where we expect the trades from. Pres. Wall made prayer this morning. School at 2 p.m. Prayer in the evening with singing. Breeze freshened before going to bed.

August 9, Sunday: This morning slight variable winds. Weather fine. In the morning assembled between decks to attend meeting. Singing, prayer by Pres. Wall, Elder Dowdle spoke on children paying obedience to their parents. Pres. Wall spoke on the same subject. Meeting dismissed by Pres. Wall. In the evening had a good testimony meeting. Good feelings prevailed among the saints. Breeze freshened before going to bed.

August 10, Monday: Wind right ahead. Weather fine, mercury up to 80 degrees. Assembled between decks for prayer. Elder Dowdle made prayer. Water measured out this morning, an American gallon given to each person each day. School at 2 p.m. In the evening, had prayer. Singing, prayer by Elder George Roberts. The night warm.

August 11, Tuesday: This morning wind coming from same quarter. Weather fine but cloudy. Assembled between decks for prayer. A difficulty arose between two families, which was not settled before going to bed. Prayer and singing.

August 13, Thursday: Wind from southeast. Prayer by Elder Wall. The difficulty settled this morning. Pres. Wall and Dowdle spoke to the saints. Going about 5 knots per hour. Prayer and singing this evening.

August 14, Friday: Weather fine. Steering north Lat. 19. A small disturbance about the water. The Captain settled it by issuing order for each one to leave half of his water with the cook. Prayers this morning. Pres. Wall spoke upon the principle of obedience. School at 2 p.m. In the evening prayers and singing.

August 15, Saturday: Weather fine Lat. 16.30. Elder Dowdle made prayer. Singing, school 2 p.m. During teatime one of the children, daughter of John Stuckberry, climbed upon an old stove, fell back and the pipe, which was loose, fell too. It struck her foot cutting it very badly. Prayers and singing.

August 16, Sunday: Wind from west, weather fine. Assembled between decks for prayer. Pres. Wall and Dowdle spoke for a short time. But soon dismissed as the weather was very hot. The wife of Robert Cochrane gave birth to a son at 11:30 o'clock, August 16, 1867. In the evening had meeting on deck. Prayer by Elder Dowdle, he also spoke to the Saints. Pres. Wall spoke also.

August 17, Monday: This morning calm. Wind very light. At 11 o'clock breeze freshened and continued to blow hard all day. Prayer this morning by Elder Roberts, singing. No school in afternoon on account of their moving coals from the stern to the head of the ship. Prayer and singing.

August 18, Tuesday: This morning winds hauled more ahead, sending us more to the West. The most dangerous part of the Pacific Ocean. Prayer by Elder Dowdle. President Wall gave council to the brethren in regards to their children, to have them with them at prayer time, also to teach to pray. At 3 p.m. had school on quarterdeck on account of sickness between decks. Latitude 11:59. This day Elder Harris declined to teach any more. He stated his reasons that some of the parents found fault with him. Elder Dowdle volunteered his services. Elder Harris was not voted in to teach but kindly offered to assist Elder Roberts. John Stuchberry suffering with sickness. Prayers attended with singing this evening.

August 19, Wednesday: This morning Sophia Cadd gave birth to son at 20 minutes to 5 a.m. The wife of Joseph Cadd. Head wind this morning. Elder Robb made prayer. Mercury up to 80. Some of the children suffering from whooping cough. John Stuchberry a little better. This morning not such unity among us as should be. Prayer attended with singing.

August 20, Thursday: Wind from the north, weather fine, very hot. Sick people improving. Elder Dowdle made prayer. School in the afternoon at 2. Elder Dowdle assisted Elder Roberts in the evening. Elder Dowdle made prayer. It being very hot the meeting was soon brought to a close.

August 21, Friday: Wind in the north, weather dull. Assembled for prayers. Elder Wall spoke on the settling of difficulties legally according to the order of the church. Prayer by Elder Wall. School at 2 p.m. Pres. Wall assisted Elder Roberts in teaching this afternoon. In the evening wind shifted. Prayers attended with singing.

August 22, Saturday: This morning variable winds, raining very close. Elder Dowdle made prayer also gave some instructions to the saints on how to govern ourselves and families. School at 2 p.m. Prayer and singing in evening.

August 23, Sunday: This morning wind from the east, weather dull. Assembled for meeting between decks at 11 a.m. Pres. Wall preached an excellent discourse on the subject of the kingdom of the Lord. At about 5 p.m. a large porpoise was caught. In the evening had a testimony meeting. Many of the Brethren bore their testimonies to the truth of the work in which we are engaged. Good feeling throughout.

August 24, Monday: This morning wind from the east numbers of flying fish, also birds seen. Brother Burton led prayers this morning. School at 2 p.m. Prayer in the evening.

August 25, Tuesday: East wind, going about 4 knots. Prayer by Elder Dowdle. He also gave some instructions. Latitude 7. School at 2 p.m. The presidency laid hands on Sister Hunter. Tonight Pres. Wall is rather sick.

August 26, Wednesday: This morning weather squally, wind from the east. Elder Dowdle officiated at prayer on account of Pres. Wall's sickness. Elder Roberts made prayer. Elder Dowdle spoke concerning the laying on of hands. Exhorts them to be faithful. Latitude 6.6. School at 2. In the evening Elder Gurr made prayer, singing.

August 27, Thursday: Wind from the east. Going northeast by north about 5 knots. Weather fair. Prayer this morning attended with singing. Sick improving. School May 2. In the evening attended prayer meeting between decks. Pres. Wall and Dowdle gave some instructions. A few of the brethren bore their testimonies to the truth of the work.

August 28, Friday: Wind in same quarter, weather fine. Latitude 2. Prayers this morning. School at 2 p.m. In the evening attended prayer. Pres. Wall gave some good instructions to the company not to find fault with one another and was pleased to see the unity among the saints

August 29, Saturday: Wind in same quarter, weather fine. Prayers this morning. Elder Roberts offered prayers. Singing. School in afternoon. Prayers in the evening. Latitude 50 miles from the line.

August 30, 1857, Sunday: Wind still from the same quarter. Comfortable on account of strong breeze. Latitude 31 miles north of the line. Assembled between decks at 11 o'clock for meeting. Hymns. Prayer by Elder Roberts. Good instructions given. Meeting in the evening. Elder Dowdle preached, also Elder Wall.

August 31, Monday: Wind still from the same quarter, going also about 5 knots. Weather fine, in the morning Brother Hawkins led prayers. Pres. Wall and Elder Roberts spoke. School at 2 p.m. Prayer in evening At night the usual custom of Captain coming on deck to pay his respects to the passengers and many received a good sprinkling. A merry time while it lasted.

September 1, Tuesday: Wind still in same quarter going about 5 knots. Elder Robb made prayer. School at 2. At school time one of Brother Robb's children was very sick. The brethren who were there said it was dying. And when Pres. Wall and Dowdle went to administer to it, it revived a little and continued in a deep sleep until the next morning. When it awoke it was quite well, and in good health. About 5 a.m. a great number of black fish came and played around the ship. Some very large ones were seen. In the evening prayer was offered by Elder Robb followed by singing.

September 2, Wednesday: Wind in same quarter. Had morning prayer by Pres. Wall. School at 2. Prayers this evening. A fast meeting given out to be observed by all those who wished to on the morrow.

September 3, Thursday: Wind the same, very squally all day with rain. A fast attended to by the majority in the morning had a prayer meeting and most of the brethren spoke. A good spirit reigned throughout. Pres. Wall gave some good instructions. School at 2 p.m. At night Pres. Wall made prayer.

September 4, Friday: Light and variable winds, weathers squally, mercury up to 85'. Had prayer and singing conducted by Elder Dowdle. School at 2 and evening prayers. Very warm.

September 5, Saturday: Northeast trades, weather squally mercury up to 85'. This morning Robert Arbon made prayer. School at 2 and prayer in the evening.

September 6, Sunday: Mercury up to 86'. Latitude 9 57. Morning meeting at 11 o'clock, opened by singing. Prayer by Elder Hunter who also spoke on the gospel and on the gifts and blessings following the Gospel. Three children were blessed. First the son of Robert Cochrane by Elder Wall named Charles Rich Cochrane. Born on ship "Lucas" on August 16. Next the son of Joseph Cadd, blessed by Elder Dowdle, named Heber Cadd, born on ship "Lucas" August 19, another son of Joseph Cadd, born April 6, 1856, named Joseph Cadd, after the name of his father. In the evening held a testimony, quite a good feeling prevailed. Pres. Wall gave us some good instructions.

September 7, Monday: This morning wind light from Northeast. Elder Roberts made prayer. Singing, school at 2 p.m. Prayers at 8, latitude 11.

September 8, Tuesday; This morning wind strong, coming from the northeast. Weather fine. Elder Dowdle made prayer, singing. Latitude 13.5. Longitude 149. School interrupted by rain after one hour of duration. Pres. Wall made prayer in the evening. Singing. Peace and harmony reigned.

September 9, Wednesday: Wind still from the northeast. Heavy squalls. Seas rough. Some sea sickness. Mercury up to 86' Elder Burton made prayer, singing. School at 2. Captain sick today so no one to attend his duties. In evening Elder Gurr made prayer. Still rough before going to bed. Latitude 15 7.

September 10, Thursday: Wind strong from the northeast. Heavy squalls. Sea rough. Mercury 86. Elder Harris prayed. This morning Presidency administered to Elder Gingell. School at 2. Captain a little better. Testimony meeting. Elder Roberts made prayer. Many of the brethren bore their testimonies. Latitude 18.20.

September 11, Friday: Wind still in the north, mercury 84'. Captain a little better. Elder Dowdle made prayer, singing. Sister Hawkins administered to by Presidency. School at 2. Evening prayer. Latitude 18.30.

September 12, Saturday: Wind northeast, mercury 82'. Prayer this morning by Elder Robb. Singing. School at 2 p.m. Prayer by Elder Wall in the evening with singing.

September 13, Sunday: Wind northeast, weather fine. Meeting at 11 o'clock. singing. Prayer Elder Hunter. Pres. Wall spoke on the use of and progress of the church. After meeting the Presidency administered to Sister Gingell. fleeting in the evening, prayer by Elder Dowdle, Elder Roberts was called to take charge of the meeting. Most of the brethren and sisters bore their testimonies. During the meeting Sister Ann Cadd was taken very ill. After meeting the Presidency administered to her. She received immediate relief.
September 14, Monday: This morning fine wind, Pres. Wall made prayer. No school today on account of (something)? Prayer in the evening by Elder Gurr. This evening at 20 minutes to ten Sister Gingell gave birth to a son. All mothers that have given birth to children on board have been, delivered about 20 minutes after being administered to.

September 15, Tuesday: Wind light, weather fair. Sister Gingell as well as could be expected. All in good spirits, good health generally. Prayer this morning by Elder Dowdle. Singing, school today by Elder Dowdle. Prayer this evening by Elder Roberts.

September 16, Wednesday: Weather fine, wind light, health of company good. Prayer this morning by Elder Hunter. Peace reigned through the day. Prayer in the evening by Elder Gurr.

September 17, Thursday: Wind light. Prayer by Elder Dowdle, he also made a few remarks for the Saints to prepare themselves for the trails that were before them. Exhorting them all to faithfulness. After which the presidency administered to brother and sister Gingell. Pres. Wall gave counsel to all to take care of their wives and children and meet at 8 o'clock for prayer meeting. Elder Dowdle took charge. Singing, prayer by Elder Wall. Post of the Saints bore their testimony. Good spirit prevailed. Pres. Wall and Dowdle gave good instructions to the saints.

September 18, Friday: This morning fair, wind light, almost a calm. Good health prevails. Prayer by Pres. Wall. Singing. In the afternoon provisions weighed out by Elder Dowdle. Prayer in the evening by Elder Gurr. Pres. Wall gave some good instructions to the Saints to take care of themselves, also counseled children to obey their parents.

September 19, Saturday: Wind very light, weather fair, all well on board A dull feeling manifested by some of the company. Prayer this morning by Elder Robert Hawkins. Pres. Wall counseled the Saints to do right. Prayer in evening by Elder Dowdle.

September 20, Sunday: This morning fine, wind light. Meeting at 11 o'clock. Singing. Prayer by Elder Dowdle. Elder Robb addressed the company on the coming forth of the work of the Lord and the necessity of us fulfilling our covenants. Elder Dowdle followed reasoning on the necessity of all persons striving for salvation in the right way. Peace through the day. Prayer meeting in the evening. Pres. Wall led in prayer. A good spirit prevailed. All that spoke expressed a determination to keep the commandments of God by the help of the Lord.

September 21, Monday: Wind fair, weather fine. Pres. Wall made prayer this morning. Going along 5 knots. Elders Roberts and Hunter made out a list of the organization. Health and peace aboard. Prayer at night, by Elder Burton.

September 22, Tuesday: Wind fair, weather fine. Going about 5 knots. Health good. Prayer at nine thirty by Elder Harris. Elder Dowdle gave some good instructions. School at 2 p.m. At 5 minutes past three Sarah Ann Rillstone, wife of Richard Rillstone, was delivered a son on board the ship. In the evening had prayer by Elder Gurr. Singing. Elder Roberts assisted Brother Hawkins in settling a difficulty.

September 23, Wednesday: Wind light and variable, weather dull and misty. The difficulty settled between the parties by mutual reconciliation. Prayers this morning by Elder Roberts. Sister Rillstone improving. No school this afternoon on account of bad weather. A large whale passed in front of the ship at six thirty p.m. seen by a great many of the passengers. Prayer led by Pres. Wall. He gave notice that the journal should be read before all the company on the next morning.

September 24, Thursday: Wind from the Northeast by north going with one point east. Weather fine, mercury up to 78. Elder Hunter led prayer, attended with singing. Elder Roberts read an account from the journal till we crossed the line. The rest was read on another occasion. President Wall made a motion that the company accepts the account up to the time of crossing the line, which was seconded by Elder Dowdle, and carried unanimously. School at 2 thirty p.m. In the evening had a testimony meeting, Elder Dowdle conducting. Elder Robb made prayer. After which many bore their testimonies to the truth of the work. Elder Wall gave some good instructions.

September 25, Friday: This morning wind from the north, going on course. Weather fine. Elder Arbon led prayers attended with singing. School at 2 p.m. In the evening had prayer by Pres. Wall. Singing.
September 26, Saturday: Light variable winds which lasted throughout the day. A meeting between decks for prayer, Elder Robb officiated, singing. Elder Roberts, not being well did not keep school. In the evening Elder Gingell gave prayer, then singing.

September 27, Sunday: This morning fine, fair winds, going in course, which continues throughout the day. Weather cool and fine. Assembled between decks at 11 o'clock for meeting. Prayer by Elder Dowdle, singing after which two children were blessed by Presidency. First, son of William Gingell named Josiah William Gingell. The second, the son of Richard Rillstone named Will Wall Rillstone, after which Elder Dowdle preached to the company. Pres. Wall dismissed. Had a testimony meeting in the evening. Many of the brethren and sisters bore their testimonies.

September 28, Monday: This morning wind fair. Prayer by Pres. Wall and singing. Peace throughout the day. In the evening had prayer. Elder Dowdle made prayer. He also gave some good instructions. Pres. Wall gave some also.

September 29, Tuesday: Wind from north, weather dull, mercury up to 738. Elder Roberts made prayer attended with singing. Nothing of note occurred throughout the day. In the evening had prayer attended with singing. Pres. Wall gave instructions to the saints.

September 30, Wednesday: This morning wind ahead, going northwest. Assembled for prayers this morning by Elder Hunter. Elder Roberts read the remainder of the journal to the brethren. It was accepted and carried unanimously. Nothing to note passed throughout the day. In the evening by Elder Arbon, attended with singing.

October 1, Thursday: This morning wind calm, fine weather. Prayer by Elder Dowdle this morning with singing. He also gave some instructions. Peace reigned on board. In the evening met to bold a testimony meeting. Pres. Wall gave charge of the meeting into the hands of Elder Roberts. Prayer by Elder Harris attended with singing. Many of the brethren bore their testimonies. Pres. Wall and Dowdle gave some instructions. Alight wind sprung at night. October 2, Friday: This morning wind fair, going along very well. Weather fine. mercury up to 76' comfortable weather. Assembled this morning to hold prayer, it was offered by Dowdle. Wind shifted during the day a little ahead but continued strong till night. Longitude 37 20. Evening prayer.

October 3, Saturday: This morning wind very light, about 9:30 a.m. changed but continued light. Had prayer by Elder Burton. Elder Dowdle exhorted the saints to watch and pray. Peace throughout the day. This afternoon wind much stronger but died away at night. Had prayer with singing.

October 4, Sunday, This morning wind light but at 10 a.m. it freshened. Assembled at 11 o'clock with prayer by Elder George Roberts. Elder Dowdle preached and took for his text "Watch as well as pray." A very good discourse. After meeting the wind increased and blew the ship along about 7 knots. In the evening had a prayer meeting and most all of the saints bore their testimonies to the truth of the work. A good feeling prevailed.

October 5, Monday: This morning wind light, going about 3 knots. Weather wet. Had prayer by Elder Robb. Breeze freshened at 10 p.m. and continued to blow hard until night. In the evening had prayer attended with singing. Peace reigned throughout.

October 6, Tuesday: This morning going along first rate. Weather fine, wind fair. Had prayer attended with singing. Sea rough. Longitude a number of mines 453 at 4 o'clock. In the evening had prayer and singing. Pres. Wall gave good instructions. Wind strong tonight. Going about 9 knots.

October 7, Wednesday: This morning fair but light. Mercury up to 70'. Prayer this morning by Elder Roberts attended by singing. Peace. throughout the day. Nothing of note happened. In the evening, Pres. Wall gave prayer. Pres, Wall and Dowdle gave some instructions.

October 9, Friday: Fair wind, going along about 5 knots. Mercury up to 69'. Elder Burton made prayer. Elder Dowdle gave some good instructions. About 3:30 sighted land, and island in Latitude 34' Longitude 120. First land seen since we saw the Three Kings north of New Zealand. In evening, had prayer with singing. Peace reigned throughout.

October 10, Saturday: This fine fair breeze passed 3 islands. Also sighted the coast of America. Had prayer this morning attended with singing. Also in the evening had prayer and singing. Light breeze died away. Peace among us.

October 11, Sunday: Wind light, more islands seen. Weather fine. Assembled for meeting at 11 o'clock. Elder Dowdle addressed us. Had a testimony meeting, in the evening. Many of the brethren and sisters bore their testimonies. Pres. Wall gave some good instructions.

October 12, Monday: This morning wind light. Weather fine. Anchored in San Pedro Bay. Had prayer in the morning and singing. Pres. Wall went ashore to arrange about the accommodations for the company. In the evening had prayer and singing.

October 13, Tuesday: Most of the company went ashore with their baggage into rooms that were engaged for the company for a week, until teams arrived from San Bernardino. Elder Wall and Robb started off to San Bernardino to get teams to convey us to there, but after arriving at Los Angeles, they met some of the brethren with their teams who agreed to come to San Pedro to assist in moving us from that place. The company left San Pedro in the afternoon and started for a place about three miles distance to water the cattle, while brother Wall and Robb stayed at Los Angeles. They were in great danger from some who had apostatized from the church. They beset the houses round about but the Lord protected them and they got away safely and arrived before the teams at San Pedro. The next day we started on our journey for a place called Mente. Arrived there at nightfall. One wagon broke down and we stayed one day at Mente, till more teams could be got. The next day we started on our journey, made about 30 miles. The next day about 3 p.m. arrived at San Bernardino. We soon got empty houses and on Sunday we were received by the people by vote by President Cox.

SOURCE: Family Search.org

From Conquerors of the West: Stalwart Mormon Pioneers, Vols. 1-2:

Enoch Gurr was born November 27, 1813, in Northiam, Sussex, England, and arrived 1856 from England with the Ezra Curtis Company from San Pedro, California. He married Sarah Higgins in 1829 while in Sussex, England, when he was just 16 years old. His parents were James and Sarah Gurr. He married second Ruth Buckman in 1840 , Sydney, Australia. She was born: 23 Sep 1809 , Lewis, Sussex, England.

Enoch was an adventuresome person. When gold was discovered in Australia , he took his wife and three children and left. His wife and two children died enroute and were buried at sea. He then married Ruth and theirs was a happy life. They learned of the gospel while in Australia and were baptized in 1853. Their home was a gathering place for friends and missionaries.

When Johnston 's Army was coming, the Church told all the missionaries and saints to come to Utah. A ship was chartered and they sailed, arriving in San Pedro, California. They came to Utah in the Ezra Curtis company of 1857. They settled in Provo for a time and then moved to Charleston, but had to leave because the high altitude affected their son. They moved to Benjamin for a time and then moved to Prattsville (now Orderville), but Enoch refused to live the order. W hen it broke up, Enoch moved his family back to Benjamin where he died.

Enoch was a hard worker and a good farmer. He hauled freight, helped build a road, but mostly he loved the gospel and his family. He and Ruth loved to sing and they would gather their family around and sing. Ruth must have been educated as she read to her children and taught them. No matter where they lived, their home was a gathering place for family and friends. Children of 1st wife: Mary, b. abt 1831, England, D. at sea, 1839, William, b. 12 Oct 1834, England, Md. Sarah E. Barker, in Australia, Jane, b. 1837, England, D. at sea, 1839. Children of 2nd wife: James, b. 26 Apr 1841. D. 17 Nov 190_. Susannah, b. 9 Aug 1843, D. 19 Feb 1908, Md. William Madison Wall. Sarah, b. 22 Nov 1845, D. 24 Dec 192.. Md. William Madison Wall, Peter, b. 11 Nov 1847, D. 21 Oct 1880. Reuben b. 27 Dec 1849, D. 10 Sep 1926. Submitted by: Geraldine Ree.

SOURCE: Family Search.org

  • Residence: Spanish Fork, Utah, Utah, United States - 05 August 1870
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Хронология Enoch Eldredge Gurr, Free Settler "Strathfieldsaye" 1839

27 ноября 1813
Northiam, East Sussex, England, United Kingdom (Соединённое Королевство)
26 декабря 1813
Northiam, East Sussex, England, United Kingdom (Соединённое Королевство)
12 октября 1834
United Kingdom (Соединённое Королевство)
United Kingdom (Соединённое Королевство)
26 апреля 1841
Ingleburn, New South Wales, Australia (Австралия)

NSW Birth Record 1110/1843 V18431110 27A - James GURR, father Enoch, mother Ruth

9 августа 1843
Bringle, Gilgandra Shire, New South Wales, Australia (Австралия)

NSW Birth Record 1109/1843 V18431109 27A - Susanna GURR, father Enoch, mother Ruth

22 ноября 1844
Bringelly, New South Wales, Australia (Австралия)

NSW Birth Record 357/1845 V1845357 55 - Sarah GURR, father Enoch, mother Ruth

11 ноября 1847
Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia

NSW Birth Record 920/1847 V1847920 33A - Peter GURR, father Enoch, mother Ruth