This is a master project covering the Mormon Pioneers.
The original Brigham Young-led pioneer company has a separate project page. Other projects are organized by year of departure.
Choose one of the 24 Projects Below
- 1846 Ship Brooklyn,
- 1847 Brigham Young (Original Pioneer Company)
Additional Pioneer Company Yearly Migrations:
- 1847, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852, 1853, 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868
Project Totals:
- Mormon-Pioneers-1846-ship-Brooklyn: 162
- Mormon-Pioneer-Overland-Trail-Brigham-Young-Pioneer-Company-1847: 150
- Mormon-Pioneers-1847: 1416
- Mormon-Pioneers-1848: 1851
- Mormon-Pioneers-1849: 978
- Mormon-Pioneers-1850: 1630
- Mormon-Pioneers-1851: 730
- Mormon-Pioneers-1852: 1932
- Mormon-Pioneers-1853: 810
- Mormon-Pioneers-1854: 392
- Mormon-Pioneers-1855: 607
- Mormon-Pioneers-1856: 833
- Mormon-Pioneers-1857: 249
- Mormon-Pioneers-1858: 131
- Mormon-Pioneers-1859: 273
- Mormon-Pioneers-1860: 395
- Mormon-Pioneers-1861: 509
- Mormon-Pioneers-1862: 539
- Mormon-Pioneers-1863: 362
- Mormon-Pioneers-1864: 395
- Mormon-Pioneers-1865: 99
- Mormon-Pioneers-1866: 362
- Mormon-Pioneers-1867: 40
- Mormon-Pioneers-1868: 390
Grand Total: 15,235
We Need Your Help
Please collaborate on a specific year's (1847-1868) project page. While viewing a Mormon pioneer's profile and under the "More Actions" link choose "Add to Project" and this will allow you to add that pioneer to any of the the Mormon Pioneer projects.
How to Help
- 1846-1868 Unknown Arrivals <<- Click to Edit
- 1847-1868 Mormon Pioneer Arrivals Totals <-- Click Link
Anyone can edit the various pioneer arrival spreadsheets to update which pioneers have links on geni. The projects goal is to include on geni every single Mormon pioneer. That's about 70,000 people. The only way we can do this is by tracking which of the 70,000 pioneers have profiles on geni and which ones are missing. This is a massive undertaking and we are asking you as a member of the geni community help by keeping these spreadsheets up to date by editing them. We need your help!
On each spreadsheet there is a column marked "G". Use the search term in column "G" of the spreadsheet to search for the pioneer on google. To do this copy the text in column "G" and paste it into a Google search window. Google will then search geni to see if it can find a match. If a likely match is located then visit the page on geni and confirm that it is actually a Mormon pioneer. Look for clues like did the person die in Utah, Idaho, Arizona or a nearby state. Often their "about" section on geni will contain information about travel in a specific Mormon pioneer company and the year of travel.
- If you find a Mormon pioneer profile on geni them add them to this geni project and then update the spreadsheet.
- Paste the geni web link that you located for the profile into column "H" of the spreadsheet. Here is an example of what a profile's web link looks like: https:// The spreadsheet will automatically save any edits you make.
- If you are unable to locate the pioneer place a lower case "x" in column "H" of the spreadsheet. Additionally your invited to create new profiles for pioneers who are not yet on geni. Please do not create duplicates and if you find existing duplicates please merge them or contact a curator for help in merging them.
- The spreadsheet is automatically color-coded so that found links are green and missing links are red.
- The other spreadsheet is called "1847-1868 Mormon Pioneer Arrivals Totals." It contains a summary of all known Mormon Pioneers (there are 55,600 of them) and how many of them have profiles on geni. This summary page is auto updated and is not editable but will contain the totals from all of the individual year arrivals.
Links to individual year spreadsheets.
All geni users are invited to update these spreadsheets.
- 1847-1868 Mormon Pioneer Arrival Totals <<- Click to View
- 1846-1868 Unknown Arrivals <<- Click to Edit
- 1847 Arrivals <<- Click to Edit
- 1848 Arrivals <<- Click to Edit
- 1849 Arrivals <<- Click to Edit
- 1850 Arrivals <<- Click to Edit
- 1851 Arrivals <<- Click to Edit
- 1852 Arrivals <<- Click to Edit
- 1853 Arrivals <<- Click to Edit
- 1854 Arrivals <<- Click to Edit
- 1855 Arrivals <<- Click to Edit
- 1856 Arrivals <<- Click to Edit
- 1857 Arrivals <<- Click to Edit
- 1858 Arrivals <<- Click to Edit
- 1859 Arrivals <<- Click to Edit
- 1860 Arrivals <<- Click to Edit
- 1861 Arrivals <<- Click to Edit
- 1862 Arrivals <<- Click to Edit
- 1863 Arrivals <<- Click to Edit
- 1864 Arrivals <<- Click to Edit
- 1865 Arrivals <<- Click to Edit
- 1866 Arrivals <<- Click to Edit
- 1867 Arrivals <<- Click to Edit
- 1868 Arrivals <<- Click to Edit
Finding Aids
- Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah
- Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel Database
- Mormon Pioneers (1847-1868) Master Project
Death Rates for Mormon Pioneers:
"...Mormon pioneer immigrants of the nineteenth century experienced a monumental endeavor fraught with considerable difficulty and danger. Both transoceanic and transcontinental travel was attended with increased risk because of a wide variety of acute diseases, communicable illness, and accidental injury. It was not an undertaking to be taken lightly.
Many of the immigrants paid with their lives in the effort to follow the advice of Church leaders to gather with the Saints in Zion. The exact number of Saints who died is not known, but estimates suggest that between 1846–69, some forty-two hundred to five thousand perished during some phase of the journey. Some 670–700 died crossing the Atlantic or the Pacific, while another 3,400–4,300 died during the overland journey. The period from 1846–48 stands out as the years with the highest death rate and most intense affliction. Some data suggest that overall death rates were
lower than the 4 to 6 percent that characterized groups on the other overland trails, despite the fact that Mormon immigrant parties typically included larger numbers of young, elderly, and infirm than did the average immigrant group of the day, which was comprised primarily of young, healthy adults.
The equanimity and determination with which the Latter-day Saint immigrants faced these trials are a testament to their faith in the cause in which they were involved..."