Enríque O'Neill

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Enríque O'Neill

Birthplace: Irlanda, Leinster, Dublín
Death: 1720 (33-34)
It., Lazio, Roma
Immediate Family:

Son of II Conde de Tyrone Hugo Roe O'Neill and Síobhán O'Donnell
Father of Enríque O'Neill

Managed by: María
Last Updated:

About Enríque O'Neill


Parece que para subir en la genealogía de este linage hay que seguir: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earl_of_Tyrone <p>In the 1641 Irish Rebellion Sir Henry O'Neill remained loyal to the English crown while his sons and brothers played a prominent part in the 1641 Irish Rebellion, resulting in the confiscation his lands were divided up among a number of Cromwellian settlers ; the chief beneficiary was Thomas Ball whose various grants totalled more than 6,000 acres. Sir Henry O'Neill was banished to Connnaught ,Ireland . Where he was awarded a estate in Co. Mayo, Ireland. <p></p> <p>There were many O'Neills in the Caribbean especially the O'Neills Counts of Tyrone of the Feardorcha O'Neill line. They lived in the Spanish Netherlands Patrick O'Neill was born in Spanish Netherlands (modern Belgium) in 1622 and given the courtesy title of Count of Tyrone in deference to his father's title which was taken upon the death of Hugh in Rome 1616. Patrick O'Neill and his cousin Eoghan Rua Nill, anglicised as Owen Roe O'Neill (c. 1590-1649) "Red Owen", was a seventeenth century soldier and one of the most famous of the O'Neill family of Ulster O'Neill was the son of Art O'Neill, a younger brother of Hugh O'Neill, 2nd Earl of Tyrone . As a young man, left Ireland in the Flight of the Earls to escape the English conquest of his native Ulster. He grew up in the Spanish Netherlands and spent 40 years serving in the Irish regiment of the Spanish army. He saw most of his combat in the Eighty Years' War against the Dutch Republic in Flanders, notably at the siege of! <p>Arras, where he commanded the Spanish garrison. O'Neill was, like many Gaelic Irish officers in the Spanish service, very hostile to the English Protestant presence in Ireland. Both cousins returned to Ireland during the Irish Rebellion of 1641 to fight in the Irish confedarate Wars. Owen Roe O'Neill was poisoned by the Cromwell supporters and died in 1649. Patrick O'Neill left Ireland and tookloyalty and arms for the King of France and moved his family to the Island of Martinique there they lived for 200 years. In the 1641 Irish Rebellion Sir Henry O'Neill remained loyal to the English crown while his sons and brothers played a prominent part in the 1641 Irish Rebellion, resulting in the confiscation his lands were divided up among a number of Cromwellian settlers ; the chief beneficiary was Thomas Ball whose various grants totalled more than 6,000 acres. Sir Henry O'Neill was banished to Connnaught , Ireland . Where he was awarded a estate in Co. Mayo, Ireland. His son ! <p>Henry O'Neill ( Enrique O'Neill) in 1755 the 99 years lease on his lan</p> <p>ds in Meelick, Carrowrory and Carrowconnell expired. Henry (Enrique) O'Neill and his wife Hanna O'Kelly , the daughter of counselor John O'Kelly of Keenagh, co. Roscommon moved his family to Spain about 1758. In the result of a James Knox of Moyne of Killala, Co.Mayo took steps against O'Neills to confiscate his lands.During the Cromwell and the English Protestant laboured to give war with the policy of extermination of the Irish. The inhuman methods of selling Irish has slaves to plantation owners in the Leeward Islands espicially Monseratte and other British governerd Islands. The LeewardIslands lie east of Puerto Rico this gave the perfect opportunity for the veterans of the Irish wars and Spanish Regiments who had fought in the Spanish Netherlands to exact revenge. Sometimes alliedwith French troops the attacked the British colonies most of the time resulting in the exetermination of English plantation owners and the native inhabitants in these Islands. <p>The History of the O'Neill of Puerto Rico start from this point </p> <p>The English controlled St. Croix until 1650. In that year the Spanish sent a fleet of 5 ships and 1,200 men to St. Croix from Puerto Rico and slaughtered everyone! After only 15 years of domination, the English were ousted. The Oral history seems to show that the O'Neills had previous knowledge of the Islands with the names of Rocco , Eammon, Constatino or Conn , Eogan , Edmundo & Gill these were men who first in the Ultonia and Hibernia regiments for the Crown of Spain sometimes allied with the French to eliminate the English from these Islands



(trad.dir.google orig. abajo): El Rey Soythia de Egipto tuvo un hijo llamado Niul y Niul casada Scota que fue el faraón reinante hija. El río Nilo fue nombrado después de Niul y Scota era la mujer que encontró a Moisés en el borde del río. Moisés llegó a la edad adulta y se curó sus Glas hijo Goadhal de una mordedura de una serpiente, que recibió el nombre de Gael o gaélico de este antepasado. Moisés también dijo a Niul y Glas hijo Goadhal Scota de que había recibido una visión de una "Isle of Destiny", Irlanda. Descendancies Después de varios descendientes Glas Goadhal 'vagabapor Europa, con el tiempo de aterrizar en España. El líder fue nuestro antepasado Brath en este momento y se le conocía como Brath de Galacia, en el norte de España. Hijo de Brath fue Breogán, rey de Galacia, Castilla y Portugal. Nieto de Brath era Milesius que recordaba profetizó Moisés de la antigüedad, había oído hablar de Hibernia o Irlanda, ya que fue llamado y planeó una expedición, por desgracia, murió en España por lo que su esposa y sus dos hijos se embarcaron, perdiendo muchos de los pasajeros en una tormenta feroz en el mar. Estos journiers se conocía como "milesios"en honor de su antepasado.
<p>Son Heber desembarcó en la bahía de Bantry y Heremon hijo en Boyne River, después de aterrizar conquistaron los habitantes conocidos en firbolgs y DeDanns y gobernaron como la aristocracia de Mileto. Ellos llamaron a su país Escocia en honor de su antepasado, la hija de Faraón. <p>Más tarde, la gente tomaría el nombre a Escocia y el nombre de Irlanda surgirían. Es así como la de O'Neill se convirtió en el más antiguo de los reyes de las naciones europeas según la leyenda. Después esposa Heremon le hizo combatir a su hermano Heber para la tierra conocida como Tara, Heremon bacame el monarca irlandés primero y murió 1370 aC, otros descendientes gobernaron después Heremon y luego el 7 de Alto Rey era Tighernmas que fue seguido por Iriall, este monarca talar el bosque antiguo y erigieron siete palacios reales. <p>Increíbles estructuras de las tumbas fueron construidas passaway, así como el de Newgrange Brugna Boinne o alambiques que atrae a los visitantes hoy 3000 años, después de la erección.</p> <p>Ugaine Mor o Hugony el Grande como era conocido luego una sucesión de descendancies para convertirse en el monarca de 58 y estaba casado con Caesair que era la hija del rey de Francia. Cristo nació, se dijo durante el reinado de Fochaidh Feidholioch, los 84. Su nieto fue Criomhtham Niadhnar, el monarca 91. <p>Algunos historiadores dicen que Cristo nació durante el reinado de 91 de antepasados ??O'Neill.</p> <p>Fiache Pionnola era su hijo, y su madre era la hija del rey de Escocia Alba como era conocido. Él dividió Irlanda en provincias llamados Ulster, Munster, Leinster y Connaught y su hijo fue Twathal Teachtmear, que añadió otra provincia conocida como Meath que se convirtió en un centro religioso, el druidismo era la religión del día. <p>Twathal esposa se llamaba Baine y ella era la hija del rey de Gran Bretaña. Feidlime Reachtmhar era el monarca 99 y murió en 183 dC, era hijo Twathal, y conocido como el legislador. Se casó con la hija del rey de Dinamarca. <p>Conn Cead Chathach era conocido como Conn de las Cien Batallas, porque se metió en tantas batallas. De hecho, la mayoría de estos antepasados ??eran constantemente una guerra y hay Unido fue continuamente atacado. Él suceeded en el derrocamiento del monarca sentado a convertirse en el 101, su padre era Feidlime Reachtmhar. <p>Más tarde Conn perdido parte de Irlanda de Mogh, y más tarde volver a ganar. Su hijo era el arte solitario, y siguió Conaire que era hermano de su padre. Le dolió la pérdida de sus hermanos enbatalla y llegó a ser conocido como el Solitario. <p>Su hijo era Cormac mcart, gobernando en el siglo tercero. Capilla en Cashel. El Libro de Ballymote Cormac "un rey noble, ilustre tomó ahora la soberanía y dominio sobre Kirinn, es decir, Cormac, el nieto de Connecticut El mundo estaba lleno de todo lo bueno en este momento, la comida y la grasa de la tierra, y los dones del mar en abundancia en el reinado de este rey. No había ni woundings ni robbings en su tiempo, y todo el mundo disfrutó de su propia paz ". <p>Ojalá que tuvimos tanta suerte como la gente de este largo Irlanda atrás. Cormac, el más maravilloso de los monarcas también se acredita con la creencia en un Dios único y verdadero y con ser un escritor y erudito también. Cormac escribió las "Instrucciones de un Rey" y el "Libro de Acaill". Su reino disfrutado de 40 años de paz. <p>En descenso lineal de Cormac fue Fochaid Muighmadon, que se casó Carthann, hija del rey de Bretaña y su hijo Niall, o Niallus Magnus el último gran rey pagano de Irlanda, que es monarca 116. Durante su tiempo Succat fue llevado a Irlanda como uno de sus 9 rehenes y creció para convertirse en St. Patrick. Ocho de los hijos de Niall principados fundada en Irlanda y durante 600 años los descendientes de Niall gobernó Irlanda. <p>Esta ortografía de Niall, en efecto, le parece a este autor como estar muy cerca de su propio apellido nacimiento padres, O'Neall. Owen era el hijo de Niall y bajo él la Real Casa de O'Neill de Tir Eoghan llegó a existir. Owen residía en el Grianan de Aileach un castillo cerca de Derry. <p>Muireadhach Owen hijo se casó con Earca, hija del rey Loarn de Dal Riada. Su Mortough hijo que también era conocido como Muireadhach, y es quizás el antecesor recordado con esta elaborada cruz celta. Fue el primer rey cristiano de Irlanda 800 dC y su hijo que se casó con Hugh Finnliath Moolmare McAlpine, esta Niall era 153o monarca y por su matrimonio con la Moolmare O'Neall se convirtió descendientes de Irlanda y los reyes de Escocia. <p>Niall Hugh hijo de Negro rodilla o Glundubh Niall era el siguiente en la línea y se casó con la mujer más hermosa de toda Irlanda llamado Gormlaith, su residencia fue Castillo de Dunvegan y su cáliz fue inscrito en su honor, todavía existe. Después de esta Niall era Mortaugh de las Capas de cuero y luego vino Domnall O'Neill, el primer monarca de usar el nombre moderno de O'Neill. DomnallO'Neill fue monarca 158a Irlanda. También fue el último O'Neill a ser alta-King, después de él los bienes de los de O'Neill se limitaban a determinados señoríos y las tenencias en el país y el"O'Neill Great" llegó a existir. <p>Un poema de la época captura el corazón de la gente, cuando el último O'Neill era el rey:</p> <p>"Doloroso este día sagrado en Irlanda, Sin un jefe valiente de 'rehén' reinado, sino que es ver el cielo sin sol, Para ver Magh Neill sin Niall"</p> <p>Magh Neill significa la tierra o país de Neill, ningún autor se le da en este poema.</p> <p>En la batalla de Clontarff Brian Boru desplazó a la monarquía, que se retomó brevemente, pero nunca recuperó su antigua realeza. Brian Boru fue el progenitor de la familia de O'Brien.</p> <p>Ya que estamos en legendery hereos irlandeses nos gustaría mencionar otro, Finn MacCool que era un guerrero. Debido a Irlanda ahora carecía de una monarquía central se convirtió en presa fácilpara los demás; s para atacar y conquistar. Nuestra O'Neill estaban ocupados protegiendo a sus participaciones en Irlanda del Norte., El surgimiento de la "Gran O'Neill" es un evento bien documentado en la historia, y se produjo en la época de las invasiones normandas. The Great O'Neill era una posición de poder y prestigio en la familia y haciendas de O'Neill. En esencia, un señorío y el título de príncipe. Existe mucha comunicación entre Inglaterra e Irlanda en el lado de la Gran O'Neill, que fue el más democrático de los sistemas ya que todos los descendientes de la Casa de O'Neill fueron elegibles para ser elegido está monarca, y muchos lo hicieron. Todos los siguientes aparatos eran conocidos en su tiempo como "The Great O'Neill". Mortough Midriche era el hijo de Domnall O'Neill y él se convirtió en el primero de una larga lista de titulares del título, "The Great O'Neill", que tuvo lugar de hecho hasta el siglo 17, por una larga serie de O'Neill. <p>Hugh la oscuridad se convirtió en el Príncipe de Tyrone y rey ??de Ulster en 1186 dC, y murió en 1230 AD, se negó a someterse al rey Juan de Carrickforgus, monarca sentado Irlanda. Su nieto fueHugh B. O'Neill y murió en 1283 AD después de ser nombrado el Gran O'Neill. <p>Su hijo era Brian y él suceeded a su padre como príncipe de Tyrone y Clannaboy, esta Brian fue asesinado por el descendiente del Rudh Nial que era Hugh the Dark hermano y esta línea a partir de entonces tomó el título de Príncipe de Tyrone. Descendientes de Brian retuvo el título de Príncipe de Clannaboy. Henry era el hijo de Brian y se convirtió en príncipe en 1319 AD. <p>Murchedach o Maurice era el hijo de Henry y era conocido como "resuelta" era del príncipe curso de Clannaboy así como murió Lord of the Baroniee de Castlrecagh, Baja Ards en Condado de Down y labaronía de Loghlinelin en el condado de Derry de Belfast y Maurice en 1395 AD. <p>Su hijo mayor fue Brian Ballagh, impuso un impuesto a los británicos, que pagaron hasta el tiempo de Henry el 8vo. Brian Ballagh fue asesinado en 1426 dC por el pueblo de Carrick. Fue escrito en los anales de Irlanda Brian, "el hombre más distinguido de su tiempo por la hospitalidad, la bondad y el aprendizaje y el conocimiento de muchas ciencias, fue asesinado". Su hijo mayor estaba Hugh Buidhe y suceeded el Príncipe de Clannaboy, que murió en 1444AD. <p>Con Constantino o de Edendubh-carrig, era el siguiente en la línea de estar en el castillo que más tarde sería conocido como el Castillo de Shane, también llamada "la cima de la roca negro". Mepregunto si eso es donde el término "negro" irlandés vino. <p>Con el tiempo su hijo Niall Mor el castillo fue destruido y él fue también el propreitor del castillo de Carrickfergus. Murió el 11 de abril de 1312.</p> <p>El hijo menor de Niall Mor fue Phelim Bacca y entró en sus fincas padres y algunas fuentes que se refiere como el Príncipe de Clannaboy. Brian, hijo de Phelim heredado próximo y los registros serefieren a Brian O'Neill de Edenduff-carrick "donde hizo su residencia. En 1573 AD invitó al Devereux Walter, conde de Essex de Inglaterra a su casa, en el Castillo de Belfast donde disfrutaron un banquete, una fiesta, y después de retirarse por la noche, el conde de Essex hombres rodearon el castillo y asesinados 200 de amig 850 dC y se colocó en Scone por Kenneth McAlpine, descendiente de Fergus Mor. Ahora se llama la Piedra de Scone.</p> <p>Cuando Edward me invadió Escocia, en 1296, el Rey tomó la piedra que se sienta a Inglaterra y lo colocó en la Abadía de Westminster, y en 1950 un grupo de escoceses tomó la piedra y la puso enArbroath Abbey, en Escocia. Corre el rumor de que una copia de la piedra se hizo y volvió a Westminster, mientras que la piedra real se encuentra en el Palacio de Scone ahora. <p>Si ese fuera el caso, ¿qué pasó con el mensaje de San Patricio? Reyes de Escocia descienden de los Reyes irlandeses y cuando en 1603 Isabel I no pudo mantener la línea británica, el título seconvirtió en James 6 de Escocia. Se llamaba Jaime I es Inglaterra. Isabel II es descendiente de los reyes escoceses, que descienden de los Reyes de Irlanda y el actual monarca Inglés Elizabeth I esen realidad descendientes de Erc, por lo que la bendición de San Patricio correcto, excepto si el rumor es correcta, es la copia de la Piedra estaba en Westminster cuando Isabel fue coronada en 1952, tal vez debería de ido a casa a Escocia? <p>Y de todos modos, Mortough fue el antepasado de Hugh O'Neill y él fue el primer monarca en ser coronado en la piedra del destino que se puede utilizar para coronar al monarca Inglés próximo.</p> <p>En 1730 Hugh O'Neill, el ancestro de algunos de los más O'Neall, Neal, de O'Neale y hoy viven O'Neill, era un joven guardia marina británica Naval a bordo de un barco con destino a América.</p> <p>Ser tercero en la línea para el título de Príncipe de Clannaboy sabiamente optó por hacerse valer en un gran esfuerzo y desafiar los mares con la esperanza de libertad para siempre, nuestro antepasado Hugh O'Neill cambió su nombre por el de Hugh O'Neall para escapar a la detección, después de haber abandonado el barco en el río Delaware, se casó con Anne Cox y tuvieron muchos hijos, seis hijos participaron de diversas maneras en la Revolución Americana, enfrentados entre sí, o después de una convicción religiosa que se abstenga de hacer la guerra, miles de O ' Neall, O'Neill, O'Neil O'Neal y Neal descendientes están vivos y libres hoy en día debido a la valentía de nuestro padre Hugh y sus antepasados ??los reyes de Irlanda. <p></p> <p>~Legend of O'Neill~</p> <p></p> <p>King Soythia of Egypt had a son named Niul, and Niul married Scota who was the reigning Pharoah’s daughter. The river Nile was named after Niul and Scota was the woman who found Moses on the rivers edge. Moses grew to manhood and cured their son Goadhal Glas of a bite from a serpent, we received the name Gael or Gaelic from this ancestor. Moses also told Niul and Scota's son Goadhal Glas thathe had received a vision about an "Isle of Destiny," Ireland. Several descendancies later Goadhal Glas’ descendants would wander about Europe, eventually landing in Spain. The leader was our ancestor Brath at this time and he was known as Brath of Galacia, in Northern Spain. Brath’s son was Breogan, King of Galacia, Castile and Portugal. Grandson of Brath was Milesius who remembered Moses prophesy of ancient times, had heard about Hibernia or Ireland as it was called and planned an expedition, unfortunately he died in Spain so his wife and two sons embarked, losing many of the passengers in a vicious storm at sea. These journiers became known as "Milesians" in honour of their ancestor. <p>Son Heber landed at Bantry Bay and son Heremon at Boyne River, after landing they conquered the inhabitants known at Firbolgs and DeDanns and they ruled as the Milesian aristocracy. They named their country Scotia in honour of their ancestor, daughter of Pharoah. <p>Later other people would take the name to Scotland and the name of Ireland would emerge. It is thus that the O’Neill’s became Kings of the oldest of European nations according to legend. After Heremon’s wife made him battle his brother Heber for the land known as Tara, Heremon bacame the first Irish Monarch and he died 1370 BC, other descendants ruled after Heremon and then the 7th High-King was Tighernmas who was followed by Iriall, this monarch cut down the ancient forest and erected 7 royal palaces. <p>Incredible structures of passaway tombs were constructed as well such as the one at Brugna Boinne or Newgrange which stills attracts visitors today 3000 years, after erection.</p> <p>Ugaine Mor or Hugony the Great as he was known followed a succession of descendancies to become the 58th monarch and he was married to Caesair who was the daughter of the King of France. Christ wasborn it is told during the reign of Fochaidh Feidholioch, the 84th. His grandson was Criomhtham Niadhnar, the 91st monarch. I find it puzzling the way these monarchs are numbered, but I am just writing what has already been written. <p>Some historians say Christ was born during the 91st reign of O'Neill ancestors.</p> <p>Fiache Pionnola was his son, and his mother was the daughter of the King of Alba as Scotland was known. He divided Ireland into provinces called Ulster, Munster, Leinster and Connaught and his son was Twathal Teachtmear, who added another province known as Meath which became a religious center, Druidism was the religion of the day. <p>Twathal's wife was named Baine and she was the daughter of the King of Britian. Feidlime Reachtmhar was the 99th monarch and he died in 183 AD, he was Twathal's son, and known as the law-giver. He married the daughter of the King of Denmark. <p>Conn Cead Chathach was known as Conn of the Hundred Battles, because he got into so many battles. In fact most of these ancestors were constantly a war and there Kingdom was continuously under attack. He suceeded in overthrowing the sitting monarch to become the 101st, his father was Feidlime Reachtmhar. <p>Later Conn lost part of Ireland to Mogh, and still later re-won it. His son was Art the Lonely, and he followed Conaire who was his father's brother. He grieved the loss of his brothers in battle and became known as the Lonely. <p>His son was Cormac McArt, ruling in the 3rd century AD. Chapel at Cashel. The Book of Ballymote states Cormac "a noble, illustrious King now took sovereignty and rule over Kirinn, namely Cormac, the grandson of Conn. The world was replete with all that was good at this time; the food and the fat of the land, and the gifts of the sea were in abundance in this King's reign. There were neither woundings nor robbings in his time, and everyone enjoyed his own in peace." <p>Would that we were so lucky as the people of this long ago Ireland. Cormac, this most wonderful of monarchs is also credited with believing in a one true God and with being an author and scholar aswell. Cormac wrote the "Instructions of a King" and the "Book of Acaill." His realm enjoyed 40 years of peace. <p>In lineal descent from Cormac was Fochaid Muighmadon, who married Carthann, daughter of the King of Britian and his son was Niall, or Niallus Magnus the last great pagan King of Ireland, it's 116thmonarch. During his time Succat was brought into Ireland as one of his 9 hostages and he grew up to become St. Patrick. Eight of Niall's sons founded principalities in Ireland and for 600 years the descendants of Niall ruled Ireland. <p>This spelling of Niall, indeed, strikes this author as being very close to her own fathers birth surname, O'Neall. Owen was the son of Niall and under him the Royal House of O'Neill of Tir Eoghan came into being. Owen resided at the Grianan of Aileach a castle near Derry. <p>Owen's son Muireadhach married Earca, daughter of King Loarn of Dal Riada. Their son Mortough who was also known as Muireadhach, and is perhaps the ancestor remembered with this elaborate Celtic Cross. He was the first Christian King of Ireland 800 AD and his son was Hugh Finnliath who married Moolmare McAlpine, this Niall was 153rd monarch and through his marriage to Moolmare the O'Neall's became descendants of both Ireland and Scotland's Kings. <p>Hugh's son Niall Black Knee or Niall Glundubh was next in line and he married the most beautiful woman in all of Ireland named Gormlaith, his residence was Castle of Dunvegan and his chalice was inscribed in his honour, exists still. Following this Niall was Mortaugh of the Leather Cloaks and then came Domnall O'Neill, the first monarch to use the modern name of O'Neill. Domnall O'Neill was Ireland's 158th monarch. He was also the last O'Neill to be High-King, after him the estates of the O'Neill's were restricted to specific lordships and holdings within the country and the "Great O'Neill"came into being. <p>A poem of the time captures the heart of the people, when the last O'Neill was King:</p> <p>"Sorrowful this day in sacred Ireland, Without a valiant chief of 'hostage' reign; It is to see the heavens without a sun, To view Magh Neill without Niall"</p> <p>Magh Neill means the land or country of Neill, no author is given for this poem.</p> <p>At the Battle of Clontarff Brian Boru displaced the monarchy, which was retaken briefly but never regained its former regality. Brian Boru was the progenitor of the O'Brien family.</p> <p>While we are on legendery Irish hereos we would like to mention another, Finn MacCool who was a warrior. Because Ireland now lacked a central monarchy she became easy prey for other people';s to attack and conquer. Our O'Neill's were busy protecting their holdings in Northern Ireland., the emergence of the "Great O'Neill" is a well documented event in history, and came about at the time of the Norman invasions. The Great O'Neill was a position of power and prestige in the family and estates of O'Neill. In essence a Lordship and princely title. Much communication exists between England and Ireland in the hand of the Great O'Neill, which was the most democratic of systems as all of the descendants in the House of O'Neill were eligible to be chosen it's monarch, and many did. All of the follwing were known in their time as being "The Great O'Neill". Mortough Midriche was the son of Domnall O'Neill and he became the first in a long line of holders of the title, "The Great O'Neill", heldin fact until the 17th century, by a long line of O'Neill's. <p>Hugh the Dark became the Prince of Tyrone and King of Ulster in 1186 AD, and died in 1230 AD, he refused to submit to King John of Carrickforgus, Ireland's sitting monarch. His grandson was Hugh B.O'Neill and died in 1283 AD after being named the Great O'Neill. <p>His son was Brian and he suceeded his father as Prince of Tyrone and Clannaboy, this Brian was slain by the descendant of the Nial Rudh who was Hugh the Dark's brother and this line thereafter tookthe title of Prince of Tyrone. Brian's descendants retained the title of Prince of Clannaboy. Henry was Brian's son and he became Prince in 1319 AD. <p>Murchedach or Maurice was Henry's son and was known as "strong-minded" he was of course Prince of Clannaboy as well as Lord of the Baroniee of Castlrecagh, Lower Ards in County Down and the Barony of Loghlinelin in county Derry of Belfast and Maurice died in 1395 AD. <p>His eldest son was Brian Ballagh, he imposed a tax on the British, which they paid until the time of Henry the 8th. Brian Ballagh was slain in 1426 AD by the people of Carrick. It was written in the Irish Annals of Brian, " most distinguished man of his time for hospitality, goodness and learning, and the knowledge of many sciences, was killed". His eldest son was Hugh Buidhe, and suceeded the Prince of Clannaboy, who died in 1444AD. <p>Constantine or Con of Edendubh-carrig, was next in line living at the Castle which would later be known as Shane’s Castle, also called "the brow of the black rock." I wonder if that is where the term "black Irish" came from. <p>In his son Niall Mor's time the castle was destroyed and he was also the propreitor of the castle of Carrickfergus. He died on April 11, 1312.</p> <p>The youngest son of Niall Mor was Phelim Bacca and he came into his fathers estates and some sources he is refered to as the Prince of Clannaboy. Brian, son of Phelim inherited next and records refer to Brian O'Neill of Edenduff-carrick" where he made his residence. In 1573 AD he invited the Walter Devereux, Earl of Essex of England to his home, at Belfast Castle where they enjoyed a banquet, afeast, and after retiring for the evening the Earl of Essex's men surrounded the castle and murdered two hundred of O'Neill's friends and associates, capturing Brian and his wife and brother and the murderers be-headed them all. Later Essex met the same fate in Mother England. <p>Next to inherit was Shane, Brian McPhelim O'Neill's son. Shane became Prince of Clannaboy and married Rose Magenniss, daughter of Lord Arthur Magennis of Iveagh, they had one son Henry. He is the Shane for which the castle is named. By his second marriage to Anne, daughter of Bryan Carrach O'Neill, Lord of Loughinsholin he had sons Arthur, Phelim Dubh and Shane Oge. Shane had issue by Rose of one son Henry. <p>By his second wife Anne Carrach O'Neill he had Arthur, Phelim Dubh and Shane Oge. Shane fought bravely with his kinsman Hugh O'Neill, Earl of Tyrone in war against Queen Elizabeth, and in 1586 was forced to submit to the English. Shane died in April of 1617 and his son Sir Henry O'Neill, Knight of Shane's Castle inherited. <p>Phelim Dubh became heir to Shane's Castle when Sir Henry O'Neill's daughter died. Phelim Dubh was the father of the next heir Brian O'Neill, Brian married Elinor Magennis of Kilwarton, by whom he had 3 sons and one daughter. <p>Phelim daughter is Sarah O'Neill and his sons are, John also known as French John, who became heir to the estates of Shane's Castle, Henry who went to Spain where his granddaughter became maid of honour to the Queen and our American ancestor Hugh O'Neill, who changed the spelling of his name to O'Neall to escape detection from the British Navy and marry Anne Cox in Christiana, Delaware, where their family grew to eight sons and daughters and now thousands of living descendants. <p>There are other collaterol stories about the O'Neill dynasty which may be interesting to the reader, including the story of the Stone of Destiny.</p> <p>This ancient rock was called Stone of Destiny, it was presented to the ruling monarch Mortough, by his brother Fergus Mor. It weighs 336 lbs. and is 26" long and 16" wide. The stone is inscribed with a Latin cross. <p>This was the stone which was used as the pillow of Jacob of biblical history when he dreamed of the heavenly ladder.. Fergus Mor wanted to use the stone at his own coronation, and the ancient IrishKingdom of Dalriada used the stone from 400 AD to 850 AD at all pagan ceremonies. It had been blessed by St.Patrick who said that wherever the stone lay, the race of Erc would reign. Erc was the ancient King of the Dalriada tribe in Antrim, North Ireland. <p>Scottish Kings began to use this stone @ 850 AD and it was placed at Scone by Kenneth McAlpine, descendant of Fergus Mor. Now it was called the Stone of Scone.</p> <p>When Edward I invaded Scotland, in 1296, the sitting King took the Stone to England and placed it in Westminister Abbey, and in 1950 a group of Scots took the stone and put it at Arbroath Abbey, inScotland. Rumour has it that a copy of the stone was made and returned to Westminister, while the real stone is at Scone Palace now. <p>If that be the case then what happened with St. Patrick's message? Scottish Kings descend from Irish Kings and when in 1603 Elizabeth I failed to keep the line British, the title became James 6 of Scotland. He was called James I is England. Elizabeth II is descended from Scottish Kings, who descend from Irish Kings and the present English monarch Elizabeth I is in fact descended from Erc, making St. Patrick's blessing correct, except if the rumour is correct only the copy of the Stone was in Westminister when Elizabeth was crowned in 1952, perhaps she should of gone home to Scotland? <p>And anyway, Mortough was the ancestor of Hugh O'Neill and he was the first Monarch to be crowned on the Stone of Destiny which may be used to crown the next English monarch.</p> <p>In 1730 Hugh O'Neill, the ancestor of some of the O'Neall's, Neal's, O'Neale's and O'Neill's living today, was a young British Naval midshipman aboard a ship bound for America.</p> <p>Being third in line for the title of Prince of Clannaboy he wisely chose to assert himself in a great endeavour and brave the seas in the hope of freedom forever, our ancestor Hugh O'Neill changed his name to Hugh O'Neall to escape detection, after he had jumped ship on the Delaware, he married Anne Cox and they had many children, six sons were variously involved in the American Revolution, pitted against one another, or following a religious conviction to abstain from making war, many thousands of O'Neall, O'Neill, O'Neil, O'Neal and Neal descendants are alive and free today because of thebravery of our ancestor Hugh and his ancestors the Kings of Ireland.


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Enríque O'Neill's Timeline

Irlanda, Leinster, Dublín
Age 3
Irlanda, Leinster, Dublín
Age 34
It., Lazio, Roma