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Julius Younger

Дата рождения:
Место рождения: Tesrinov
Смерть: 1981 (82-83)
Ближайшие родственники:

Муж Lena Younger
Отец Benjamin Robert Younger и Francis Resnick
Брат Salmen Junger и Не показыватя

Менеджер: Частный профиль
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About Julius Younger

Julius Younger was born in the town of Tesrinov (probably part of the Austrian Hungary Empire or Poland). He was naturalized on December 16, 1932. He then changed his name from Jechiel (pronounced Yechiel) Junger to Julius Younger. According to Ellis Island records he came over from Europe in 1907 at the age of 9 with his brother Salmen to settle in New York with their brother at 252 East Houston Street in New York. Julius later settled in Jersey City and once resided at 198 Jackson Avenue.

Joshua Younger is named after his hebrew name (Yechiel)

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Хронология Julius Younger