Katherine Turing

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About Katherine Turing


Katerine (1488) Katrina Turing (1489) Katerine Turing (1490) Katharine Turyne (1494) Katerine Turing (1494-5) Karine Turyng (1495) Katherine Turing (1503-4) Katrine Turing (1507)

According to Clan MacFarlane, Katherine Turing, here treated, is the daughter of John Turing and Agnes Preston. Clan MacFarlane cite rootsweb, who cite, in their turn, an account of the Crichtons of Nauchtan in "The Red Book of Fife" by Gordon A. MacGregor. Neither Clan MacFarlane or rootsweb refer to a verifiable piece of evidence in their accounts. Clan MacFarlane and associated clans genealogy


Katherine Turing married Patrick Crichton of Cranston-Riddell. A date for the marriage has not been identified but they were married before 14 Junly 1488, the date upon which the lands of Ralestoun was set to them in rental for three years. RSRS 10: 630

Evidence from the National Records of Scotland


14 July 1488: ASSEDACIO TERRARUM DE KlLMERNO, FACTA APUD STRIVELING XIIII 0 die mensis Julii anno etc. lxxxviii 0 , per venerabilem in Cristo patrem Henricum abbatem de Cambuskenneth, Robertum dominum Lile, Johannem dominum Drummond, justiciarios DOMINI REGIS, MAGISTRUM ALEXANDRUM INGLIS. . . . . . Ralestoun assedatur KATERINE sponse Patricii Crechton de Cranstoun pro terminis trium annorum, inde pecunia xij li. cum serviciis debitis et consuetis, grassuma tantum. RSRS 10: 630


13 January 1489: Kilmernok, xiij Januarii anno prescripto. Railstoun, quam KATRINA TURING, nunc sponsa Patricii Crechton de Cranstoun Riddale, prius habuit - Railstoun - in assedacione, de expresso consensu ipsius Katrine ac eciam per literas suppremi domini nostri regis suo secreto sigillo, assedatur Archibaldo Diksoun et Mariote Mowbra ejus sponse conjunctim et divisim pro terminis novemdecim annornm, etc. prout in dictis literis lacius continetur, que litere sunt de data primi Junii anni Domini etc. octuagesiminoni. RSRS 10: 661


12 October 1490: Charter by which James IV, King of Scots, confirms that he has given the lands of Nesbit in the [barony of Cranstoun-Riddale], constabulary of Haddington and sheriffdom of Edinburgh, to his household [gentleman] PATRICIO CREICHTOUN DE CRANSTOUN-RIDDALE and KATERINE TURING his spouse. The lands were to be held by them in conjunct fee and liferent and, following their decease, by any of Patricio's lawful heirs whatsoever. Patricio had previously resigned these land in order to ontain a new grant in favour of himself and his wife. RMS, 1424-1513: 1975

Note 1: The words in square brackets are taken from charter number 3093, noticed below, which is a duplicate of this charter.

Note 2: See also National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Kerr Family, Marquises of Lothian (Lothian Muniments), reference GD40/3/492


13 December 1494: (a) Charter by Robert Douglas of Lochlevin to PATRICK CREICHTONE OF CRANSTONE-REDDALE and KATHERINE TURING, spouse, of an annualrent of 20s. from the lands of Logtoun, resigned by Henry Cant, elder, burgess of Edinburgh. [Witnesses' names not inserted]. (b) Reversion by PATRICK OF CRYCHTON OF CRANSTON-REDAYLL and KATHERINE TURYNE, his spouse, to Robert of Dougles of Louchlewyn, following on (a) Dated at Edynburgh. Witnesses: Peter of Carmychell, John Coky, burgess of Edynburch, Henry Thomson, Robert Johnstone, sir John Lame and sir James of Hill, Notary, chaplains. [Seals, damaged] National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Earls of Morton, reference GD150/242


24 December 1494-5: Charter by which James IV, King of Scots, confirms that he has given the lands and barony of Owres in the sheriffdom of Kincardine to his familiar gentleman PATRICIO CRECHTOUN DE CRANSTOUN-RIDDALE and KATERINE TURING his wife. The barony of Owres was to be held by them in conjunct fee and liferent and after their death by their lawful male heirs, whom failing by any of Patricio's lawful heirs whatsoevever. The barony of Owres had previously been resigned by Patrick Lord Oliphant. RMS, 1425-1513: 2228


16 October 1495: Charter by which James IV, King of Scots, confirms that PATRICII CRECHTOUN DE CRANSTOUN-RIDDAIL, lord of the barony of Owres, and his wife KATRINE TURYNG have sold the land and barony of Owres to William, Earl Marischall and Lord Keith. RMS, 1424-1513: 2274


23 February 1503-4: Charter by which James IV, King of Scots confirms that he has givr the land and lordship of Gilmertpun to his familiar [gentleman] PATRICIO CREICHTOUN DE CRANSTOU-RIDDALE and his wife KATHERINE TURING. The lordship of Gilmertoun was to be held by them in conjunct fee and liferent and after their death by their lawfull male heirs, whom failing by any of Patricio's lawful heirs whatsoever. The lordship of Gilmertoun had previously been resigned by Pat. Hering of Gilmertoun. RMS, 1424-1513: 2770


24 April 1507: Duplicate of charter number 1975, which is noticed above. RMS, 1424-1513: 3093


3 March 1519-20: Precept of sasine by George, abbot of Holyrood, directed to Robert Monepenny of Pilgrig and Oliver Brown bailies of the regality and barony of Brochtoun in favour of Patrick Creichtoune [Crichton] now of Cranstounriddale and Katherine Twring his spouse, for the services rendered to the monastery by said Patrick and deceased David Creichtoune of Cranstounriddale his father, of the lands called St. Leonardis lands lying near the burgh of Edinburgh, in the regality and barony of Brochtoun and sheriffdom of Edinburgh, excepting the chapel of St. Leonard and patronage of said chapel and almshouse and reserving also for the poor thereof two crofts, one called the Terraris croft and the other the Hermittes croft lying to the east of said chapel. At Holyrood, 3 March 1519/20. National Records of Scotland, Papers relating to family of Carmichael of Balmedy, reference GD1/21/1/1


18 May 1528: William Rynd, bailie, passed to the back land of PATRICK CREICHTOUN, son and heir of the late PATRICK CREICHTOUN OF CRANSTON RIDDAILL, in which James McClzeane now dwells, on the north side of the High Street, within a tenement of the late William Cranston of Rathobyres, and bounded as before described; and there the said PATRICK CREICHTOUN resigned the foresaid back-land, with halls, chambers, etc., in the hands of the bailie, who gave sasine of the foresaid back-land, halls, chambers, cellars and kitchen thereof, to a prudent woman, Jonet Turing, relict of William Adamson, in life-rent, and to Alexander Adamson, son of the said Jonet, his heirs and assignees, in fee, under reversion of £140 by the said Alexander and his heirs to the said PATRICK, upon the redemption being made of the said back-land. Witnesses: Sir David Young cUrate of St. Giles Kirk, George Ur, John Lyntoun, Robert Adamson, Alexander Rynde, Robert Mason, John Bartilmo, and David Purves, serjeant. The same day etc., PATRICK CREICHTOUN obliged himself and his heirs, that whensoever it should happen him and his heirs to loose the said back-land from the foresaid Alexander Adamson, his heirs or assignees, by payment of the said sum of £140, that then he shall resign the said land, and shall infeft KATHERINE TURING, his mother, therein in liferent. And thereupon Sir David Young, curate, asked instruments. [The Protocol Book of John Foular, 1528-1534. Edited by John Durkan, D.Litt. (Scottish Record Society, Edinburgh, 1985) protocol number 11 on pp. 4-5]

Secondary Source Evidence

  1. The Protocol Book of John Foular, 1528-1534. Edited by John Durkan, D.Litt. (Scottish Record Society, Edinburgh, 1985) , 223 pp. including index


  1. rootsweb
  2. Clan MacFarlane and associated clans genealogy