Judith A. Green, The Descent of Belvoir. Prosopon Newsletter, 1999 http://users.ox.ac.uk/~prosop/prosopon/issue10-2.pdf
John S. Moore "Prosopographical Problems of English libri vitae" in K S B Keats-Rohan (ed) *Family Trees and the Roots of Politics: The prosopography of Britain and France from the tenth to the twelfth century* (The Boydell Press: Woodbridge, 1997) p. 179 [pp. 165-188].
Edmund King, "The Foundation of Pipewell Abbey, Northamptonshire,"The Haskins Society Journal Studies in Medieval History (edited by Robert Patterson), Vol 2 (1990). London: Hambledon Press. p. 175
K. S. B. Keat-Rohan, The Cartulary of the Abbey of Mont-Saint-Michel (2006), Bibliotheque municipale d'Avranches, p, 215, 256.
1055 |
Saint-Aubin-d'Aubigné (Ille-et-Vilaine), St. Malo, Bretagne, France
1085 |
Aubigne, Bretagne
1086 |
Saint-Aubin-d'Aubigné (Ille-et-Vilaine), Bretagne, France OR in England
1093 |
1095 |
September 5, 1095
Age 40
Normandy, Plouigneau, Bretagne, France