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Mandahai [Aisin Gioro]

китайский: 〔清〕巽簡親王 【(愛新覺羅)】 滿達海(七)
Дата рождения:
Смерть: 1652 (29-30)
Ближайшие родственники:

Сын Daišan 代善 и 葉赫那拉氏
Муж 博爾濟吉特氏
Партнёр 吳氏
Отец 宗室氏 и Canggadai [Aisin Gioro]
Брат Hûse [Aisin Gioro]; 愛新覺羅氏; Aisin Gioro и Aisin Gioro
Неполнородный брат 愛新覺羅氏; Aisin Gioro; 巴喇瑪; Aisin Gioro克達; Sahaliyen 薩哈璘 и ещё 3

Менеджер: Private User
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About Mandahai [Aisin Gioro]

MANDAHAI 滿達海, d. 1652, age 31 (sui), member of the Ch'ing Imperial Family, was the seventh son of Daišan [q.%E2%80%AFv.], the first Prince Li. He accompanied his father to the siege of Chinchou in 1640. In the following year, at the early age of twenty (sui), he was given the rank of a prince of the sixth degree and fought under Haoge [q.%E2%80%AFv.] at Sung-shan. In 1642 he took part in the capture of Ta-shan. He was with the army which broke through Shanhaikuan in 1644, and for his services was promoted two degrees to the rank of beise (貝子). Under Ajige [q.%E2%80%AFv.] he joined in the pursuit of Li Tzŭ-ch'êng [q.%E2%80%AFv.] into Shensi, and for the next three years was mostly occupied in operations in that section of China. After the defeat and death of Chang Hsien-chung [q.%E2%80%AFv.], Mandahai returned with the army (1648) to Peking. There he was accused of misdemeanors but was pardoned on the intercession of Dorgon [q.%E2%80%AFv.].

After his father's death he became, in 1649, the first inheritor of Daišan's princedom of the first degree. In the same year he accompanied his brother, Wakda (see under Daišan), on an expedition to Shansi against the rebel Chiang Hsiang [q.%E2%80%AFv.]. On his return in 1651 his princedom was designated Hsün 巽 in place of the designation, Li, granted to his father. After Dorgon's henchmen were cashiered in 1651, Mandahai was put in charge of the Board of Civil Office, but he died in the following year. He was canonized as Chien 簡. His son, Canggadai 常阿岱 (d. 1665, age 33 sui, posthumous name 懷愍), became the second inheritor of Daišan's rank. In 1659, however, Mandahai was posthumously accused of having appropriated for himself part of the confiscated property of Dorgon, and was posthumously deprived of all ranks. Canggadai also was not permitted to retain his inherited princedom and was degraded to a prince of the third degree (see under Giyešu).

[1/222/7b; 2/1/4a; 34/121/12b.]

George A. Kennedy

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