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Marcia Ann Wall (Glenn)

Псевдоним: "Annie Wall", "Annie Glenn"
Дата рождения:
Место рождения: Utah, United States (США)
Смерть: 29 августа 1914 (57)
Wasatch, UT, United States (США) (Bright's Disease)
Место погребения: Wallsburg, Wasatch County, Utah, United States
Ближайшие родственники:

Дочь Robert Wilson Glenn, I и Sarah Angeline Glenn
Жена Isaac Oliver Wall
Мать Jessie Douglas; Edith Snyder; Cecil Isaac Wall; Mary Jane Gudmundsen; Amy Grace Nunley и ещё 2
Сестра Sarah Jane Glenn; Robert Wilson Glenn, II; John Thomas Glenn; George Austin Glenn и Ada Dabling

Менеджер: Marsha Gail Veazey
Последнее обновление:

About Marcia Ann Wall

WASATCH WAVE (newspaper), Sept. 4, 1914: Mrs. Wall Gone

   "Mrs. Annie Wall, wife of I. O. Wall, died here last Saturday morning after an illness of four months from heart failure, brought on by an acute attack of bright's disease.
   "Mrs. Wall was the daughter of Robert W. and Sarah Glenn. She was born at Manti, Aug. 28, 1857, making her just 57 years of age. The family came to Heber in 1868 and three years later they moved to Wallsburg, until four years ago, when they moved to Heber. She was the mother of seven children, all of whom are living: Mrs. Edith Snyder of Provo, Mrs. Jessie Douglas of Garfield, Mrs. Jennie Goodmansen of Garfield, Cecil Wall, Amy Wall, Harold Wall and Ruby Wall of Heber.
   "Mrs. Wall was of a kind, amiable disposition, a general favorite with everybody on account of her genial and benevolent character. She was of a literary turn of mind, well informed on all subjects religious or otherwise. She was secretary of the Relief society in Wallsburg for many years and class leader in the Y.L.M.I. association. She has always been an active, earnest worker in the Church and will be missed.
   "The funeral services were held in the stake house in Heber Sunday and the large attendance was evidence of the esteem and respect in which the deceased and the family are held in this community. The speakers were E. D. Clyde, C. J. Wahlquist, A. Y. Duke, and John L. Meacham. All had words of praise and commendation for the deceased. The singing was by the Heber third ward choir. The numbers rendered being, "My Father Knows," "Sometime, Somewhere," "O, My Father" and "Resignation," a solo by Miss Anna Duke.
   "Mr. Wahlquist spoke of the deceased as faithful wife, a devoted mother, and a true Latter-day-saint, one who was always full of faith and good cheer, even in times of sickness. Said she was one who is entitled to the plaudit "Well Done, etc." and commended her life as an example to her children.
   "John L. Mecham spoke as one who had been acquainted with Mrs. Wall since they were children, always having been intimate with the Wall family. Said that she had lived well and had taught her children to be Latter-day-saints and that she had died faithful. Advised that her good example be emulated by the children and that they now rally to their father and aid in all ways possible to make his life pleasant.
   "A. Y. Duke spoke of the long acquaintance which has existed between his family and that of Mr. Wall; especially between the two wives; said that Mrs. Wall was always hospitable, well prepared to teach others and had performed her duty in life. Speaker referred to the resurrection when family ties and social ties will be reunited to be severed no more.
   "President E. D. Clyde said that it is always a task for him to speak at a funeral service when sorrow has brought the people together but at such times there is always some consolation in knowing that all are present to help; not one but that would bestow a flower or speak a kind work. Said that there are many things worse than death, especially of one who has lived a faithful life. Her part is done; it is now the turn of those living to do theirs. Said that the members of the family can yet bring smiles to the countenance of the departed mother by righteous living, for if the gospel is true as we bear testimony that it is she still lives and is in a better condition than we who are left are. Speaking to the members of the family he said that the mother and wife is now there to wait for and welcome them and advised that they prepare to meet her in purity.
   "Bishop Crook, who had charge of the services made a few closing remarks. The body was taken to Wallsburg for interment Sunday afternoon."
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Хронология Marcia Ann Wall

28 августа 1857
Utah, United States (США)
27 сентября 1877
Wallsburg, Wasatch County, Utah Territory, United States (США)
1 августа 1881
Wallsburg, Wasatch County, Utah Territory, United States (США)
14 сентября 1883
Wallsburg, Wasatch, Utah, United States (США)
7 октября 1887
Wallsburg, Wasatch County, Utah Territory, United States (США)
7 октября 1889
Wallsburg, Wasatch County, Utah Territory, United States (США)
9 января 1893
Wallsburg, Wasatch County, Utah Territory, United States (США)
15 мая 1895
Wallsburg, Wasatch County, Utah Territory, United States (США)
29 августа 1914
Возраст 57
Wasatch, UT, United States (США)