Historical records matching Martha Manter
Immediate Family
About Martha Manter
- A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England: Showing Three Generations of ... (1861) Vol. III
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- Pg.105
- LOMBARD, LUMBORT, or LUMBART, BENJAMIN, Barnstable, youngest s. of Thomas the first, m. 19 Sept 1672, Jane Warren, prob. d. of Nathaniel, wh. d. 27 Feb. 1683, had Mercy, b. 2 Nov. 1673 ; Benjamin, 27 Sept 1675 ; and Hope, 26 Mar. 1679 ; and he m. 19 Nov. 1685, sec w. Sarah Walker, had Sarah, 29 Oct. 1686; Bathshua, 4 May 1687 ; Mary, 17 June 1688 ; and Samuel, 15 Sept 1691. His w. d. 6 Nov. 1693, and he m. 24 May foll. wid. Hannah Whetstone, had Temperance, 25 May 1695; and Martha, 28 Dec. 1704. BERNARD, s. of Thomas, b. in O. E. took the o. of freem. in Mass. 1 Apr. 1634, when he was, perhaps, of Dorchester, but soon went to Scituate, where he may have been earlier, but with his w. join, the ch. 19 Apr. 1635, thence to Barnstable, with Lothrop, hav. then Joshua, and Mary, bapt. at S. 8 Oct 1637, not 57 as in Geneal. Reg. XII. 249, the former, perhaps, b. in Eng. but at B. where he was ensign 1652, had Martha, bapt. 3 Nov. 1639, not, as in Geneal. Reg. XII. 249, perhaps d. soon, for in Col. Rec. is Martha, b. 19 Sept 1640, tho. we may suspect error in this; and
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- Pg.106
- Jabez, 4 July 1641 ; yet Col. Rec. makes this b. 1 July 1642. When he d. I kn. not, but presume it was aft. 1664. Mr. Hamblen discov. that he was b. 1607 or 8. Mary m. 1 Dec. 1654, George Lewis, jr. ; and Martha m. 1 July 1657, John Martin. DAVID, Springfield 1676, s. of John, had Mary, b. 1677 ; Margaret, 1679 ; Abigail, 1682 ; John, 1685 ; David, 1690; Ebenezer, 1692; and Joseph, 1696; beside two that d. soon; and he d. 17 Aug. 1716. JABEZ, Barnstable, s. of Bernard, m. 1 Dec 1660, Sarah, d. of Martha Derby, had a s. b. 18 Feb. 1662, d. very soon; Eliz. June 1663; Mary, Apr. 1666; Bernard, Apr. 1668; John, Apr. 1670; Matthew, 28 Aug. 1672; Mehitable, Sept 1674; Abigail, Apr. 1677 ; Nathaniel, 1 Aug. 1679 ; and Hepzibah, Dec 1681. JEDEDIAH, Barnstable, s. of Thomas the first, m. 20 May 1668, Hannah Wing, had Jedediah, b. 25 Dec 1669 ; Thomas, 22 June 1671 ; Hannah, Aug. 1673, and Experience, Apr. 1675 or 77. JOHN, Springfield 1646, m. at New Haven, 1 Sept. 1647, Joanna Pritchard, had John, b. 1648, d. at 24 yrs. ; David, 1650, bef. ment ; and Nathaniel, 1654, d. young; and he d. 15 May 1672. This name was at S. writ. Lumbard, as sound. JONATHAN, Barnstable, s. of the first Joshua, m. 11 Dec 1683, Eliz. Eddy, d. perhaps of Zechariah, had Jonathan, b. 20 Nov. 1684; Alice, 19 Oct 1686; Ebenezer, 1 Feb. 1688; and Abigail, 12 July 1691. JOSHUA, Barnstable, s. perhaps of Bernard, prob. b. in Eng. but may be more prob. of Thomas, m. 27 May 1651, Abigail, d. of Robert Linnell, had Abigail, b. 6, bapt 11 Apr. 1652; Mercy, 15 June 1655; Jonathan, 28 Apr. 1657 ; and Joshua, 16 Jan. 1661. JOSHUA, Barnstable, s. prob. of the preced. m. 6 Nov. 1 682, Hopestill Bullock, had Mercy, b. 16 Mar. 1684; Hopestill, 15 Nov. 1686; Joshua, 5 Aug. 1688; Samuel, 1 June 1690; Abigail, 20 Jan. 1692; Mary, 22 Nov. 1697 ; Eliz. 22 Apr. 1700; and Jonathan, 16 Apr. 1703; and d. Oct 1724. RICHARD, Scituate 1640, was of Tenterden, Co. Kent, and went home that yr. says Deane. THOMAS, Dorchester, came, prob. bringing Bernard, and two other ch. in the Mary and John 1630, req. to be made freem. 19 Oct of that yr. and was adm. 18 May foll. rem. in few yrs. perhaps to Scituate first, but to Barnstable by 1640, had Jedediah there, bapt 19 Sept 1641 ; and Benjamin, not 5 (as in Geneal. Reg. XII. 249) but 27 Aug. 1643. That he had other ch. of wh. one or two must have been b. in Eng. is plain eno. from his will of 23 Mar. 1663, in wh. while he names these, he ment. that he formerly gave prop, to s. Barnard; Joshua ; Joseph, b. a. 1638 ; and s.-in-law Edward Colman, wh. m. 27 Oct 1648, his d. Margaret; provides for w. Joyce, and s. Caleb. Perhaps he had, also, younger d. Jemima, wh. may have made a runaway match with Joseph Benjamin at Boston, 10 June 1661 ; and liv. many yrs. aft. her f. at New London. THOMAS, Barnstable, perhaps br.
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- perhaps s. of Bernard, m. 28 Dec. 1665, Eliz. Darby or Derby, had Sarah, b. Dec. 1666; Thomas; Eliz.; Mary; Hannah; Jabez ; Rebecca ; Bethia ; Bathshua ; and Patience, given by Mr. Hamblen from the rec. Geneal. Reg. XII. 249, with so many inconsist dates that we kn. not wh. may be correct. In Col. Rec. we read, "Joseph, Benjamin, and Jeremiah, 10 June 1671," wh. perhaps, means that they d. or were bur. that day at B.
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- Pg.160
- MARSTON, * BENJAMIN, Salem, s. of John, m. Sarah, d. prob. of Hilliard Verin, rep. 1696, was, I presume, f. of Benjamin, H. C. 1689, a man of distinct. EPHRAIM, Hampton, s. of Thomas, m. 19 Feb. 1678, Abigail, d. of John Sanborn, took o. of alleg. 1678, as also did, in the same town, the same yr. ISAAC, JAMES, and WILLIAM, who, perhaps, were his brs. or cous. of wh. ISAAC m. 23 Dec. 1669, Eliz. d. of John Brown, had Caleb, b. 19 July 1672; Abigail, 25 Dec 1673, d. in six mos. ; Eliz. 30 Apr. 1675; Mary, 18 Apr. 1677; Sarah, 6 Nov. 1680; Abigail, again, 7 May 1682; and Bethia, 6 July 1687. JACOB, Andover, m. 7 Apr. 1686, Eliz. Poor, had Jacob, wh. d. 31 Mar. 1688; and John, wh. d.20 Nov. 1700. Prob. Mary, wh. m. 1 Dec 1680, Stephen Parker, was his sis. and possib. Hannah, wh. m. 2 Jan. 1689, Benjamin Barker; and Sarah, wh. m. 24 May 1692, James Bridges, all at Andover, may have been. JAMES, Hampton, s. prob. of Thomas, by w. Dinah Sanborn had Abigail, b. 17 Mar. 1679, wh. m. 5 Aug. 1701, John Prescott of H. and d. 14 Nov. 1762 ; and Ann, 16 Feb. 1681, wh. m. 30 Dec 1702, Nathaniel Prescott, and d. 30 Dec 1761. JOHN, Salem, came 1637, aged 20, as serv. of wid. Mary Moulton, from Ormsby, Co. Norf 'k. was a carpenter, freem. 2 June 1641, had bapt. John, 12 Sept 1641 ; Ephraim, 10 Dec 1643; Manasseh, 7 Sept 1645 ; Sarah, 19 Mar. 1648; Benjamin, 9 Mar. 1651, bef. ment; Hannah,
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- Apr. 1653; Thomas, 11 Oct. 1655; Eliz. 30 Aug. 1657 ; and Abigail, 10 Apr. 1659. He d. 19 Dec 1681, aged 66, says the gr.stone. JOHN, Barnstable, m. 1 July 1657, Martha, d. of Bernard Lombard, had John, b. a. 15 June 1658 ; and George, a. 4 Oct. 1660 ; rem. to Swansey, there, by w. Joan, had Melatiah, 31 Aug. 1673. JOHN, Andover 1667, perhaps was f. of Jacob, and Mary, Hannah, and Sarah, above ment. and of John ; but means of certainty are beyond our reach, and all we know is that he had w. Martha, was freem. 1691, and that his d. Sarah m. 24 May 1692, James Bridges of A. JOHN, Salem, prob. s. of the first John, had w. Mary, wh. d. 25 May 1686, aged 43, by the inscript on the gr.stone; but I kn. no more of him, than that he was freem. 1671. JOHN, Andover, prob. s. of John of the same, m. 28 May 1689, Mary Osgood, d. of Christopher, had John, wh. d. 25 Jan. 1694 ; John, again, 13 May 1699 ; and, perhaps, others. His w. d. 5 Apr. 1700, hav. suffer. in the delus. of 1692, imprisonm. as a witch. * MANASSEH, Salem, br. of Benjamin, was a blacksmith ; freem. 1677 ; capt. rep. 1691, d. 1705. ROBERT, Hampton 1636. * THOMAS, Salem 1636, freem. 2 June 1641, rem. to Hampton as one of the first sett, was h. of Mary, d. of William Estow of H. and prob. f. of Ephraim, perhaps of Isaac, James and William, as well as of Mary, wh. m. 1 Jan. 1681, the sec. William Sanborn, unless one or more were ch. of William; rep. 1677. WILLIAM, Salem 1637, perhaps br. of Thomas, had gr. of Id. that yr. but was of Hampton 1640, and back to S. in few yrs. had there bapt. Hannah, Sarah, and Eliz. all on 10 Apr. 1659; Deliverance, Aug. 1663 ; rem. to Newbury, yet prob. for short time, and so to Hampton, again, where he was freem. 1666 ; there d. 30 June 1672, acc. Coffin, who says his w. was Sabina, d. of Robert Page, and that he lefl five ch. Thomas, William, John, Tryphena, and Prudence Cox. WILLIAM, Hampton, s. of the preced. m. Rebecca Page, had Mary, wh. m. 6 Mar. 1695, James Prescott.
- MARTIN, ABRAHAM, Hingham 1635, a weaver, at Rehoboth 1643. His will was pro. 9 Sept. 1669. AMBROSE, Weymouth 1638, Concord 1639, had Joseph, b. 8 Nov. 1640 ; and Sarah, 27 Oct. 1642. Winth. I. 289. ANTHONY, Middletown, m. 10 or 11 Mar. 1661, Mary, d. of Richard Hall, had Mary, b. 1 Jan. foll. d. soon; John, 17 Mar. 1663; Mary, Mar. 1667; and Eliz. 3 Aug. 1671; and d. 16 Nov. 1673, leav. wid. CHARLES, York, 1680, sw. alleg. next yr. CHRISTOPHER, Plymouth, a pilgr. of the Mayflower, was of Billericay, in Co. Essex, came with w. two serv. Solomon Prower, and John Langemore. All d. shortly, the serv. Solomon bef. land. 24 Dec. 1620, and the h. 8 Jan. foll. EDWARD, Boston 1679. EMANUEL, Salem, sign, petitn. against imposts, 1668. GEORGE, Salisbury, blacksmith, by w. Hannah, wh. d. soon, had.
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- Pg.162
- Hannah, b. 1 Feb. 1644; m. 11 Aug. 1646, sec. w. Susanna, d. of Richard North, had Richard, 29 June 1647; George, 21 Oct 1648; John, 26 Jan. 1651 ; Esther, 7 Apr. 1653; John, again, 2 Nov. 1656;. Abigail, 10 Sept. 1659 ; William, 11 Dec. 1662, d. very soon; and Samuel, 29 Sept. 1667. Hannah m. 4 Dec. 1661, Ezekiel Worthen ; and Esther m. 15 Mar. 1670, John Jameson. ISAAC, Rehoboth 1643. JOHN, Charlestown 1638, freem. 13 May 1640, by w. Rebecca had Sarah, bapt 9 Sept. 1639; Mary, 14 Mar. 1641 ; John, 1 May 1642 ; and by w. Sarah had Mehitable, b. 1 Oct 1643. JOHN, Dover 1648, of the gr. jury 1654, m. Esther, d. of Thomas Roberts, was freem. 1666, but in 1673 was in Jersey. JOHN, Barnstable, m. 1 July 1657, Martha d. of Bernard Lombard, had John, b. June 1658; George, Oct 1660; and Desire, 1 Jan. 1663. He rem. to Martha's Vineyard. JOHN, Chelmsford, freem. 1665. JOHN, Marblehead 1674. JOHN, Swansey, had John, b. 15 Mar. 1675, and the Col. Rec. transcr. of Swansey rec. gives him by w. Joan, d. Joanna, 15 Feb. 1683. JOHN, Rehoboth, m. 27 June 1681, Mercy Billington, d. of Francis, as I infer, had John, b. 10 June 1682; Robert, 9 Sept 1683. JOHN, Middletown, s. prob. of Anthony, had w. Eliz. wh. d. 26 July 1718. His ch. were John, wh. d. young, 14 Mar. 1687; Nathaniel, b. 17 Mar. 1688; Eliz. 24 Sept 1689; John, 4 Apr. 1692; Ebenezer, July 1694; Daniel, Oct 1697; Hannah, 23 May 1699 ; and Mary, 31 May 1701. JONATHAN, Farmer, in MS. says, was of New Hampsh. and freem. 1668, of wh. I find not the evid. MICHAEL, Boston, mariner, m. 12 Sept 1656, Susanna, d. of Mr. Edward Holyoke of that pt. of Boston call. Rumney marsh. RICHARD, Casco 1646, m. a wid. Atwell, perhaps was of Scarborough, freem. 1658, d. early in 1673, his will of 11 Jan. being pro., in Apr. of that yr. In it he teaches us that he had w. Dorothy, s.-in-law Robert Corbin and his w. Lydia, and gives to Benjamin Atwell, wh. prob. had m. ano. d. perhaps dec. for he also gives to gr.ch. Joseph Atwell, and this Joseph, in 1679, then only eight yrs. old, is call. only heir. He brot. from Eng. two ds. of wh. Lydia m. Robert Corbin, and possib. the other was Mary, execut. at the age of 22, in Boston, for murder of her illegit. ch. as told in Winth. II. 302. See also, Willis, I. 134. RICHARD, Boston, merch. m. 1 Feb. 1654, Sarah, d. of John Tuttle of the same, had Mary, b. 7 June 1655; Sarah, 2 July 1657; and m. a. 1660, sec w. Eliz. d. of John Gay of Dedham, had John, b. 2 Aug. 1661 ; Richard, 24 Mar. 1663 ; Eliz. and Mary, tw. 15 Apr. 1665, perhaps both d. ; Eliz. again, 25 July 1667 ; Abigail, 14 Nov. 1669; and a posthum. ch. Lydia, 8 Feb. 1672. He d. betw. 19 July, the date of a deed to serve for his will, and 6 Nov. 1671, when admin, was giv. to his w. Perhaps he came in the Elizabeth and Ann, from London, 1635, aged 12, and may have
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- Pg.163
- been br. of John of B. RICHARD, Charlestown, a capt d. 2 Nov. 1694, aged 62, and his wid. Eliz. d. 7 Jan. 1726, aged 84, say the gr.stones; but he had prob. not liv. there most of his days, for the list of house-holders in 1678, Frothingham, 183, tho. it gives the prefix of respect, tells not the bapt name, but indicates barely Mr. Martin's, and there is reason to think it did not mean either John's or Thomas's, and Coffin authorizes the conject. that he was of Newbury, had Richard, b. 8 Jan. 1674. A former w. Eliz. d. 6 Oct 1689 ; and the sec. m. 28 Nov. foll, was wid. of Joshua Edmonds. ROBERT, freem. of Mass. 13 May 1640, was, perhaps, of Weymouth then, soon rem. to Rehoboth 1643, and Swansey. ROBERT, New Haven, had Mary, bapt. perhaps 24 May 1646 ; John, 28 May 1648 ; and Stephen, perhaps 13 May 1652, but for the first and last wrong days are giv. in the rec. of ch. Geneal. Reg. IX. 361. SAMUEL, Wethersfield 1646, went to New Haven, and m. the wid. Bracey, but this may have been bef. his perman. sett, at W. at least in the ch. seating 11 Mar. 1647, at N. H. br. and sis. M. are ment. Her name was Phebe, d. of Mr. Bisby of London, who provid. for her and ch. buying est. at W. He had s. Samuel ; and, perhaps, Richard ; went to London 1652, soon ret. serv. in Philip's war as a lieut. and in Oct. 1677, had a gr. of 50 acres "to him and his heirs forever, prohibit. him the sale of the same, or any alienation thereof from his heirs," showing us that his courage was valued higher than his thrift. He d. 15 Sept. 1683. SAMUEL, Andover, m. 30 Mar. 1676, Abigail Norton, had Samuel, wh. d. 1 Feb. 1683 ; was an ens. and d. 16 Nov. 1696. SOLOMON, Gloucester, ship-carpenter, came in the James, I presume, 1635, from London, aged 16, m. 21 Mar. 1643, Mary, d. of Henry Pindar, had Samuel, b. 16 Apr. 1645 ; and Mary, 9 Jan. 1648. His w. d. 9 Feb. foll, and he m. 18 June next, wid. Alice Varnum of Ipswich, perhaps rem. to Andover, at least sold his G. est in Mar. 1651, and next yr. was freem. of A. THOMAS, Charlestown 1638, freem. 22 May 1639, perhaps rem. to Cambridge, there by w. Alice Ellet, m. 1 June 1650, had Abigail, b. 22 Aug. 1653 ; may have been of New London 1666, hav. prefix of respect, at least was not householder at Charlestown 1658. THOMAS, Boston, mariner, m. 1670, Rachel, d. of John Farnham. THOMAS, Marlborough 1675, freem. 1690. WILLIAM, Reading 1641, one of the earliest selectmen, freem. 1653, perhaps rem. to Groton, there d. 23 Mar. 1673, his w. Mary, wh. had been wid. Lakin, hav. d. 14 Aug. 1669, made provis. of his will dated 6 Mar. bef. pro. 1 Apr. aft. more liberal. To his w's. ch. William and John Lakin, to the ch. of William L. and to sis. Allen and her childr. exc Hannah, are bequests, to three neighbs. release of debts, and £10. is giv. to the town for purch. of a bell for the meeting-house. Fifteen of this name, says
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- Pg.164
- Farmer, MS. had, in 1834, been gr. at the coll. of N. E. but as at Harv. was none, I think he may have includ. those who spell, the last syl. with y, two being early at Harv. with this form, as very oft. in some rec. are the preced. found. Uniform use of that letter prob. belongs only to the New Hampsh. family.
From Findagrave.com:
Martha Lumbert, daughter of Ensign Barnard Lumbert and his unnamed wife. She was born September19, 1639 at Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony and baptized there November 2, 1639 by Rev. John Lothrop. Martha's actual birth record in the Barnstable town records says she was born Sept. 19, 1640, but as one cannot be baptized before one is born, the year 1640 is an obvious error.
Martha died prior to September 12, 1698, the date of her husband John Manter's will, in which he makes no mention of or provision for her. His will was probated at Tisbury, Massachusetts Bay Colony on May 25, 1708, and again contains no mention of her. Thus it must be presumed that Martha was already dead when her husband wrote his will, not as Banks claimed that she survived her husband and died at Tisbury Oct. 3, 1724. Banks obviously confused the still standing gravestone of Hannah (Eddy) Manter, who died Oct. 4, 1724 at Tisbury, wife of Martha's son Ensign John Manter, Jr., with being that of Martha (Lumbert) Manter.
On July 1, 1657 of record at Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony, Martha married John Manton [i.e., Manter] by whom she had eight known children who are summarized in their father's memorial.
Martha is traditionally assumed to have been interred at the present West Tisbury Village Cemetery, but has no extant gravestone, if she had one to begin with.
Martha Manter's Timeline
1639 |
October 2, 1639
Barnstable, Barnstable, Mass
October 2, 1639
Barnstable, Barnstable, Massachusetts, USA
1640 |
September 19, 1640
Barnstable, Barnstable County, Massachusetts Bay Colony, (present USA)
1658 |
June 1658
Tisbury, Dukes, Massachusetts, USA
1660 |
October 1660
Tisbury, Dukes, Massachusetts, USA
1662 |
January 1, 1662
Tisbury, Martha's Vineyard
Tisbury, Martha's Vineyard
1668 |
Falmouth, Cape Cod, Plymouth Colony
1671 |
August 29, 1671
West Tisbury, Dukes County, Massachusetts, United States