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Nimrod Jordan

Дата рождения:
Место рождения: Northampton, North Carolina, United States (США)
Смерть: 08 января 1781 (34-35)
Aiken, Barnwell, South Carolina, United States
Ближайшие родственники:

Сын Arthur Reuben Jordan и Elizabeth Ann Jordan
Брат Sarah Neal; Penelope Jane Jordan; Thomas Jordan, The Elder; Turner Jordan; Martha Ann Moss и ещё 7

Менеджер: Jill Chesler
Последнее обновление:

About Nimrod Jordan


"Arthur Jordan's will was dated 15 December 1792 and recorded in August of 1793 in Granville County.He named his wife Elizabeth W. Jordan.He gave her 1/3 of his manor plantation, a slave for life, what she had before her marriage, 6 cows, and a horse, saddle and bridle.To son Thomas, Arthur gave the other 2/3 of his home plantation.To each daughter Sarah Neal and Elizabeth Daniel, he gave a slave.To daughters Martha, Penelope, Jane, and Charlotte, he gave the rest.To son Nimrod Jordan, he gave a mare and horse.Arthur named his wife and sons Marcellus and Thomas as executors along with William King (probable step son).Witnesses were William Gilliam and William King "

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Хронология Nimrod Jordan

Northampton, North Carolina, United States (США)
8 января 1781
Возраст 35
Aiken, Barnwell, South Carolina, United States