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Orpha Stebbins (Newbury)

Дата рождения:
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Дочь Samuel Newbury и Tamasin [or Thomasin] Bishop
Жена [Mr.] Stebbins
Сестра Rev. Samuel Newbury; Susanna Newbury; John Newbury; Rev. Thomas J. Newbury и Eunice Gibbs

Менеджер: Private User
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About Orpha Stebbins

In the early 1830s, Orpha Newbury, before her marriage to Mr. Stebbins, lived at Cleveland, Ohio. This information is found in an account of a relative who visited her at that time.

"When we reached Buffalo we expected to cross Lake Erie, but the captain of the boat would not take the horse and buggy on board, so we were obliged to keep on our way, and trot around the lake to Cleveland to where your father had a sister living — Orpha — afterwards Mrs. Stebbins. We stayed a day, then went for a little visit to your father’s parents and sister Eunice, Mrs. Gibbs, who lived not far away."

Source: Jeanette Ames Rice (Sergeant), Tales That Have the Rime of Age. 1883. Jeanette addressed this text in a memoir she addressed to her niece, Frances Bagley (Newbury). Jeanette was a sister to Mary Ann Sergeant. Mary Ann was Frances's mother, and the wife of Rev. Samuel Newbury — Orpha's brother. In this passage, Jeanette is in the midst of describing the trip she made with Rev. Samuel Newbury from Jeanette's home in Berkshire County, Massachusetts, to the place in southeastern Ohio, where the Rev. was a Presbyterian missionary to the pioneering settlers to the west.

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Хронология Orpha Stebbins