Perel Horodenker, [Breslaver sister]

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Perel Horodenker, [Breslaver sister]

Hebrew: מרת פרלה רוזנברג (הורדנקר), אחות הברסלבר, Yiddish: מרת פערלה ראזענבערג (האראדענקער), ברעסלאוור שוועסטער
Birthplace: Medzhybizh, Khmel'nyts'ka oblast, Ukraine
Death: after circa 1822
Safed, Tzfat, North District, Israel
Place of Burial: Safed, Israel
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Rabbi Simcha Horodenker, [of Horodenka] and Feiga Horodenker, [the Prophetess]
Wife of Private and Pinchas Meir Zyadger, of Tzfat (Safed)
Ex-wife of Yechiel Tzvi Siedger
Mother of Baila Zavidka -Zyadger Rosenberg and Sima Zyadger
Sister of Yechiel Tzvi Horodenker, [Breslaver brother]; Reb Nachman Horodenker, of Breslav and Rabbi Yisrael "Der Toiter" Hordenker, [Breslaver brother]

Managed by: Yigal Burstein
Last Updated:

About Perel Horodenker, [Breslaver sister]

Rabbi Nachman's sister, was the only daughter of Rabbi Simcha and Feiga. Perel was highly regarded by Rabbi Baruch and Rabbi Ephraim and she was the one who tried to restore peace when a dispute developed between Rabbi Nachman and her uncle, Rabbi Baruch of Medzeboz.

Perel's first marriage ended in divorce. The Rebbe advised his sister to leave her husband, who was not a well man. She later married Rabbi Pinchas Meir.

Perel lived in Chmelnick before moving to Eretz Yisroel. When Rabbi Nathan visited Safed in 1822, he met the Rebbe's sister who had recently been widowed from her second husband.

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Perel Horodenker, [Breslaver sister]'s Timeline

Medzhybizh, Khmel'nyts'ka oblast, Ukraine
Age 47
Safed, Tzfat, North District, Israel
Medzhybizh, Khmel'nyts'ka oblast, Ukraine
Safed, Israel
Safed, Israel