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Perfecto Rodriguez

Ближайшие родственники:

Сын Perfecto Rodriguez и Ignacia Guerra Rodriguez
Брат Clelia Rodriguez Garcia; Aminta RodriguezBertani; Humberto Rodriguez; Josefina (Pepa) Rodriguez Pena и Federico Rodriguez
Неполнородный брат Leopoldo G. Rodriguez

Менеджер: Private User
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Хронология Perfecto Rodriguez


Perfecto committed suicide. It is said that he stood on the bridge gave his hat to someone and threw himself into the riiver. No one knows why. Some think that iit was because of someone he loved and was rejected. It took 8 days to find his body. Meanwhile Herminia ,Leopoldo's wife ,was at Mama Nacha's house preparing food for everyone there during those 8 days..After the funeral,Herminia lead the rosary there at Mama Nacha's house for 9 days as was the custom.