Historical records matching Peter Mallory, of the New Haven Colony
Immediate Family
About Peter Mallory, of the New Haven Colony
THIS Peter Mallory is NOT the son of Rafe Mallory and Grace Neale.
(The Peter Mallory who was the son of Rafe and Grace is accounted for elsewhere. He never left England.)
He was [NOT] born at Shelton Manor and [NOT] descended from the Papworth St. Agnes Mallorys [who belong to the same family as the Studley Mallorys].... There are people who very badly want him to be from the Wessyington household, so badly that they would go as far as falsifying documents. [The Wessyngton line that led to George Washington was a collateral branch that moved down into the Midlands.]
Y-DNA analysis has some interesting things to say about who is descended from whom:
Five lines of descendants clearly indicate that he belonged to Y-DNA haplotype R1b1a2 (R-M269). This does not match the "main" Mallory type (I-M253), at all. It does match, but not exactly, a line descending from a George Mallorie (b. before 1619) of Kilham, East Yorkshire, suggesting that George was a collateral (2nd-4th or so) cousin. George's parentage is not known either.
Said to have arrived in Boston circa 1635 as a lad of fourteen (which would have him born c. 1621 - he would have had to be at least 21 in 1644). His antecedents are nowhere recorded, but he cannot have belonged to the Studley Mallorys (because Roger Mallory of Virginia did, and Roger was haplotype I1 per seven or eight tested lines).
"Peter Mallory signed the planter's covenant at New Haven, Conn., 1644. The name is variously spelled in the early records there as Mallery, Malery, Mallary, Malary, Mallorye, Mallory and Malory, but in later years it most frequently appears as "Mallory".
The wife of Peter Mallory united with the first church of New Haven in 1633. On Jan. 2, 1687, Peter Mallery of New Haven, planter, gives land to his son Peter, "whereoff I the said Pater Mallary with Mary my wife have hereunto put our hands and seal", both signing by mark, his mark consisting of his initials P. M. , a step higher than signing with a simple cross. New Haven land records, col 1, p. 370. This Mary was probably the only wife he ever had. His home lot and most of his land was near the Milford town line at a place commonly called West Side Farms, now West Haven, in the town of Orange.
The deed to his son John, dated March 25, 1687, was of 'land lieing within New Haven township on the west river at the West farms, containing one acre and half, bounded by the highway that runneth from the Oyster point on the north, on the East by land of John clark, on the south by land belonging to my son Thomas Mallery, on the west by a path that runneth between it and my other land whereon I dwell'. New Haven land records, vol. 1, p. 339. That he was a large land owner is evidenced by numerous deeds on record in vol. 1. He repeatedly gave land to his sons John, Peter and Thomas. He also gave land 'by way of portion in part with my loving daughter Rebecca Bun nell, to my loving soon-in-law Benjamin Bunnell,"dated July 2, 1684, and to his 'daughter-in-law Mary Mallery widow, relict of Thomas Mallery, my son lately deceased, during the nonage of her son Thomas" with the proviso that if he died before he is twenty-one, then it shall go to her son Daniel at lawful age, and if he die then to her son Aaron, and if they three all die then "it be and remain unto my said daughter, Signed with consent of my son Peter Jr." April 28, 1691.
On August 30, 1697, he deeded all his "estate undisposed of moveable, real or personal, to his son Peter Husbandman and son John cordwainer" in consideration of life support . Vol. 1, p. 729 this deed and one or two others about the same date are signed by a simple P instead of P.M., his usual mark. He was undoubtedly in feeble health and perhaps had been feeble for many years. In the County Court Records, vol.1, p. 45, Move . 8, 1671, we find "This court upon ye allegations p(r)esented on behalf of Peter Mallory Sen(r) for freedom from training doth free him from ye sd service."
He died after Aug 30, 1697, when he disposed of the balance of his property, and before November 24, 1697, when he disposed of the balance of his property, and before November 24, 1701, when John Malary conveys to John Smith "land belonging to y(e) heirs of Thomas Malary***leading down to y(e) dwelling house formerly belonging to Peter Malary my deceased father." New Haven land records, vol. 2, p. 53. (from James Shepard, New Britain, Conn)"
Analysis of names. Although it’s often mentioned that Peter is the son of Rafe and Grace (Neal) Mallory, that’s unlikely. Rafe and Grace apparently had children named Francis, Thomas, Matthias, and Anne, none of Peter’s children or grandchildren are named Rafe, Grace, Francis, or Mathias. One son is named Thomas, and the only grandchildren named Anne are named after a mother or grandmother. Furthermore, the eldest sons and daughters of Peter’s children Peter, Thomas, John, Joseph, and Rebecca are all named after their parents, and later children of Peter’s children Mary and William are named after their parents. Also, two of Peter’s grandsons (besides his son Peter’s son) are named Peter, and one of his granddaughters (besides his daughter Mary’s daughter) are named Mary. Among the names common to Peter’s children and grandchildren that are unaccounted for are John, Daniel, Benjamin, Rebecca, Judith, and Abigail.
He was a signer of the New Haven Covenant.
He appears to have come to America at the age of 8yrs and lived with the Preston family for a time until marrying Mary Preston in around 1648. Records show that he was made a freeman in the N.H. colony in 1638.
Peter was born about 1630. Peter Mallory ... He passed away about 1690. [1]
"Peter Mallory [2] signed the planters' covenant at New Haven, Conn., 1644." Actually, his name was added to the covenant in 1644, indicating that he had recently arrived. The original covenant was drawn up in 1639. See New Haven Town Plan Name: Peter Mallory Father: Rafe Mallory Mother: Grace Neal Birth Date: 1627 City: Chesham County: Bucks Country: Beds
Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900sabout Peter Mallory Name: Peter Mallory Year: 1635 Place: Massachusetts Source Publication Code: 1262 Primary Immigrant: Mallory, Peter
U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900about Mary Preston Name: Mary Preston Gender: Female Birth Place: Bu Birth Year: 1629 Spouse: Name Peter Mallory Spouse: Birth Year 1627 Marriage: Year 1648 Marriage: State Fa Number: Pages 1
Deaths about Peter Mallory Name: Peter Mallory Death Date: 30 Aug 1698 City: Fairfield County: Fairfield State: CT Country: USA
Buckinghamshire, England, Extracted Parish Records about Mary William Elizab: Preston Text: Mary daughter of William and Elizab: Preston 13 Dec 1629 Book: Baptized (Baptism) Collection: Buckinghamshire: Chesham - Parish Register, 1538-1636
- Residence: USA
- Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy: Nov 25 2019, 19:51:41 UTC
Peter Mallory, of the New Haven Colony's Timeline
1610 |
Possibly Kilham, East Riding of Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom
1617 |
Age 7
Cotton End, Northamptonshire, England, United Kingdom
1628 |
December 13, 1628
Age 18
Shelton, Bedfordshire, England
1648 |
March 18, 1648
New Haven, New Haven Colony, (Present Connecticut)
1650 |
Waterbury, New Haven Colony
1652 |
Milford,New Haven,Connecticut, United States
1653 |
July 27, 1653
Quinnipiac, Wallingford, New Haven Colony, Connecticut, British Colonial America